
Coccus Cacti

Coccus Cacti is commonly used in the treatment of day-to-day superficial and short-lived ailments. Yet, it is a profoundly active medicine with the capability of curing chronic illnesses within its jurisdiction. So it should not only be taken as a simple, temporary type of remedy.

In Coccus, all the discharges are sticky long and threadlike. The threadlike pus resembles wool or a woven rope. The presence of similar type of expectoration in whooping cough is suggestive of Coccus Cacti. In this way, Coccus is like Kali Bichrome which it resembles in the sense that its expectoration is also sticky and thready, and it is also useful in whooping cough.

Coccus patients remain sick during the winter season and do not get better until the onset of summer. They cannot get rid of cold and catarrh. If the nasal discharge is threadlike, then Coccus should be utilized without hesitation. In fact, it works promptly, effectively and for a long time. The cough and the cold become worse in a warm room, while the cold and cold water relieve them however the symptoms recur soon. This contradicting behaviour of the remedy should always be remembered. Body heat resulting from exercise proves harmful. Exposure to cold establishes the ailments deeply, while inner heat also aggravates the symptoms. Sometimes, external heat may also make the symptoms worse.

The difficulty in breathing experienced while making an ascent is due to the accumulation of sputum in the chest. It is not related to the weakness of the heart. Once the patient vomits out the expectoration, the chest feels light and going up heights will not be difficult anymore.In Coccus, the cough arises out of the need to expel the expectoration (which causes spasm in the throat). The distinguishing sign of Coccus is the sensitivity of skin and inner linings, resembling the plant ‘Touch-me-not’, which withdraws on touch. Sensitivity of the throat is a special symptom of the Coccus ailment. In Coccus, there is sometimes difficulty in swallowing also. In Coccus the urinary symptoms such as the urgent need to urinate, passing small brick red particles and gravel in the urine, and the presence of uric acid causing a stabbing type of pain from the kidney down to the bladder (renal colic), are of great importance. Sometimes the urination may suddenly stop altogether.  Regarding the symptoms in women, menstrual blood is thick, dark and contains large blood clots. This may be associated with an inability to pass urine (i.e. retention of urine). The periods become interrupted, resuming only at night.

After the running nose stops, the yellowish sticky secretions stick inside the nose. After blowing the nose, the inner lining feels as if it is burning. The patient feels extremely thirsty. Mental depression, solitude and silence or excessive talking, are also the symptoms of Coccus (like Lachesis). In Coccus, the catarrh can also affect the stomach, intestines and inner linings.