

 Potassium Phosphate is an important element found in the secretions of the human body and glands. In the brain, nerves, muscles and blood especially, its mere presence is not enough, rather, it has to be in a state of equilibrium. It plays an essential, prominent role in the development of human life. While its deficiency causes numerous neurological and mental disorders, its excess, too, is sometimes extremely lethal. Its chemical name is Potassium Phosphate, though in homoeopathy it is known as Kali Phos.

Kali Phos is a renowned nerve tonic. It is an antipsoric remedy, meaning that it is effective against skin conditions which, when forcefully suppressed, can inflict the inner linings of the body and the nervous system. Though homoeopaths classify it as antipsoric, yet it is mainly related to the nerves. By nature it gives strength to the nerves and on the same basis, it has antipsoric effects. For example, if any illness remains suppressed due to the weakness of the nerves, and the body is too weak to expel it, Kali Phos will throw it out on the skin.

Kali Phos works on the brain, the nerves and the blood. It is surprisingly effective in the treatment of mental and physical fatigue.  It is useful for the treatment of ailments resulting from anxiety, confusion, overwork and mental anguish. By nature, a patient of Kali Phos is lazy and fearful. He feels nervous to meet people, loses his memory and becomes indifferent to his work.  In Kali Phos ailments become aggravated by resting in the cold and humid weather. These symptoms are also seen in Rhus Tox, but in Rhus Tox the patient tosses and turns all night because of the increasing discomfort. Whereas, in Kali Phos, the sufferings build up all night and then forcefully express themselves in the morning when the patient wakes up. So the discomfort is at its peak in the morning and then gradually abates. The gradual increment of the disease is an important sign of Kali Phos. In a patient of Rhus Tox, the discomfort is worst at the onset of movement and gradually improves on walking.

A patient of Kali Phos gets relieved with slow movement. Like Rhus Tox, there is a tingling and numbness of the hands and feet as well as the flaccidity of the muscles. All kinds of body excretions have a foul odour in Kali Phos. In Rhus Tox, however, there is no such foul odour. Rhus glaba and foul odour are very deeply related. Many antipsoric medicines are used for treating the foul smelling secretions of the armpits (due to the infected sebaceous glands in the axilla). But Rhus Glabra in potency 3X or 6X and Kali Phos in 6X are extremely effective when given together. Kali Phos is also deeply related to foul smell.

Kali Phos is also very useful in the treatment of gangrene. In the allopathic system, the treatment of infected indolent ulcers that become necrotic and gangrenous is amputation. But amputation is usually performed through a healthy area of good circulation, well above the gangrenous area. In many such patients, I have successfully obviated the need for amputation with the use of Kali Phos and Silicea.

Allah, the Almighty has created a very elaborate immune system in our body against diseases. The cure is not obtainable without these antibodies. When a disease has knocked down the body defence to the extent that it cannot react any more, any amount of antibiotics given will be ineffective because body can no longer react. Similarly, in the case of gangrene, the immune system of the body is completely damaged. Kali Phos revives the immune system and empowers the tissues to defend. Consequently, the body starts defending itself against the gangrenous process. Silicea also works well once the tissues become strong again.
Kali Phos is also useful in the treatment of inflamed lymph glands.

Sometimes the glands become inflamed on both sides of the neck.  This also happens in the case of tuberculosis and cancer. In these patients, Silicea alone can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, many other medicines are given before or along with Silicea. One of them is definitely Kali Phos. Kali Phos streamlines the reaction of the body towards Silicea. In my opinion, this method is very effective. It is also possible to give Kali Phos before Silicea and prepare the patient for proper reaction. In this situation, it is better to give Kali Phos 1000 and wait for a few days. Sometimes this alone produces miraculous results, and a single dose starts decreasing the size of the lymph nodes. At this time, we do not even need to give Silicea.

Another dose of Kali Phos can be repeated after eight to ten days. As long as the size of the lymph nodes is reducing, we do not need to add another medicine. Kali Phos is not only effective in the treatment of
superficial glands, but it also affects the glands of the internal organs and uterus. When the glands look like they are transforming into cancer, Kali Phos must be kept in mind because of its beneficial effect
on the healing of cancerous ulcers. Kali Phos resembles Agaricus to some extent. The twitching of the muscles of the face may require Kali Phos, Agaricus or similar medicines.

Kali Phos, like Ambra Grisea, is also useful to alleviate the ill

effects of a serious accident or a bad news. The development of such a mental shock is an important sign of Kali Phos. Kali Carb is the best remedy for any gastric or heart ailment resulting from sad news. Natrum Mur is also useful for the mental disturbance consequent upon sad news. Sad news or grief due to shock does not affect everybody uniformly. In Kali Phos, sudden shocking news afflicts the mind and the patient suffers from sadness and weakness for a long, long time. In a patient of Natrum Mur, the grief results in insanity. Kali Phos is very useful in the treatment of mental stress and severe fatigue. My late father had a prescription devised for nervous weakness and this should be remembered i.e. Kali Phos 6X and Calcaria Phos 6X, Mag Phos 6X, combined and taken two to three times a day. This can relieve all kinds of nervous exhaustions.  In Kali Phos, the memory can be affected temporarily without the narrowing of the blood vessels of the brain. This is not permanent. While someone is seriously thinking over a particular matter and then suddenly his attention gets diverted to another focus, he fails to recall the desired name or word that he is looking for. The reason is that the mind, being busy in another thought does not concentrate on the new
thought immediately. This is due to the mental stress and not due to arteriosclerosis (narrowing of the cerebral blood vessels). Besides Kali Phos, Caladium is very useful in the treatment of this transient
ailment. In Kali Phos, the patient may feel dizzy suddenly, reminding one of Bryonia. The dizziness on sudden standing up, lowering of the head or movement of the head from side to side is a sign of Kali Phos, Bryonia and many other homoeopathic remedies. Nux Vomica is also very good for the treatment of dizziness. Sometimes the head feels heavy and there is loss of balance and unsteadiness on walking. Movement of the head leads to the sensation of vertigo. Similarly, when the distension of the abdomen suddenly jolts the stomach, this movement can also lead to unsteadiness and dizziness. In this situation, Nux Vomica works immediately and effectively. If the dizziness is only because of nervous exhaustion, Kali Phos should
be the top priority. 

If any ailment is aggravated by motion and there is dizziness during travelling, both Cocculus and Bryonia are useful. When unsteady, the patient of Kali Phos tends to fall forwards. Some just tend to bend backwards. This tendency of theirs to bend back, sometimes changes to the tendency to fall forwards. The patient of Kali Phos is in general very intelligent and adapts to bending forwards for the fear of falling backwards, which results in a forward fall.

In the neurogenic pains of the face (trigeminal neuralgia), besides Kali Phos, Phosphorus, Silicea, Spigelia and Magnesium Phos are also very useful. Mag Phos is also deeply related to the nerves. For the treatment of restlessness and muscular cramping, it is more useful, compared to Kali Phos. Kali Phos is also associated with tonic contractions of the muscles, which it relieves in homoeopathic and biochemic forms. The convulsions of Kali Phos are usually related to the lower parts of the body, namely the thighs, calves and feet. The muscular spasms of Mag Phos are more generalised and can affect the intestines as well. Kali Phos also works well on the infections of the kidneys. In Mag Phos, in addition to the hyperexcitability, there may be other factors that lead to violent muscle spasms.  In typhoid, deep ulcers form inside the mouth. The tongue looks filthy and smells foul. These signs are also seen in Kali Phos. Lack of body immunity leads to the spread of toxins into the blood, sepsis, and oral thrush (fungal infection of the tongue). Another sign of Kali Phos is that the patient feels hungry but does not want to eat anything.  This is common in very sensitive types of people. Slim, skinny boys and girls, who are over-sensitive and are teased by others, react against food, refusing to eat important nutrients. These children become anorexic because of hypersensitivity. Kali Phos is the best remedy for such children. Initially, it should be given in potency 6X.  After it has shown some beneficial effect, another dose in high potency will show surprisingly good results. For the anorexia, due to a stomach or liver disorder, Nux Vomica is the best. The effect of Nux Vomica on sleep is similar to that of Kali Phos. Nux Vomica is useful in treating the insomnia and restlessness arising from drinking tea or coffee, but in case of insomnia due to nervousness and anxiety, Kali Phos should be used
The patients of Kali Phos and Arsenic are usually very neat and tidy but unfortunately their body secretions become very foul smelling and putrid during the severity of the illness and fever. Because the foul smell of secretions is common in other medicines too, one should not consider the foul smell as a diagnostic sign for Kali Phos. Most bodily secretions happen to be foul smelling in contagious diseases and infections. Kali Phos ranks high in the cure of such a patient.  Ferrum Phos 6X and Kali Phos6X combined given five to six times a day along with Pyrogenium 200 and Typhoidinum 200, work very well in a typhoid patient who has a tendency towards constipation.  The patient of Kali Phos likes cold and sour drinks.  Kali Phos is very effective in the inflammatory conditions of the liver and the intestines. It also works for irritable bowel syndrome (an intestinal disorder of psychological origin). One or two doses of Kali Phos are very effective in the treatment of acute dysenteric symptoms associated with severe cramps in the abdomen (tenesmus).  It should be remembered that Kali Phos and nothing else will work for gastro-intestinal disturbances associated with nervousness and anxiety. Kali Phos should especially be used when all other similar medicines have failed. Kali Phos is usually used as a tonic in combination with Mag Phos and Calacarea Phos. But if the symptoms of Kali Phos are obvious, then the effect of Kali Phos would diminish in the presence of other medicines. In this situation, one should keep in mind that if the diagnosis is correct then that one particular medicine could hit the target, with the blessings of Allah. One or two doses can cure the patient, and if by chance it does not help, then other appropriate medicines should be sought.

Regarding the disease pattern of some medicines, the symptoms shift from right to left or from left to right. In Kali Phos, like Lachesis, the symptoms move from left to right. In Kali Phos, it is not the disease itself which transfers from left to right but simply the pain moves from left to right, while in Lachesis, the disease itself tends to shift from left to right.

In the diarrhoea of Kali Phos associated with fear and anxiety, the stools are watery and foul smelling causing weakness. The dysentery in Kali Phos is associated with the passage of mucous without blood, but sometimes there could be fresh bleeding. It is the irritation of the nerves in the walls of the intestines that increases their mobility. The adjacent loops of the gut rub against each other, causing inflammation, production of mucous and then bleeding.

Kali Phos works on the bladder rendered irritable due to exposure

to cold. Some people suffer from frequent urination, more so in cold weather. On exposure to the cold, the bladder becomes irritable, leading to the frequent passage of urine but there is no associated burning. The urine is clear like water, showing that there is no infection. Instead it is mere irritation of the bladder. As in the common cold, there is excessive running of the nose but no physical discomfort. It is the frequent wiping of the nose that causes inflammation inside the nose. If this bladder condition of a Kali Phos patient does not abate soon, inflammation will ensue; even infection can set in. Sometimes in a patient of Kali Phos, the headache resulting from mental fatigue may apparently get better but the associated mental stress becomes directed towards the kidneys. As a result of this, the patient passes an abundant amount of urine every few minutes or so (polyuria). Such episodes occur in people involved in serious literary work. Highly intellectual work and mental anguish may cause migraine or headache or sometimes frequent urination.  Kali Phos is also the remedy for sexual weakness resulting from nervous tension. Kali Phos should also be remembered in women who tend to abort. In general, in the beginning of pregnancy, Viburnum Opulus Q is used to prevent the abortion. In the second and third month, Sabinais used, while in the fourth and fifth months, Kali Carb is used. However if the abortions occur because of the patient being highly-strung and anxious, Kali Phos would be the best treatment.

Kali Phos is deeply related to the aborting tendency secondary to mental stress. These women should be made to take Kali Phos 1000 (even when not pregnant) once or twice a month. At the onset of
Phos.Kali Phos is also worth remembering in the treatment of angina. In angina, it should be combined with Mag Phos but other appropriate medicines may be used.

The acne and boils of Kali Phos are more on the abdomen and the back rather then on the face or other areas. Initially Kali Phos alone should be used for this, but other medicines should be looked for if there is no relief.

When the skin diseases become suppressed and migrate to the

deep internal organs, the nervous system becomes inflicted and loses its normal function. The body becomes cold and unable to defend itself. Kali Carb and Psorinum are among those homoeopathic remedies that can immediately warm up the body and surface the disease out onto the skin. Kali Phos would certainly be indicated when diseases like measles and chicken pox, originating from the deep organs do not manifest their signs on the skin due to the suppressed nervous system. Kali Phos is completely different from Psorinum and other such medicines in its action.

Some homoeopath physicians warn that Kali Phos and other potassium salts should not be used during a fever, but this is only true when the temperature is rising in the early stage of the disease.  Once the fever starts lowering, any proper medication can be given to its advantage.

Regarding the loss of memory and nervous breakdown, Kali Phos should be used in potency CM.Kali Phos, Calcarea Phos and Ferrum Phos combined in 6X potency are useful for the correction of anaemia and the general well being of children. If the child is congenitally weak, then one should also add Silicea. In the case of premature children, most of their organs, which were supposed to develop in the uterus, remain weak. Silicea is very useful to strengthen them. It is a very good remedy to improve such congenital weaknesses.Kali Phos is also useful in the treatment of Puerperal fever alongside Pyrogenium and Sulphur