
Calcarea Phosphorica

Calcarea Phos is a compound of calcium and phosphorus, and thus a very profoundly effective remedy. It has been commonly used in the biochemic system of medicines, although it needs to be used with extreme care. Calcarea Phos is described to be the friendliest treatment of women. Many of its symptoms happen to be the common symptoms of day-to-day diseases of women. Calcarea Phos must always be kept in mind. With the onset of puberty, young girls are subject to a variety of problems, such as painful periods, scanty bleeding or menstrual bleeding of variable duration. Once the periods become irregular on exposure to the cold at an early age, the problem may become a lifelong one. This can only be treated with the use of Calcarea Phos.

It is extremely difficult to diagnose the cause of menstrual irregularities on the basis of acute symptoms alone, without an indepth study of the background of the disease. If an adult female is found to have similar irregularities, one usually forgets about her previous history i.e. puberty. However, it is necessary that the history should be dated back to early adulthood, since it is important to know when the trouble started and how it started. If the menstrual irregularity started on exposure to the cold during the periods, then Calcarea Phos should be used immediately. By God’s grace, the patient becomes cured forever with its use. One symptom is common to Calcarea Phos and Cimicifuga: the patient feels a lot of discomfort, pain and cramping in the area of the uterus. The main difference is that in the patient of Cimicifuga, the symptoms become worse as the bleeding starts to flow more freely. In a patient of Calcarea Phos,severe cramps and severe discomfort precede the onset of the bleeding. Once the bleeding commences, these symptoms disappear. This symptom is the distinctive feature of Calcarea Phos.  Generally, Magnesium Phos is considered to be the best treatment for spasms and cramps. It is not only useful in the treatment of cramps of the uterus, but also cramps elsewhere in the body. If the spasms become better with the application of heat, then one should give Magnesium Phos. However, if the pain eases with cold, then Belladonna, Apis, Secale and Pulsatilla will be more useful. In the spasmodic pain associated with Calcarea Phos, heat offers relief.

Calcarea Phos is the best remedy for the treatment of spasmodic pain and cramps over the sexual organs in women. If sexual desire becomes heightened due to some diseases, not of the natural kind, then besides Calcarea Phos, Platinum Gratiola and Origanum can also be useful. Calcarea Phos is a must if the patient’s uterus starts to prolapse at the time of urination. In Calcarea Phos, the menstrual blood consists of dark blood clots, while in Calcarea Carb and Phosphorus, the colour of the blood is red.  If the periods begin before time, the blood is bright red and if the periods are delayed, then the colour of the blood becomes black.Sometimes, the colour of the blood is red first and then turns dark. In

Calcarea Phos, the leucorrhoeal discharge is like the white of an

egg. Symptoms become worse in the morning. The milk of the lactating women tastes salty and the child refuses to suck.  A Calcarea Phos patient cries out with pain spontaneously. The chest hurts. The cough is suffocating in nature. The patient feels better on lying down. The voice becomes hoarse. The patient feels pain in the lower part of the left lung. On exposure to open air or cold, the patient develops rheumatism. The back and the neck become stiff.  The head feels heavy. The limbs become numb. The symptoms become worse from the cold and change of weather. The patient becomes easily tired on going up the stairs. The pains start two hours after eating food. The symptoms aggravate after eating or drinking something. The symptoms subside with heat and in dry weather.

The memory becomes affected as a result of sudden shock. The patient likes to move away from the place so that the suffering may become less. In Calcarea Phos, the headache is very severe. The head feels warm and hurts deep down to the roots of the hair. The tonsils become swollen and cause difficulty in opening the mouth (trismus). Calcarea Phos is also useful in the treatment of teething problems of children. The teeth grow rather slowly and tend to decay. Another symptom of Calcarea Phos present in children is that they want to suck the milk all the time but they cannot retain it and vomit it out. They feel severe pain inside the abdomen, as well as gripes. Bleeding follows hard stools. The child develops diarrhoea after drinking fruit juice, the stools being greenish in colour. The patient passes enormous amounts of urine, causing weakness. There is pain over the kidney areas. The back hurts when lifting weight