
Calcarea Carbonica


Calcium Carbonate is a basic component of milk. In the development of bones, sclera and some other parts of the body Calcaria Carb is needed. In milk, a wholesome food, Calcium plays a very important role. The Imbalance of Calcium in the body results in various diseases, especially those of the bones. Calcaria Carb has its role on the glands, skin and the bones. The Calcarea Carbonica patient is very sensitive to cold. The feet sometimes feel very cold and sometimes hot. The chest feels tied up. The cough is dry at night but usually phlegmatic during the day. The sputum is yellowish, smelly and difficult to expel. In children, the cough that develops during teething and does not subside easily often responds to Calcarea Carb. The patients of Calcarea Carbonica constitution have listless faces. The skin is oily and yellowish. Sometimes they feel exhausted while talking and also suffer from lack of blood. Mental exercise further weakens them. They sweat profusely and may experience difficulty in breathing. They dislike cold and humidity. They hate the fresh air and chill. On being wet, like Rhus Tox, their ailments appear suddenly.

Calcarea Carb has a significant effect on anaemia. This anaemia is due to lack of the intrinsic factor from the lining of the stomach, as a result of which vitamin B12 cannot be absorbed. Vitamin B12 alone cannot cure this kind of anaemia, although it needs to be constantly administered to prevent against the associated bad effects. Vitamin B12 cannot be absorbed in the stomach so it needs to be given by injection for life. In such patients, if Calcarea Carb is given in homoeopathic potency, this obviates the necessity for supplementation with vitamin B12, and the body itself starts making blood.  In Calcarea Carb, the muscles feel flaccid. The disarrayed body associated with flail muscles and obesity will benefit from Calcarea Carb if given over a period of time. Calcium deficiency in the body can be treated by homoeopathic potencies of Calcarea Carb. In Calcarea Carb patients, sometimes on standing up suddenly, their leg muscles cannot bear the weight of the body and they fall down. In the case of low blood pressure also, it is difficult for a person to stand up suddenly. Calcarea Carb is useful for the treatment of weak muscles due to lack of calcium. The profoundly active constitutional remedies which are necessary for the physical development of human beings, when given with suitable intervals on a long term basis, will effectively treat these ailments resulting in the cure of the patient as a whole. Undoubtedly it is time-consuming.

It must be remembered that if Sulphur needs to be given after Calcarea Carb, Lycopodium should be instituted first, and then Sulphur.  Hidden diseases made manifest by the use of Sulphur, for example piles, often respond to Nux Vomica. But Calcarea Carb is also useful in the treatment of piles. There are other homoeopathic remedies resembling Calcarea Carb, such as Aesculus for the treatment of bleeding piles and the infection thereof.

Calcarea Carbonica is very valuable to prevent the tendency of developing cancer if it matches the constitution of the patient, otherwise it will not be of use. In some conditions, an incision needs to be made, but Calcarea Carb obviates such a need. Calcarea Carb is a very effective treatment of deep-seated abscesses, even better than Silicea. The abscess either dissipates or produces only a small amount of pus. The abscess disappears without much discomfort and throbbing. It will be of timely use for such a condition.  The patient of Calcarea Carb can be easily recognized. He is rather obese and of yellowish complexion. The head is relatively big and there is a tendency to sweat a lot. The body is sometimes cold and sometimes hot. If all the systems of the body are slow, it becomes the general description of a Calcarea Carb patient. However, each and every symptom does not have to be present to make the diagnosis.  Nor is there one unique symptom of Calcarea Carb. Some children have a large head from birth; this does not necessarily make them Calcarea Carb patients, although some may be. Sometimes the symptoms of Calcarea Carb develop over the passage of time. 

 The Calcarea Carb patient has his nose stuffed with dried mucus and may have difficulty in breathing through the nose. With the use of Calcarea Carb, this material becomes easily expelled without the need of any operation. Due to the imbalance of Calcium, sometimes bones develop spurs at their ends and bony prominences of Calcium develop at the knee joints, which are very painful. Calcarea Carb can cure this problem. Calcarea Carb is the right treatment for a child who, due to the weakness of the muscles, has delayed walking. If there is delay in speaking, then Baryta Carb is the best remedy. Natrum Mur will be useful when delays in both walking and speaking are present in a child.

When there is a sodium imbalance in the body, it can adversely affect the mental faculties. The legs become weak and the patient becomes rather wasted. The special feature of Natrum Mur is the wasting of the legs as well as the upper part of the body. The tongue also is affected. Consequently the child starts walking and talking rather late.  In Calcarea Carb, the tongue is not affected and the child learns to talk normally. However, he is late in learning to walk. Being shortstatured is also a symptom of Calcarea Carb. Physical weakness and mental deficiency are symptoms of Baryta Carb. Calcarea Carb gradually produces clear improvement of unsightly bending of the bones if the patient is that of Calcarea Carb constitution.  The patient feels cold inside but sometimes his hands and feet may feel burning. The symptoms aggravate before the onset of a storm such as a dust-storm. An asthma patient will start exhibiting signs of allergy to the dust many hours before the storm comes. Calcarea Carb is one of the remedies indicated for such patients. The patient who gets mentally fatigued, and various parts of his body shows signs of weakness will respond to Calcaria Carb. Calcarea Carb gives him relief and his restlessness does not last long. When extremely excited, a Calcarea Carb patient starts visualising pointed objects, and the pictures and bodies will appear to be dancing. Similarly, he visualises inanimate objects, nails, wires, piercing and cutting instruments. Calcarea Carb is a sure shot remedy, with rare exception, whenever these symptoms are present in children.  Calcarea Carb is also indicated whena person feels generally tired, is chilly and experiences the burning of hands and feet. The Calcarea patient afflicted mentally keeps on pinching with his hands and has hallucinations about various faces before going to sleep but has no fear of death. The skin peels off at the nails causing great discomfort. This symptom is also present in Petroleum. The skin becomes dry as in dry eczema and recedes from the nails.  In general, grief and dejection are more amenable to treatment with Sodium compounds. These include Natrum Mur, Aurum Mur, and Gratiola. Ambra Gresea and Arnica may be useful in the treatment of a patient who is very sad and becomes indifferent towards his life. A peculiar sign of Calcarea Carb, which does not exist in any other remedy, is depression. For example, a little girl who should normally be playing around becomes sad and indifferent to everything. The depression developing in the girls before puberty, needs to be attended promptly or the patient may commit suicide. The patient is not aggressive nor is there any evident cause of her sadness. The patient cannot seriously think much. Routine normal worries can make the patient feel mentally as well as physically fatigued. Calcarea Carb in homoeopathic potency, given along with allopathic Calcium tablets, is very good for the treatment of this kind of fatigue.  The Calcarea Carb patient experiences scary dreams and is scared of ghosts in the dark. In the dream he often finds himself hurt in an accident or due to fire. Any form of headache may be present in a Calcarea Carb patient. For distinction, its headache becomes worse with light and is worse during the day than at night. A Graphites headache also aggravates with light because Calcarea Carb as well as Graphites both contain an element of carbon. It is also found in Carbo Veg. Cold packs or cold sponging relieves the headache.  When the head of a child starts growing bigger, the reaction of the pupils becomes sluggish, and the child screams at night; generally surgical treatment is required. Yet the chances of cure are rare. The child becomes semi-insane. Timely use of Calcarea Carb, and more so of Silicea, will be needed. With these, the excessive fluid from the brain discharges by way of the eyes or sometimes the ears. Excessive leakage of water from the eye or the ear on one side will make the pillow wet and the head on that side will start getting smaller in size.  After a few days similar effects will occur on the other side. In this condition, called Hydrocephalus, I have often treated many children with Silicea and Calcarea Carb. When the disease is far advanced Calcarea Carb in high potency may be useful but not necessarily.

A white material may form on the cornea of the eye which then gradually starts to flow. If the infection is old, the discharge becomes yellowish. In this condition, Calcarea Carb can also be used in addition to other appropriate remedies. If the discharge from the ear is yellow, Calcarea Carb is more likely to be the remedy. The weakness of the eardrums or slowly progressive deafness of the ears, need to be treated with Calcarea Carb. Some other remedies like Chenopodium may also benefit. Calcarea Carb is of benefit for the weakness of the eyes due to their being tired and the increased pressure in them. However, Onosmodium is more effective than Calcarea Carb in tired eyes. Along with the tiredness of the eyes there is constant headache which is not very severe. A combination of Onosmodium along with Gelsemium 200 will be extraordinarily more effective. Sometimes the change of weather brings in the sadness and lethargy. Due to some change in the atmosphere, the body temporarily feels weak. Calcarea Carb, being of long acting type, is useful in the treatment of prolonged illnesses. In these illnesses the recovery is slow and the medicine has to be administered at intervals over a long period.  Calcarea Carb patients have an intense desire to eat eggs. In addition, the child would also eat certain indigestible things like clay and paper. Many of these children happen to suffer from chronic indigestion. The patient feels heaviness on the top of the head. With the headache, the hands and feet become cold. Mental work aggravates the headache. There is itching on the scalp, and the eyes are very sensitive to light.

Calcarea Carb is also useful in the treatment of chronic constipation.
Silicea and Veratrum Album are also good remedies for constipation.  Generally, Veratrum Album is used for the treatment of severe diarrhoea. In fact, it is very useful in the treatment of the obstinate type of constipation, yet most homoeopaths do not use it for the this.  Silicea can relieve the chronic constipation of children. If ineffective, Veratrum Album must be used. If other signs and symptoms of Calcarea Carb are present, certainly Calcarea Carb would be the most optimal treatment. Within a few days the abdomen becomes soft and the constipation is gradually relieved. The effect of the medicine is not immediate.

Calcarea Carb is also used for the treatment of deep-seated diseases of men as well as women. It prevents the tendency towards prolapse of the uterus. It corrects the menstrual dysfunctions and excessive bleeding (menorrhagia). It not only controls the bleeding but also cures the enlarged glands. In case one cannot reach one particular diagnosis, the following three things should be used to prevent excessive bleeding during the menstrual period: Calcarea Carb, Murex, and Sabina in potency 30. These should be continued for a few months. In the beginning three times a day and then once a day, after it has started showing beneficial effects.  Calcarea Carb is an effective remedy for the treatment of fibroids in the uterus. Women of Calcarea constitution suffer constantly from thick leucorrhoea. Calcarea Carb will be very valuable for the treatment of such women who also have tendency to abort repeatedly. I had prescribed this remedy to one such lady who responded very well. In fact, she had already conceived before the next menstrual cycle and did not miscarry, though in the past she had lost many pregnancies. For any appropriate treatment, it is very important to exactly diagnose the cause of abortion. Ferrum Phos, Calcarea Phos, and Kali Phos are well known for the treatment of generalized weakness and lack of blood (anaemia). They work very well during pregnancy and prevent abortion. The other useful remedy for the treatment of abortion is Caulophyllum. If the patient has the constitution of Calcarea Carb, then only Calcarea Carb should be administered without any hesitation and without the possible need of any other homoeopathic remedy.
Because Calcarea Carb has to be continued over a long period of time so it should be repeated at intervals instead of continuously. It should be continued for six months after the patient has apparently been cured.

A cough which lingers on and is associated with blood in the

sputum is also the sign of Calcarea Carb. As in Kali Carb, the feet become cold. If the generalised weakness advances too far, such a patient will not be able to sit for long periods of time and tends to slip off the chair, and when a patient is in a moribund state and his head constantly sags down from the pillow, the proper remedy is Muriatic Acid which will work immediately. If it happens frequently, then Calcarea Carb is the better remedy. In Calcarea Carb the lower back hurts. The back also feels weak and it is difficult to stand up after sitting for some time.