
Cistus Canadensis

Cistus is prepared from a flowering plant which grows wild in snowy areas. The nature of this medicine is very cold. Every kind of ailment related to it carries the feeling of chill and cold. Cistus is a profoundly effective antisporic medicine, meaning that it is basically related to skin diseases. Whether these diseases involve glands or mucous membranes, they are still called as Psoric. Cistus is one of those medicines used for the treatment of psoric ailments.  Thus, it is very important in the treatment of gravely dangerous diseases. Lupus and cancer too are not beyond its jurisdiction.  Compared to Calcaria, it is somewhat mild but in some diseases, it actually works better than it and also over the diseases of the glands.  It is also useful in the treatment of intestinal diseases. 

In intractable diarrhoea which does not respond to any other medicine, especially when associated with inflammation of the glands, one should not forget Cistus. Similarly, the chronic cold in a patient who has the disposition of Cistus will not be treatable with any other kind of remedy. Such patients are, in general, flabby and pale in colour.  They easily become short of breath, especially on climbing heights.  Peculiarly, Cistus is very effective in treating headache during fasting. Lycopodium, Bryonia, Nux Vomica and Gelsemium also may be useful in treating the headache resulting from prolonged fasting or starvation.

In Cistus, often the irritation is not manifest externally but remains suppressed in the deeper layer of the skin. Therefore the skin feels uneasy with a sensation of crawling like the movement of ants over it. The patient may feel a sinking of the heart and as a reaction, he constantly pounds the area over his heart with his hands. Prolonged itching over the skin makes the disease manifest externally. Blisters form that bleed when scratched. The use of Cistus will offer relief to the patient. However Cistus should be repeated often, with intervals, to cure itching of long standing. It is indeed a very strong and effective medicine. The experienced capable physicians have claimed that this alone can cure Lupus of the face, which is considered almost

incurable. Cistus is well known in the treatment of cancer of the lower lip. The symptoms of Cistus related to the teeth and gums resemble those of Sulphur, except that in Sulphur there is intense burning and stinging sensation, and the teeth tend to rot. In Cistus, the jaw muscles become weak resulting in relative loosening of the teeth, but there is no burning sensation. The cold in the patient of Cistus also is devoid of any burning sensation. The nose, in fact, feels cold inside. The feeling of cold actually brings on the symptoms of the common cold.  The timely use of Cistus will stop the cold developing. Once the cold has settled and there is an accumulation of discharge in the nose (which causes burning when scratched) Cistus should be used. In the case of Arsenic, the burning sensation continues even in the presence of discharge. In the case of Cistus, when the discharge is let out, the patient feels relief. There is a cold sensation in the mouth and throat.  The dry cold air provokes pain. 

The throat/pharynx becomes inflamed and then proceeds to pus formation. Secondary to the inflammation of the throat and pus formation, the person’s head turns to one side (due to spasm of the overlying muscles of the neck).  The patient feels cold in different parts of the body. There is a feeling of cold in the stomach and the abdomen before and after taking food.  The patient likes to eat cheese. The stools are thin, watery and propulsive, and more frequent in the morning. The patients, especially women, love to eat spicy food. In Cistus, the skin of the hands becomes hard, dry and thick and itches a lot. The patient cannot sleep due to restlessness.

Cistus is also useful in the treatment of the diseases of the breast in women (mammary glands). Though there is no one specific sign, probably the presence of other symptoms would settle the diagnosis.  Enlargement of the mammary glands can sometimes transform into cancer. Cistus could be one of the possible remedies. The presence of a chain of swollen, enlarged glands in the neck is a typical sign of Cistus. Absence of the involvement of the glands inside the throat and outside on the neck rules out the diagnosis of Cistus.  Cistus may be of use in the treatment of intractable itching of the ear, which develops sores as a result of scratching, and then pus formation.  The cough of Cistus is also, associated with itching and irritability. The disease process being seated in the deep tissues will not benefit.from superficial scratching unless the disease manifests itself externally on the surface of the skin. According to allopathic science, diseases deep inside the body and the ones on the surface of the skin are different. But according to the homoeopathic view, both are the manifestation of one basic weakness, affecting the inner linings, the glands, as well as the external surface of the skin.

Cistus is very important for the treatment of nail problems. Many diseases, when well established, affect the nails. Streaks form over the nails, which become thick and deformed. Cistus is a prominent remedy for treating the skin condition due to chronic diseases. There are some other medicines also which can be used for the treatment of the nails. In Cistus, any kind of deformity of the nails can be expected. Other symptoms of Cistus being present, this would be the most ideal and the best remedy to treat the skin condition. The symptoms of Cistus aggravate on touch, movement, draft of cold air, at night and by mental work. The symptoms ameliorate after taking food or bringing out sputum.