
Clematis Erecta

Clematis is a profoundly effective remedy related to all skin diseases.  As a result of ingesting Clematis poison, various kinds of skin diseases will result, like eczema, itching and formation of blisters and pimples. Regarding its effects on the skin, it resembles Rhus Tox, but is much more powerful. It is effective against the tendency to develop cancer, especially the skin cancer called Epithelioma. In Clematis, the skin symptoms become worse on exposure to cold water, cold weather or cold air, except the problem inside the mouth. The pain in the gums is relieved by application of cold water, whereas heat aggravates it.

The blisters of Clematis tend to make yellowish pus. Conditions like ringworm and different kinds of eczema are also well within the range of action of Clematis. Red pimples form over the skin, which burn intensely. These pimples form mostly over the head, hands and face.  With the exception of eczema, there is a feeling of something creeping over the skin. Scratching offers temporary relief. There is pain over the temples and dispersion of thoughts. Open air offers relief.

  Clematis is used in many diseases of men relating to the reproductive system, especially the inflammation of the right spermatic cord and inflammatory swelling of the right testis (orchitis). It only acts on the right side. The associated urinary symptoms may be sensitivity along the urethra and frequency of scanty urination followed by scalding at the end. The flow of urine is rather interrupted and sometimes may be in the form of drops, and the dribbling may continue for a minute or two after the act of urination. It is also effective in treating the inflammation of the bladder on the right side.

The overall symptoms of Clematis are the same as that of suppressed Gonorrhoea. The toothache of Clematis gets worse at night and with the smell of tobacco, especially when the bed is warm.

In Clematis, the eyes burn severely and feel warm as if on fire. A draft of wind is unbearable. Eyes water and swell, especially the left eye. The patient feels difficulty in opening the eyes. A peculiar symptom in Clematis is that the patient feels generally weak after taking food. The arteries throb and pulsate. The patient
feels full as soon as he takes food. There is a strong, piercing type of pain from the chest down to the abdomen, getting worse on breathing in. The characteristic point about Clematis is that its symptoms aggravate in proportion to the size of the moon. The symptoms also become worse after taking a shower.
One thing to be remembered about Clematis is that when it is administered to the patients, their mouth feels very dry and they feel thirsty. The resulting thirst will not be quenched by taking water. The patients should be warned about this symptom.