
Calcarea Sulphurica

 The element of Sulphur is a common factor of Calcarea Sulph and Carbonium Sulph and so the symptoms of Sulphur are present in both.  But the presence of carbon in one and Calcarea in the other make them distinct homoeopathic remedies of different constitutions. A special characteristic of Calcarea Sulph is the tendency to form deep abscesses. In this way, it resembles Sulphur as well as Calcarea Carb, and to some extent Pyrogenium. Pyrogenium is of use when the infection in the abscesses has already poisoned the blood (toxaemia).  Putrefaction is also found in the deep abscesses associated with Silicea, but it usually does not affect the blood. If it happens at all, it is of very severe magnitude. The widespread pyaemic abscesses in the body resulting from toxaemia / septicaemia respond very well to Calcarea Sulph in addition to Pyrogenium. Similarly, it is deeply related to chronic sores that have the tendency to transform into cancer, and also controls sores to some extent. It is also useful in the treatment of the ulcers and fistulae developing when the cancers surface on the skin.

Calcarea Sulph is described as the best remedy for epilepsy. In recent times, the incidence of epilepsy has significantly increased and there are many reasons for this. One reason is injury to the head of the baby due to certain instruments used at the time of delivery, affecting the brain of the child. Epilepsy can also be the result of the ill effects of certain allopathic medicines. In such children, in addition to the standard prescriptions, one should look for the appropriate constitutional remedy in order to cure the epilepsy. Calcarea Sulph is said to be the one that can completely cure epilepsy. Dr. Kent, who was previously an eminent allopathic physician as well as a surgeon and understood the physiology of the human body, is of the opinion that Calcarea Sulph can totally uproot the epilepsy. Sometimes, the epilepsy is due to a tumour in the brain or it can be due to the effect of a physical injury to the brain. Sometimes it is due to the abnormal development of the skull, evident on observing the patient. In such a patient who has a permanent developmental defect of the skull, the cure for the epilepsy is apparently impossible. The statement of Dr.  Kent does not hold well about the treatment of this kind of epilepsy with Calcarea Sulph. However, we can definitely say that Calcarea Sulph has significantly benefited many epileptic patients.  It is possible to treat the epilepsy which gas developed secondary to some serious illnesses of infancy, cholera and dysentery being the most salient. Whenever the diarrhoea due to gastro-enteritis or a severe kind of dysentery is treated forcibly with some allopathic medicine, there is always the danger that the child may subsequently develop epilepsy. I often treat such patients with Cuprum. In addition, I have also given them Artemisia in Mother Tincture form.  Both of these do temporarily benefit, but I have not observed complete cure. These remedies have to be administered on a permanent basis. I have tried them in very high potency and found that the intervals between the epileptic fits prolonged, but complete cure was not obtained. It means that we should try to find out other remedies for the complete cure of epilepsy. According to Dr. Kent, Calcarea Sulph has this capability.

I have observed complete cure of epilepsy only in the condition of recurrence of that particular illness, the suppression of which had resulted in the development of epilepsy in the first place. When that particular illness relapses, it can be treated with other kinds of complementary remedies, such as Arsenic for the treatment of fever, and Mag Phos for the treatment of abdominal pain and colic.  However, antibiotics and strong medications that suppress the illness must be avoided.

Regarding the treatment of epilepsy, one should study the prodormal signs (Aura), as already mentioned in reference to Calcarea Ars. In some of these patients, blood is noted to rush towards the head. Generally it is considered to treat with Belladonna however, is not proper. Belladonna only helps partially, for a short time. In some other homoeopathic medicines also, there is a tendency of blood rushing towards the brain such as in Hydrocyanic Acid. Hydrocyanic Acid causes severe spasm of the air passages, resulting in a profound
congestion of the face. In the presence of these symptoms, epilepsy. Hydrophobinum is also related to this kind of illness. The patient is scared of flashing objects. If there is fear of developing epilepsy on the sight of a flashing object, Hydrophobinum would be found very useful. This may be given in combination with Hydrocyanic Acid. These are compatible and in fact are supplemental to each other for the treatment of this kind of epilepsy.  When an epileptic cannot be treated by homoeopathic remedies he should definitely be transferred to the care of allopathic physicians. A number of strong allopathic medicines have been discovered to control epileptic fits. They keep the patient drowsy to a great extent, but relieve him of the pain of the epileptic fits. In addition to allopathy, the traditional Chinese system of medicine may also be tried.Calcarea Sulph is very useful in the treatment of muscular pains and strains. Whenever someone carries a heavy load beyond his capacity his back gets hurt. Calcarea Sulph, besides other remedies, may prove useful. Its action is not limited to the muscles of the back, but extends  to the muscles of the entire body. It is also very beneficial in the treatment of severe muscular strains of the limbs due to excessive heavy lifting.

If other symptoms of Calcarea Sulph are present, whenever there is severe flushing of the face causing convulsion, not only on the face but other parts of the body as well such as the chest, arms, legs or head and there is a feeling of tightness, Calcarea Sulph can prove very effective. Calcarea Sulph is also useful for the treatment of bone pains, inflammation of the glands and generalised muscle fasciculation (twitching), especially the muscles of the face. Calcarea

Sulph, Agaricus and Kali Phos are useful in the treatment of

muscle twitching under stress in feeble-minded patients. The
ailment of the patient aggravates on standing up, being more common in the women who stand for extended periods of time while cooking.  The Calcarea Sulph patient feels comfort on starting to walk, but after walking for some distance, as the circulation of the blood improves and the legs feel warm, his symptoms become worse again.  Due to his constant state of apprehension, the Calcarea Sulph patient wakes up early in the morning. This symptom along with other Hydrocyanic Acid may also be one of the important remedies for symptoms of Calcarea Sulph makes the diagnosis certain. Calcarea Sulph may be effective in the treatment of feeling of tiredness, vertigo or symptoms like epilepsy, resulting from mental exertion This is also useful in the treatment of diplopia (double vision) and hypersensitivity to light. It is also useful in the elderly when they hear various kinds of noises in their ears.

In Calcarea Sulph, there is persistent nasal catarrh, which virtually settles in permanently and then destroys the inner lining of the nose.  This makes the life of these patients forever miserable. Calcarea Sulph is the ideal and sure-shot remedy for this kind of nasal catarrh when associated with the other symptoms of Calcarea Sulph.  Calcarea Sulph is also useful in the treatment of paralysis of the tongue where the muscles of the tongue become rigid and tense.  Sudden muscular cramps of the tongue and the associated sensation of suffocation is also present. This symptom is also found in Hepar Sulph. The feeling of tightness of the air passages (suffocation) and nasal catarrh is followed by constant irritation in the throat due to which even a small amount of air entering the throat or just mere speaking can precipitate a choking sensation. The diagnosis being correct, Calcarea Sulph is also useful in the treatment of chronic inflammation of the kidneys. In Calcarea Sulph, the person feels warm all over and does not like to cover his body. Even the warmth of bedding may be intolerable to him.  Befitting the constitution of a particular person, Calcarea Sulph would benefit in treating asthma and ailments of the ear also. Similarly, it will be beneficial in curing malaria. In this respect, it has been learned that during the onset of fever, the chills start from the feet, but this condition has also been described in reference to other homoeopathic remedies. Thus, this particular symptom cannot be diagnostic of Calcarea Sulph.

Another feature of Calcarea Sulph is the presence of thick, yellowish secretions from the eyes. The eyesight becomes foggy and most things are only partially visible. The discharge of the ear is bloodmixed and the nasal discharge is of a yellowish colour. The throat hurts. Sputum from the throat is yellowish in colour. Similarly, the diarrhoeal stools are sticky like thick pus and may often be mixed with blood. Itching of the body is not unusual in Calcarea Sulph. The sores discharging pus do not heal easily. Yellow scabs form over them.  Pimples develop at the roots of the hair, which itch and bleed easily. In a Calcarea Sulph child, his dry eczema also shows similar scabs.  The patients of the nature of Calcarea Sulph suffer from frequent disturbance of sleep due to strange kinds of dreams. If a few doses of Calcarea Sulph are administered, it will rid them of their strange dreams and restore their deep comfortable sleep.