

Kali Mur is extremely useful in the treatment of catarrhal diseases.  One of its prominent symptoms is the deposition of grey coloured material over the tongue of the patient. As the deposits of Diphtheria inside the throat are also grey coloured, Kali Mur is used in the treatment of Diphtheria. In fact, some physicians include it in the standard remedies for Diphtheria.

In Kali Mur, infants develop eczema over the scalp (cradle cap).

Kali Mur is also useful in the treatment of dandruff and chronically discharging ears (chronic otitis media). The glands around the ear become inflamed. Noises and sounds are heard in the ears.

Blisters with whitish material form inside the mouth. There is

catarrh with blocked nose and formation of large amount of whitish discharge. Kali Mur is also useful in the treatment of diseases of throat and Tonsillitis. I however, do not use this alone but combine it with Silicea, Calcarea Fluor and Ferrum Phos, each in 6X. The combination proves immediately effective in most of the throat conditions.

In Kali Mur, the patient has wind in the stomach. Kali Mur is useful in the treatment of intestinal worms, which cause lot of itching.  Whenever there is constipation, the liver also becomes afflicted. The stools become clay coloured or very light and pale coloured. One must not forget to use Kali Mur in these conditions. External piles also develop and bleed.

In the women of Kali Mur constitution, the periods are either delayed or stop altogether. In this case, if Kali Mur does not work, Natrum Mur must be used. The leaucorrhoeal discharge is milky in appearance. It is harmless and does not cause any burning. The vomitus during the pregnancy is also of a white colour.  In Kali Mur, the voice also becomes hoarse. Symptoms of asthma, as well as cough, associated with stomach upset, are common. Kali Mur is useful in the treatment of Rheumatic fever and pains getting worse at night. These pains become worse on retiring to bed and radiate like waves of lightning.
Skin diseases are also manifest in Kali Mur. The peculiar sign of eczema associated with Kali Mur is that the skin sheds whitish dry material like thick dry flour. The ailments of Kali Mur become worse with heavy fried food and on movement.