
Calcarea Iodide

Calcarea Iodide is especially related to the glands. The glands swell up as in the case of many other remedies. Calcarea Iodide should never be forgotten in the treatment of puberty goitre in young girls.  It is especially useful during the age of puberty and should be administered to such girls without any delay. In Calcarea Iodide, fibroids develop in the uterus. The internal

lining of the nose and the ears become oedematous and make cystlike swellings called polyps. With the formation of polyps in the nose, the patient snores heavily. Calcarea Iodide 30 proves to be very useful in the treatment of this condition. It should however be used for two to three months because the glands, once enlarged, do not immediately regress to their normal size.  In Calcarea Iodide, the ulcers tend to be chronic in nature, much more so in Kali Iodide. In Kali Iodide, the ulcers become indolent.  In Calcarea Iodide, there is a tendency for hair to fall out.

Unfortunately, there is no one standard treatment for hair loss.It must be remembered that Sulphur is not given after Calcarea Iodide.  This can be harmful. However, Sulphur Iodide given after Calcarea Iodide works very well and there is no need for giving any other remedy in the intervening period. The common routine is to give Lycopodium after Calcarea Carb, then Sulphur, and then Calcarea Carb again. However, Calcarea Iodide can be safely and directly followed by Sulphur Iodide treatment. Although Calcarea Iodide makes the patient feel somewhat better, it cannot cure the patient and that is why Sulphur Iodide should be used instead.