
Diseases of the Bones

 Among the serious diseases of the bone are bone cancer and tuberculosis of the bones. Besides them, some serious diseases can also inflict deep and long lasting damage to the bone, such as typhoid and polio. The treatment of some bone diseases is very difficult though not impossible.

The structural abnormalities of the bones of a congenital nature, such as dwarfism and brittle bones need the right treatment and patience.  Under the following chapters, necessary references will be found concerning these diseases and their suggested treatment:

Argentum                          Metallicum Medorrhinum
Aurum                               Mercurius
Asafoetida                         Nitric Acid
Baryta Carb                        Phosphorus
Bryonia                              Pulsatilla
Calc. Carb                           Ruta
Calcarea Fluor                    Sepia
Calcarea Phos                      Silicea
Eupatorium                         Staphysagria

After studying these chapters, one would come to know the other
remedies. This would prove very useful.