
Coffea Cruda

Coffee is used as a favourite drink in most countries of the world, especially in the western world. Coffee dispels sleep. It stimulates the nervous system, and enhances the flow of ideas and mental alertness. The person cannot go to sleep even if he so desires and tries.

The homoeopathic Coffea Cruda is prepared from the unroasted Coffee bean. If sleeplessness is due to excessive talking or mental commotion, a dose or two of Coffea bring about peaceful sleep. The person is whisked into sleep without any preliminary slumber. Nux Vomica also has a similar feature of bringing about sleep rapidly.  One symptom of Nux Vomica and Belladonna shared by Coffea is that the noise agitates the person and loud voices perturb him.  However in Coffea, the noise provokes pain up to the periphery of the limbs. Also, noise rekindles the previous pains of the leg or the knee.  In fact, the re-appearance of old pains due to the noise is a typical feature of Coffea.

The symptoms of Coffea are brought about by sudden joy rather than to grief. In other words, sudden, happy news causes mental commotion. A loss of sleep due to profound grief needs to be treated with different kinds of remedies.

The Coffea patient reacts badly to intake of alcohol. In the countries where drinking is extremely common, a Coffea patient would refrain from drinking alcohol for fear of serious reaction, and alcoholics often use coffee to dispel the effects of alcohol. In a patient of Coffea, the hypersensitivity of the skin is extreme, and is in the form of a strange kind of tingling and discomfort. Regarding the extreme sensitivity of the skin, Zincum Metallicum is the next in order. A Coffea patient has strong intolerance towards the sound of footsteps. Itchy rashes appear on the skin. These are red in colour. They appear and then disappear equally fast. The underlying mental anguish causing these eruptions does not last long. The skin conditions secondary to the disorder of the stomach and blood, do however, last a long time. Coffea by nature is a rapidly effective form of treatment. 

It works promptly to induce sleep when the sleeplessness is due to severe mental commotion or mental exhaustion. Similarly, it benefits other ailments pretty rapidly also. Some of the patients of Coffea develop hysteria. Under the heavy emotional overlay, they lose consciousness. Their jaws close together tightly. Severe headache and neuralgic pains (trigeminal neuralgia) on the face and a tendency towards diarrhoea are also amongst the symptoms of Coffea.  Coffea patients are extremely intelligent. They react immediately when addressed. Their senses become sharp as does their sense of hearing. They can perceive distant sounds and voices inaudible to others. When they retire to sleep, they cannot do so. Instead, they hear the distant barking of the dogs or sounds produced by other animals. These unusual sounds intensify some of their preexisting symptoms. Interestingly enough, these patients happen to recall their good old days, including the poetry they have read in the past. Their mental capability is enhanced immensely. Their thinking is not merely superficial but their thoughts are very deep and broad. The commotion provokes their subconscious mind bringing back old memories and perception of distant sounds. They can also recall good old tastes and fragrances. All these are the happier and enjoyable components of their overall symptoms.

A Coffea patient is also very sensitive to cold. The pain inside the mouth however, benefits from ice cold water (the usual neuralgic pain does not follow any particular rule). The toothache of a Coffea patient definitely responds to cold application.  The face of a Coffea patient is usually not congested or flushed but in some situations the blood may rush towards the head. The face and the head then become warm, but the patient remains fairly conscious and alert. Unlike Belladonna, he is not drowsy.  Another typical sign of Coffea is that the patient feels as if something is cracking open on the back of his head.

Nux Vomica is the most effective treatment to annul the effects of Coffea. Among the Coffea symptoms in women, there is intense genital itching. The heartbeat is very fast, and may become irregular on hearing sudden happy or sad news. The blood pressure rises, while the urinary output decreases.