
Prostate Gland

 Enlargement of the prostate gland results in some distinct urinary symptoms and, at times, sexual weakness. The patient cannot completely empty his bladder. The urine stream becomes very weak and lacks full force. This may lead to interruption of flow. Soon after passing water, the patient feels like passing urine again. The frequency of urination is increased gradually, and the interval between urination is decreased. Sometimes, the interval is half an hour or less.  The quantity becomes less and the patient is not relieved completely.  Frequent urination is not always necessarily due to the enlargement of the prostate but if it is, the treatment should be as follows.  If the frequency is considered to be due to the suppressed gonorrhoea, then it should be treated with Thuja. Start in a low potency and then gradually increase to CM potency. Thuja also affects the Prostate Gland. It allays the burning sensation in the urethra. Therefore, this should be considered the first remedy. Among other illnesses reminiscent of Thuja, Asthma is the most prominent. Similarly, the presence of skin warts indicates Thuja. The peculiar symptoms of Thuja include the burning sensation in the urethra with frequency of urination. Another specific symptom is the splitting of the urine stream into two, becoming one again on straining.  The other homoeopathic treatment for enlarged prostate is Silicea.  Potency CM works the best. The only condition is that the patient is of cold constitution, and that the limbs feel very cold. Silicea works equally well on the cancer of the prostate and the bladder. Two to three doses of Silicea CM at intervals of seven to ten days, by God’s grace, will be found significantly effective.  Another good remedy for an enlarged prostate is Clematis. It happens to work on the right-sided diseases, affecting for example, the right limb, the right testis and the right ureter (the channel carrying urine from the kidney to the bladder). The patient is always restless and wakes up to pass urine again and again. Severe thirst can be quenched with cold water. Clematis offers only temporary relief of the urinary symptoms, but does not cure them. It simply decreases the frequency.

Instead of going to the lavatory every few minutes, the patient go to the lavatory every two hours or so. Still the feeling of passing urine may be very pressing. The patient has to run to the lavatory. It is thus necessary that the physician should look for other remedies besides Clematis, to uproot the disease.With the use of Clematis, it has been observed that the patient starts passing urine freely, though frequently. It shows that the urine problem was not due to the prostate, rather it was due to a kidney or bladder infection. Clematis cannot cure the symptoms due to the prostatic obstruction.

Urinary problems in general are not always easily understood. The symptoms have to be analysed and properly evaluated before suggesting the appropriate remedies. The few distinctive symptoms should be well understood and remembered. It is not necessary that every remedy would prove effective. This is why it is very difficult to find the correct remedy. It is important to know the distinctive features of the illness. Otherwise, it is impossible for the physician to recognise the remedy for every illness.

Sometimes, the patient passes foul-smelling thick turbid urine indicative of an infection in urogenital tract i.e. the kidney, bladder, urethra, testes and uterus. Treatment should be started promptly and continued long enough to control the infection. The remedies most appropriate for this condition are: Thuja, Sulphur, Pyrogenium, Psorinum, Ferrum Phos, Silicea, Arsenic Album, Conium, Cannabis Indica, Phosphorus, Merc Cor, Sabal Serrulata, Staphysagria and Chimaphila. During the study of all these remedies, more may be found cross referenced, e.g. Medorrhinum etc.