
Joint Pains (Arthritis and Rheumatism)

 Various types of arthritis and rheumatism are described under the

Abrotanum                                  Eupatorium
Actaea Racemosa                        Guaiacum
Agnus Castus                              Kali Carb
Apis                                            Lachesis
Apocynum                                  Lactic Acid
Argentum Metallicum                   Ledum
Arnica                                         Medorrhinum
Belladonna                                  Mercurius
Benzoicum Acidum                     Natrum Sulph
Berberis                                       Phytolacca
Bryonia                                        Pulsatilla
Calcarea Carb                              Rhus Tox
Caulophyllum                              Sabina
Causticum                                    Sulphur

During the study of the above, the reader will also find the discourse on
these diseases and their treatment using other remedies also.