

Bromium was once considered to be the special treatment for Diphtheria. For a long time this was the favourite of new homoeopaths. In the West preventive vaccination has almost eliminated Diphtheria, but in poor countries this disease may still spring up as an epidemic, from time to time. In treating Diphtheria, compared to Bromium, Muriatic Acid Kali Mur and Diphterinum prove much more effective.

In Bromium, when compared with Diphtheria, other throat conditions are more common. The glands at the neck swell, harden and and keep on growing in size, they do not disappear by suppuration (pus formation). Bromium is deeply related to all kinds of inflammation of the glands but most homoeopaths do not use it. It is very useful in the treatment of all thyroid conditions. Bromium must be remembered if the glands become very hard, and keep on gradually increasing in size when other remedies are not effective. Bromium has the capability of gradually softening the hardened lymph glands but it must be used in increasing potencies over a long period of time.  It should be started in potency 30, then it should be increased to 200, and then after some time, it should be given in 1000 and then in still higher potency, and then stopped.

In Bromium, ulcers often develop in the stomach. Bromium is extremely useful when the vomitus is of ground coffee colour and there is an ulcer in the stomach with the tendency of enlargement of the glands. In fact, it is very important for the treatment of cancer of the stomach. Bromium is also very useful for the treatment of laryngitis, as it has a tendency towards ulcer formation. Even if such patients become asthmatic they would favourably respond to Bromium. The burning sensation and pain at the sternum is also a sign of Bromium. Convulsions also occur. It is useful for the treatment of suffocation. Bromium patients feel very relieved at the seaside but their symptoms aggravate when they move away from the sea to dry areas.