

In everyday English, Bovista is also known as Puff-Ball. It has been used for treating the eczema of children. It is an excellent treatment for patients who have eczema and also have a tendency to bleed and stammer. Compared to normal people, Bovista patients feel more suffocation in the presence of smoke from burning wood. When the wood is partially burnt, its smoke contains carbon monoxide which can be absorbed into the bloodstream of every person and may put one to deep sleep. This sleep is not healthy due to the poisonous effects of carbon monoxide. If the person is not treated immediately and taken out into the fresh air, his apparently calm sleep may lead him to death.  The skin becomes blue. Its immediate effective treatment is Arnica and Carbo Veg 30 mixed together. But in some books, Bovista has also been mentioned to be a good treatment for this condition.

In Bovista, ulcers form at the opening of the mouth and the nose.

The sores become covered with a layer of thick crust. This symptom is also present in Natrum Mur, but its sores rather feel raw and do not form scabs. In Bovista, like in Coccus, the catarrhal discharge is thready. The nose and the gums bleed. There is itching of the scalp, along with the sensation of faint headache. In Bovista the person feels uncomfortable in tight clothes. In fact, any kind of tight fit is bothersome. This symptom is also present in Lachesis.  In Bovista, sometimes the patient gets diarrhoea between two menstrual periods. The bleeding is before time and plentiful. This can also be followed by thick greenish leucorrhoea. Sometimes there is light inter-menstrual bleeding or spotting. The pain is at around the navel and feels relieved on bending forwards. Sometimes, during a colicky abdominal pain, the urine may become red in appearance. One peculiar sign of Bovista is that food somewhat relieves the colicky pain.

In Bovista, there is sweating of the armpits, smelling of onion.

There is eczema on the back of the hands. The skin symptoms are aggravated by excitement and mental anguish. In Bovista, when the skin is pressed, the skin pits and stays for some time. The skin symptoms become worse with heat. For a chronic type of urticaria that does not respond to Rhus Tox,

Bovista may offer a complete cure. Its effect may be compared with Calcarea, Rhus Tox, Sepia and Cieuta. This comparison will help the treating physician to better diagnose and treat. Some books mention the use of potency 3 to 6 but experience shows that potency 30 is the best in daily situations. The Bovista patient may feel itchiness at the anus even in the absence of any eczematous symptoms. Pimples form on the entire body. The urticaria develops in the morning and taking a shower proves harmful. Bovista is said to be the best antidote for Coal tar.