

Tarentula Hispania is an extremely poisonous form of spider found in Spain. Its bite causes intense burning all over the body. The homoeopathic remedy is prepared from the extract of this spider. Its effect on the urinary system resembles that of Cantharis, which is similarily produced from the poison of a fly. It produces severe scalding along the urethra. The kidneys become inflamed. Urine comes in the form of drops like molten copper.

In Tarentula, the intense burning sensation affects the entire body,

but the genitals even more so. It is associated with restlessness and weakening of the heart. In Cantharis however, affliction of the heart is not essential. In Tarentula, the patient has a special aversion to black, red and green colours. Tarentula, in high potency, can cure this condition even after it has become chronic. As a matter of principle, for sicknesses of a chronic and well-established nature, the homoeopathic remedy should be given in a high potency, though in general, it is safe practice to start the treatment in 30 potency.  In Tarentula, one symptom is similar to Hysocyamus. In Hyoscyamus, even the most modest young girls, while out of their minds, subconsciously talk in a vulgar way whereas normally they are not vulgar at all. In Tarentula, however, there is a tendency towards obscenity in the normal state of mind. By hook or by crook, the patient is bent upon fulfilling his sexual desires. Such patients need to be treated with Tarentula in a high potency.  In Tarentula, the body starts wasting and emaciating so much that the patient is reduced to a mere skeleton as if destroyed by termites. This in fact is the nature of Tarentula i.e. on being bitten by the spider; the flesh of the victim liquefies so that it may be easily devoured by it. In other words, the poison of the Hispanic spider melts and liquefies the flesh. Thus, if anybody suffers from wasting of the body, even if other symptoms of Tarentula are missing, he should still be treated with Tarentula.

The Tarentula patient is hypersensitive to cold. He feels severe restlessness in the legs before going to sleep. This symptom is also present in Argentum, Lycopodium and Arsenic.  The symptoms of Tarentula ailments are strictly periodic and timely.  For example, if the patient has been afflicted on a Monday, then the next episode will also be on Monday. Sometimes, the sickness returns exactly after two weeks. Strict periodicity of the symptoms is peculiar to the venoms of animal origin. For example, the diseases resulting from snakebites are common in the spring. This well-known tendency is often quoted in time-old stories. The truth is that the snake does not bite the same person every year. There is only reactivation of the old snake bite wound, although the person feels as if he was bitten by the snake again. Lachesis is the best homoeopathic treatment for such patients and must be given in high potency.  The exact timing of the recurrence of the symptoms of a Tarentula bite does not relate to a year or a month. Rather it is referable to days or a week.

By the Grace of God, the relapsing type of malaria, which returns every week or fortnight may also be cured with Tarentula, if other remedies have failed. A Tarentula patient is extremely thirsty, badtempered, evil natured and cunning. He keeps on planning dangerous wicked schemes to harm others. A Tarentula woman is extremely cunning and can harm others with her evil designs. Her conversation is very threatening. She sees strange faces and has visual hallucinations of animals, demons, ghosts and other horrible

The restlessness and burning of Tarentula is similar to that of Arsenic. Burning of the hands and feet reminds one of Sulphur.  Aversion of certain colours, especially red, resembles the aversion to red by the fighting bulls in Spain. They hate the colour red and rush to attack anything red. Arsenic neutralizes the ill effects of Tarentula. At the same time, if Tarentula fails to relieve a condition, Arsenic can be used instead.
Tarentula ailments aggravate in the cold. Some of its symptoms resemble those of Sulphur. Tarentula can be very effective in the treatment of burning of palms and soles as well as the burning sensation inside the uterus of hysterical women.  A Tarentula patient believes in his mind that people neglect him. So, he keeps on preparing schemes to avenge his torment. A person as cunning as a fox and somewhat insane should be treated with Tarentula in high potency. Even if not actually sick, a Tarentula patient can feign any type of illness. He will confine himself to bed and make excuses to seek attention. His real sickness is deep internal unrest, which is different from Arsenic. The Tarentula patient rubs his head on the pillow out of anxiety. He is wild and beyond himself. He cannot open the eyes. Hypersensitivity to light results in a headache over the temples and the nape.

Like in Natrum Mur, a Tarentula patient feels as if being lightly hammered over his head. The eye symptoms are mostly on the right side. The vision becomes blurred and weak, associated with discharge from the right eye. There is severe pain in the right ear.  The cold settles in the right nostril from where it erupts periodically.

The throat also hurts on the right side. Aversion to food, thirst for

cold water and nausea are specific to Tarentula. Inflammation of the throat may also show itself externally.
The Tarentula patient suffers from severe type of chronic constipation making him restless and apprehensive. He tosses about in the bed and rubs his head on the pillow. The severe constipation may sometimes not even be relieved by laxatives or an enema.

Due to persistent grief and anxiety, a patient may contract

diabetes. In such a situation, associated with aching of the arms and legs, Tarentula is very useful. It may not just offer temporary relief but may even result in a complete cure.Tarentula is very useful in the treatment of renal colic caused by urinary stones or inflammation. If there is a severe pain in the loin area above the hip associated with plentiful urine, a burning sensation along the urethra and a feeling of a sudden spasm, then perhaps Tarentula is the most ideal treatment. Tarentula can also cure the severe internal itchiness and burning sensation in women. Formation of fibroid tumours in the uterus, tilting or sagging of the uterus, its prolapse and unbearable heaviness, are all the symptoms of Tarentula. Tarentula is also intimately related to the tightness of the trachea.  Hoarseness of the voice, a constant stinging sensation in the throat and heaviness of the voice are symptoms of Tarentula.  Tarentula may be extremely useful in the treatment of heart condition and asthma, if other symptoms of Tarentula are also present In Tarentula patients, large abscesses or even carbuncles can form on the back of the neck and above the shoulders on the right or left side.

Carbuncles usually form in diabetic patients. Other symptoms of

Tarentula being present, it may offer a complete cure for this condition. In general, a Tarentula patient has numbness over the limbs, generalised weakness and burning sensations, restlessness and severe pain over the extremities. Pain in the legs is the most pronounced, as well as unbearable burning on the skin and intolerance to light pressure. Sometimes, the patient may not even tolerate the weight of clothing around him.
There is pain over the hip joints, especially at night. In Tarentula, the symptoms become worse at night. The entire body itches and burns.  On walking, the patient feels pain over the thighs as if tightly tied with a bandage. Paralysis of the legs is also a prominent feature. On movement, the patient feels pain and discomfort over the back, while the headache feels better. Convulsions are a prominent feature of Tarentula. Its other symptoms being present, Tarentula may also cure epilepsy once and for all.