

In allopathic medicine, Borax is used in the treatment of eye diseases.In addition to this, it is also used mixed with honey in the treatment of a sore throat. In the homoeopathic system of treatment, Borax is a vastly effective medicine that works tremendously well in deepseated, serious illnesses of women. Borax is the best remedy to treat ulcers in the mouth of lactating women when their children also suffer from the same condition. In Borax, there is a tendency to develop sores and blisters. Red painful blisters develop on the tongue. 

 The women of Borax nature suffer from leucorrhoea, in which the discharge is plentiful, hot and burning in nature. Women suffering from such leucorrhoea are mostly infertile. Unless they are treated with Borax, they cannot conceive. This symptom must be kept in mind when treating women for infertility. Borax is a unique remedy in this connection. The periods of Borax patient occur before time and are copious in amount. During the periods, there is intense pain in the abdomen which radiates towards the back.  Borax is a useful 

medicine for whooping cough also. It works very effectively on all spasmodic types of cough. The bout of coughing is very severe and there is a rattling sound inside the chest. The chest hurts along with the sensation of pins and needles. The pins and needles are also felt on the soles of the feet.

The special characteristic of Borax is that the person feels scared on descent. If the child is lowered into the bed, he feels scared and screams out of fright. The symptom may be present in grown-ups too.  The person gets terrified while coming down the elevator or when the car is descending down a sloping road. The person is oversensitive to noise and loud talking. He gets startled on hearing a sudden noise or blast. In Borax, there is a tendency of hoarseness of voice. The excretions or discharges of Borax patients have the nature of heat.  The tears are also warm but they do not cause any burning. Instead they are catarrhal in nature. Borax is useful in trachoma. The discharge from the nose dries up and turns greenish. In Borax, when the stomach is upset, it feels bloated with gas. The patient has the tendency of vomiting which, once it begins, does not stop. The vomit is greenish in colour and sour in taste. Due to nervous exhaustion, the person sweats at night. Borax is very useful

when there is sexual weakness resulting from a severe illness.  Regarding pleurisy, the symptoms of Borax resemble those of Bryonia. If Bryonia does not work or stops working further, Borax will take its action further. Borax is also considered useful in the treatment of epilepsy. The symptoms of Borax worsen in a hot climate.