

Sulphuric Acid contains Sulphur, which affects the human defences deeply. During indigestion, the Sulphuric acid contained in the stomach produces Hydrogen Sulphide gas, with its typical foetid odour. Every acid in the body has certain basic properties, which affect the patients accordingly. Every kind of hyperacidosis can result in a sudden severe disabling weakness of the body. Sulphuric Acid is the ideal homoeopathic remedy for hyperacidity in the stomach. By studying Sulphuric Acid, one can easily understand how the imbalance of different elements in the body results in different kinds of symptoms and signs. Sulphur is such a strong remedy that it produces a burning sensation on the body from the head to the toes.  The addition of an atom of hydrogen converts it into Sulphuric Acid, which has a different nature from that of Sulphur. Its patient suffers in both the heat and cold.

One symptom of Sulphuric Acid is that the patient quivers all over. This is not due to the cold, but is a spontaneous response on the part of the body. Bleeding is of dark colour. Dark blood oozes from under
the nails and the junctional areas where the skin and the mucous membranes meet (like the bleeding from snakebite). The bleeding being in the skin, tends to surface externally.  Sometimes, spontaneous red spots appear on the skin (petechiae).  These spots may also be dark coloured, raw looking and ugly. A strange kind of skin condition can also develop on the face making it difficult to diagnose. Such type of haemorrhage occurring internally is found in Sulphuric Acid, but may be found in other remedies too.  Sulphuric Acid is useful in the treatment of many skin diseases. If the nature of common remedies is known, it is definitely beneficial.  Some of the symptoms of Sulphuric Acid resemble those of Sulphur, such as profuse morning diarrhoea.

Some of the Arnica symptoms are also shared by Sulphuric Acid, such as bruised feeling with pain,  weakness and feeling of cold. Haemorrhagic spots develop on the skin. The spots may be darker in
of a serious unexplained deep illness. Sulphuric Acid is very effective in treating this condition. If other symptoms of Sulphuric Acid are also present, a dose or two of Sulphuric Acid may suffice. A Sulphuric Acid patient becomes easily exhausted mentally and his circulatory system may be disturbed due to the slightest carelessness. Serious blood disturbance may also result. Boils develop on the skin. The patient feels very weak. His facial complexion is not normal. He becomes hypersensitive. The aches and pains intensify gradually and then suddenly get better. Potentially serious and chronic diseases developing due to an excess of Acid Sulph may sometimes abruptly get better without leaving any long lasting ill effects.

The discharges of a Sulphuric Acid patient are acidic as well as

corrosive in nature. Hyperacidity in the body (acidosis) may be accompanied by a feeling of sudden severe weakness when eating food. The patient sweats profusely. Mere eating food can tire the patient. A lightning type of pain swings from one side to the other.

Some patients may actually enjoy this experience, which is a peculiarity of Sulphuric Acid. The headache and body aches intensify gradually and then stop suddenly. Hearing loss progresses slowly and does not return quickly which is rather different from the overall picture of Sulphuric Acid symptoms. Hearing returns in due course of time after the pain, pus and bad odour from the ear have been gone awhile. Sometimes, secretions from the nose can block the ear from the inside and affect the hearing. Other symptoms of
Sulphuric Acid being present, this condition is well within the domain of Sulphuric Acid. Toothache goes on gradually getting stronger, and then ends suddenly without leaving any aftereffects. Sores and ulcers form inside the mouth and the throat, causing difficulty in eating. Children may not be able to suck milk. Sulphuric Acid is extremely useful in the treatment of this condition. The stomach begins to fail due to the effects of hyperacidity. The breath is extremely foetid and pungent. Usually, people get constipated on eating acidic things, but the Sulphuric Acid patient develops diarrhoea instead. For example Oysters, (a kind of sea-shell) as well as raw and sour fruit, can cause diarrhoea for which Sulphuric Acid is still the treatment of choice for such patients who have abdominal pain.

In women who see dreadful dreams during their periods, one should, besides other appropriate remedies, also remember Sulphuric Acid (for details, see under Arnica and Arsenic).  Sulphuric Acid may be the ideal homoeopathic remedy to treat women who cannot conceive due to excessive menstrual bleeding, if the patient is of a Sulphuric Acid constitution. In reality, there are innumerable causes of infertility. To find the correct remedy is a very laborious job. This subject has been touched upon under the chapters on Pulsatilla, Caulophyllum, Sabina, Calcarea Carb, Ashoka and Gossypium.

In Sulphuric Acid, the patient feels weakness of the back. He wishes to keep lying down. He finds it difficult to stand up or sit down. Slow walking offers some relief. The patient sweats in the morning, which is usually due to some tuberculous matter in the body.  Sulphuric Acid is the best remedy in alcoholics. In Europe, there are many, who are given to regular drinking, which unfortunately kills them eventually. Treatment with Sulphuric Acid works wonders. A drop of Sulphuric Acid should be diluted in a whole glass of water, which should be divided into three doses to be taken in one day.  Many alcoholics who were considered incurable, recovered within a week of this treatment, and never touched alcohol again. In the field of remedy, there is nothing better than this therapy.