

Kali Sulph is a biochemic medicine, which contains the elements of Potassium and Sulphur. Sulphur and potassium being profoundly effective medicines, their compound i.e. Kali Sulph, also has quite a profound action. It affects each and every part of the body.  It is difficult to include in one chapter the large number of diseases, which can possibly be cured with Kali Sulph. Everybody should try to find out which diseases or symptoms can be treated with it. During a preliminary study, one could feel that Kali Sulph is a panacea for every kind of disease, yet its nature is not going to be a match for every kind of illness. Numerous illnesses are described in relation to Kali Sulph; however, the proper diagnosis of all of them is difficult, and so would be the treatment. This medicine should be studied at least ten to fifteen times. Despite this, the physician would be at a loss to comprehend its effectiveness or non-effectiveness, in reference to the diseases mentioned under Kali Sulph in literatures. The mere presence of symptoms is not enough because the constitution of the patient also has to exactly match that of the remedy. Once a complete match is arrived at, Kali Sulph can totally uproot even the most dangerous of diseases.

According to Dr. Kent, this medicine can offer complete cure from epilepsy, but it is not necessary that a single dose may produce that effect. Sometimes, it has to be repeated over a long time (with some intervals in between). During these interval periods, other types of treatments have to be administered. The difficulty about Kali Sulph is that there is no given detail about the kind of epilepsy amenable to Kali Sulph, because complete proving has never been done with that purpose in mind. This is why most homoeopaths do not give much importance to Kali Sulph. Had the proving been done, it would obviously be known what kind of epilepsy should be treated with it.  Under the present circumstances, we can only say that if an epilepsy could not be treated with any analogous remedy, Kali Sulph should also be tried.

In addition to skin diseases, Kali Sulph is also useful in the treatment of diseases affecting the mucous membranes. It is said that some patients of Lupus can be totally cured with Kali Sulph. Similarly, malaria going out of hand can be treated very well with Kali Sulph, provided it fits the constitution of the patient.
Kali Sulph must be used in the treatment of chronic catarrhal conditions, especially when the discharge becomes green.  Kali Sulph is called the Pulsatilla of biochemy because most of its symptoms resemble those of Pulsatilla, for example, the worsening of the symptoms with heat, and getting relief with the cold and open air.  This feature is very important regarding the diagnosis for Kali Sulph.  The full clinical picture of Pulsatilla would, however, distinguish it from Kali Sulph. In other words, the presence of most but not all of the symptoms of Pulsatilla would be taken as the indication for Kali Sulph. In this situation, it will be found an effective treatment for almost all of the diseases mentioned under the chapter of Kali Sulph.  In Kali Sulph, the muscles tend to be flabby and without proper tone.

Kali Sulph would be useful in the treatment of patients with liver

disorder and dilatation of the muscles of the heart. It will tone the cardiac musculature but has to be administered in a low potency over a long period. Within a few months, the patient feels much better. He feels invigorated and to a large extent the fatty degeneration of the liver and the excessive amount of fat under the skin starts to melt away. These kinds of symptoms are more common in women, especially after childbirth. The liver becomes fatty, the muscles become flabby, the heart becomes weak, and the patient becomes short of breath. The legs of the women become heavy and swollen.  Light touch bothers them while deep pressure offers relief. In such patients, Kali Sulph being the proper analog would offer great relief.  In Kali Sulph, the headache becomes worse on movement and is relieved in the open air. The pain spreads to the eyes, forehead and on both sides of the head. The head feels tight and there is a feeling of being suffocated. The eyelids stick together due to a yellowish discharge. There is lot of itching and watering from the eyes. Small pimples form over the eyelids. The cornea becomes hazy. Once again, if Kali Sulph is the proper match for the disposition of the patient, it will cure all these eye ailments.

The ears discharge a yellowish coloured, offensive smelling liquid.

There is dryness in the middle ear. At the outset, the discharge is watery, which then becomes thick and yellowish in colour. Once the disease is well established, the discharge becomes greenish and smells terrible. There is bleeding from inside the ears. These complications gradually keep on progressing and after many years, the drums (tympanic membrane) become thick, the discharge becomes extremely foul smelling and deafness develops. If Kali Sulph happens to be the appropriate matching remedy, its use in the beginning of the disease will prevent all these complications. In Kali Sulph, there is intense itching inside the ears and behind the ears with lots of noises being heard.

In the eczema associated with Kali Sulph, boils and blisters develop. There is a feeling of burning. The skin looks like frog’s skin i.e. yellow in colour and without any healthy lustre. It commonly happens in the diseases of the liver and the spleen. Anaemia and tuberculosis also make the face look yellow and without natural glare. This facial appearance helps in making the proper diagnosis. It is an art to make the diagnosis based on the facial appearane and the symptoms pertaining to the eye. In Germany, a number of such experts can be found. Kali Sulph is very effective in the treatment of all such infectious diseases, provided it is analogous to the nature of the patient.

In the nature of the Kali Phos patient, there is chronic irritation of the bladder; urination is very frequent, and especially worse at night.  The patient sees distressing dreams. Sleep is not peaceful. The patient feels dizzy in a heated room after dinner. The head feels tense.

The hair tends to fall and there is dryness over the scalp. The lips become fissured. According to Dr. Kent, Kali Sulph is useful in the treatment of warts over the lips. Kali Sulph is also useful in the treatment of the skin cancer called Epithelioma. Blisters form inside the mouth. The tongue is covered with yellow sticky secretions. The chest rattles though the cough is dry. The tongue becomes dry. The tonsils swell and cause difficulty in swallowing. The patient dislikes eating eggs, bread, meat, hot food and hot drinks. After taking food, there is a feeling of pain, burning and cramping over the stomach. On coughing, the patient vomits; the vomit contains undigested food and the sputum from the lungs. The abdomen becomes bloated with gas and is tense. The patient cannot pass flatus. The soft pitting swelling, common in liver diseases is noticed on the face and over different parts of the body. The abdomen hurts at night. Diarrhoea and severe constipation alternate with each other. The piles happen to be inside as well as on the outer surface of the skin and tend to bleed.  In Kali Sulph, the patient feels severe griping after having been to the lavatory. This is also common in Merc Corr. In Merc Corr, the pain starts during defacation and continues afterwards. The stools are thin, darkish in colour, cause tearing pain and smell terrible. In Kali Sulph, there is severe itching. The lining of the kidney tubules becomes inflamed and is associated with a light to severe kind of piercing pain over the kidneys. Sometimes the patient also passes albumin in the urine. The urine is deep coloured, abundant and causes burning. Sometimes, it is in the form of a continuous dribble.  It looks as if the kidneys are constantly producing offensive smelling infected urine.

Kali Sulph is also very useful in the treatment of sexual impotence and weakness in men. It is also useful in the treatment of continuous vaginal discharge, inflammation and burning. The uterus moves away from its normal position. During menstruation, there is a feeling of pain over the uterus, as well as a feeling of downwards pressure.

Inside the windpipe (trachea), the expectoration may be green, yellow or sometimes mucoid. There is a feeling of dryness and scraping inside the throat which is worse on taking food and when the person is in bed. There is a sort of hissing inside the trachea. Other symptoms of Kali Sulph are hoarseness of voice, repeated common cold, the onset of asthma in a closed room and difficulty in breathing which gets worse on coughing, lying down, walking and in the evening. In the open, the suffering becomes less. The cough becomes worse in the presence of nasal catarrh. On being exposed to cold, the chest rattles. There is a feeling of choking, burning pain and unease. The cough at night is dry while in the morning there is a lot of expectoration with it. The ailments become aggravated with a sudden change in weather or if it becomes too cold. However, normally, the symptoms of Kali Sulph become worse in hot weather like Pulsatilla, as if this remedy is full of contradictions. Regarding the nature of the patient and the severity of thirst, it shows the same