

Kali Carb is a white compound made of Carbon and Potassium. In olden days, it was obtained from the ashes of wood, leaves and seaweeds. Besides Potassium Chloride, Kali Carb was the most important compound that was prepared for commercial purposes.  Later on, the chemical, instead of being prepared from charcoal, was extracted from mineral deposits found under the ground. The largest source of the compound was the salt mines in Germany. Nowadays, the compound is being manufactured in different ways for industrial use.

In homoeopathy, it is used in the form of a very dilute solution, prepared from the powder of Potassium Carbonate. An in-depth comprehension of Kali Carb is extremely difficult because of a number of contradictions in its nature. The patient is sensitive to both heat as well as cold. His mind is very much preoccupied. Even if the diagnosis is correct but the constitution of the patient happens to be different, its use will be harmful instead of being beneficial.  Generally, it is the incorrect selection of a remedy that causes harm, but in case of Kali Carb, even if the selection is correct, the patient may still be harmed due to a mismatch with the nature of the patient.  For example, even if correctly selected, the usage of Silicea in very high potency may prove extremely harmful.

In gout, nodes form at the fingers and wrist joints causing disfigurement of the hands, and deformities of the fingers. To give Kali Carb in high potency in this condition even if appropriate to the constitution of the patient, is very dangerous. It amounts to torturing the patient to death. Indication being correct, the medicine will command the body to prepare for immediate cure for which the body is not ready. Even if Kali Carb is prescribed after arriving at the correct diagnosis in gout, one has to be very cautious. Carbo Veg should always be given before giving Kali Carb. Carbo Veg prepares the patient for proper response to Kali Carb and serious reaction to Kali Carb is then prevented. Kali Carb must first be given in the low potency of 30 and then in a high potency, as the patient becomes acclimatized.

Besides joint pains, Kali Carb is strongly linked to chronic backache, especially the one starting after childbirth. Very often, the back pain starting after the delivery becomes chronic and not curable until treated with Kali Carb. Kali Carb is also very effective in the treatment of tuberculosis. Kali Carb has the capability to heal the lung cavities resulting from a tuberculous infection. It is also very effective in controlling all types of bleeding. Ulcers of the intestines result in the passage of blood in the stools, like Antimonium Crude.  In Kali Carb, the stools are soft, while in Antimonium Crude they are hard. Occasionally, the patient of Kali Carb may be severely constipated and pass blood in the stools. It is not that common however.
In Kali Carb, besides severe stomachache, discomfort and cramps, the patient occasionally passes blood in the stools. Several types of aches and pains are associated with Kali Carb. Severe abdominal discomfort, cramps and blood in the stools are common to many drugs used to treat dysentery. Therefore, it is essential that each one of them should be identified based on its specific symptoms. Sometimes, Kali Carb is used to cure the bad effects resulting from the wrong use of Nux Vomica, especially diarrhoea or the headache following an overdose of Nux Vomica. Kali Carb is best for the treatment of diarrhoea, and Gelsemium for headache. If diarrhoea starts suddenly after taking Nux Vomica, then a dose or two of Kali Carb will cure the patient, with God’s grace. However, it should not be used over a long period of time, or it will cause constipation. Once the patient has benefited from one or two doses of this medicine, the treatment should be stopped.

The irritability is a prominent symptom of this remedy and is often present in mental illnesses. Fear of loneliness is also its symptom.  The patient is very superstitious. The superstitious ideas have nothing to do with the loneliness of the patient. Imagination becomes a part of the patient’s life. However, the loneliness definitely perturbs the patient. The patient is sensitive to both heat and cold. In general, the Kali Carb patient is of very short temper and is easily enraged.  Both hot and cold things hurt the teeth. Sometimes, the teeth become oversensitive to cold. The symptoms of Pyorrhoea are common.  There is swelling of the gums, which start to decay exuding pus.

Such patients are extremely sensitive to cold. However, when these patients of Kali Carb are fomented with ice-cold water, the nerves become numb and relaxed. The relief is temporary because the symptoms recur as soon as the effect of the cold is gone. The heat also bothers the patient. It increases the burning sensation and becomes intolerable. In Merc Sol also, toothache becomes worse with both heat and cold. When the gums decay and start discharging offensive pus and blood, Kali Carb can still cure the condition if other general symptoms of Kali Carb are present, or Merc Sol may also offer a cure.

Both localised as well as migrating type of pains are found in Kali Carb. The backache usually remains localized in one area. However, during childbirth, the pain starts to move from one area to another. If, during sleep, the quilt slips off from the body and a backache starts on exposure to the cold wind, Kali Carb is very effective. I have tested the remedy on myself and on many others, time and again. Once while travelling I woke up around three or four o’ clock in the morning with severe backache, even though by the grace of God I rarely suffered from backache. I took one dose of Kali Carb 30. It immediately alleviated the pain and never did I have this problem again.

In Kali Carb often the ailment becomes worse during the winter, yet the affected parts of the body feel hot (and do not feel comfort from the outside cold). A draft of cold wind sometimes produces a blazing sensation along the course of the nerves with the appearance of prickly heat on the skin. It is one aspect of Kali Carb that the external cold, instead of having a cooling effect, enhances the feeling of heat.  Heat ameliorates the symptoms.

Once the nasal cold begins, it also causes headache. Lightheadedness along with the headache is a specific symptom of Kali Carb. By the way, it should be remembered that the sinus headache resulting from flu often gets cured by just one dose of Nux Vomica 1000. Sometimes, the irritable bladder (cystitis), causing frequency of urination, may respond to Kali Phos better than Kali Carb.However, in Kali Phos, the frequent passage of urine is during the daytime while in the case of Kali Carb, the patient has to wake up
repeatedly during the night, especially between three to four o’ clock in the morning, to ease himself. Frequency of urination at night other than due to diabetes can also benefit from Arsenic in addition to Kali Carb, provided other symptoms of Arsenic also exist. One particular symptom of Arsenic is more common in women i.e. they lose bladder control so much so that they may not even be able to make it to the lavatory. A similar condition can also develop in men due to various diseases and this becomes definitely more difficult to treat. The reason is the difficulty in finding the appropriate remedy out of the scores of remedies available.
Kali Carb patients, often have a sore throat. The tonsils become inflamed and enlarged. Swelling of the glands behind the ears, (parotid glands) is not as dangerous as the swelling inside the throat due to the inflammation of both tonsils, which then become hard. The exudates solidify in them and prevent the glands from shrinking in size. Kali Carb is an effective treatment for this condition if its other symptoms are also present.

In the diseases related to Kali Carb, there is a tendency to develop widespread swelling and inflammation in various parts of the body, but especially the swelling of the upper eyelids is very prominent.  Like some other medicines, the symptoms of feeling a pulsation on the side on which the patient lies down is found in Kali Carb also.  Furthermore, the patient feels anxious and cannot sleep. If the throbbing is too severe due to an increased rush of blood towards the head and does not respond to Kali Carb, then Belladonna will be found to work very well.

Since in Kali Carb, often the patient feels pain and heaviness on the left side of the chest over the area of the heart, it may be well to suspect it is due to the heart disease, even though heart pain is often felt in the middle of the chest, radiating to the back, the arms and upto the fingers. Although the pain of Kali Carb makes one suspicious of possible heart disease, other symptoms can help to make the distinction clearer. The cardiac pain (angina pectoris) becomes worse on walking fast. On the other hand if the pain, becomes less on walking or on changing the side, it cannot be due to a heart problem. Homoeopaths, in general, do not have access to instruments and machines to test the heart, so they must critically examine each symptom. Besides neurologic ailments, Kali Carb is also useful in the treatment of heart pain (angina) especially the unusually strong palpitations. In Kali Carb, piles are like hanging tags instead of being in rounded masses, which give an intense burning sensation. Cold water comforts only temporarily, reducing the burning sensation. In the abdominal complaints of Kali Carb, cramps are a must, such as in dysentery.  However, the diarrhoea, which often alternates with constipation, is without pain.

The burning sensation after urination responds favourably to Natrum Mur. However, if the burning sensation is experienced before, during, as well as after urination, then Natrum Mur will be ineffective because this condition relates to Kali Carb.  Kali Carb is an excellent treatment in women, especially for the treatment of the complications arising from childbirth. One should remember Kali Carb as the first choice. It indeed is the best remedy to treat these complications and the ones arising after D&C (dilatation and curettage).

Kali Carb is also related to the enlarged glands of the uterus (uterine fibroids). Other symptoms being present, it can be used for the treatment of vomiting of pregnancy. Kali Carb is an ideal remedy in difficult labour with weak labour pains that radiates to lower back and thighs in difficulty in delivery of the child.
Kali Carb is very useful in the treatment of severe cough associated with vomiting, as well as the cough following measles.  Kali Carb is a very powerful remedy for neuralgic conditions. It is also deeply linked to the bones because carbon has a powerful influence on them. Kali Carb patients suffer from general weakness. In these patients, the pulse becomes slow. There are sharp pricking type of pain and burning sensations along the course of the nerves. Furthermore, such patients have a sensation of burning inside their internal organs (viscera). The severity of the disease increases at night between two to five o’ clock in the morning and which becomes worse on turning onto the left side or lying down on the affected side. Hot weather ameliorates the symptoms. A distinctive character of Kali Carb is that sometimes, there is a severe burning sensation over tiny circular areas, the size of a fingertip or a thumb