
Calcarea Arsenica

In Calcarea Ars, there is a tendency towards twitching of the muscles, as well as paralytic weakness. In fact, calcium causes profound weakness even if slightly imbalanced in the body. The blood pressure is also affected and sometimes the patient can suddenly collapse. These kinds of symptoms are very common in cattle. Due to calcium imbalance in their body, they collapse suddenly. Usually the day-to-day weakness of the patient is not related to the imbalance of Calcarea, but the sudden weakening may very well be due to the hyperacidity in the stomach. The condition is scary and frightful but not fatal. Sometimes these patients may become unconscious, but it is not epilepsy per se. The fits of weakness and unconsciousness due to epilepsy are for life. But sudden episodes of unconsciousness are not necessarily due to epilepsy.

The epilepsy secondary to congenital abnormality can adversely affect the rational thinking of a person. The patient’s forehead reflects his mental abnormality i.e. he is mentally not at par. His eyes express an idiotic look or, if the patient happens to be oversensitive, he keeps on pondering over trivial things. He is incapable of thinking wisely and seriously.

Some opponents of Islam viciously criticise the Holy Prophetsa of Islam and other Prophets, peace be on them all, saying that they did not receive any revelation from God but that they suffered from epilepsy. When the great achievements of Prophets are pondered upon, there remains no room for raising any such absurd objections at all. Even under very heavy pressure, the Prophets did not suffer from any kind of serious ailments. Whereas, when somebody is under that much pressure, epilepsy must ensue. It is said about the great Roman monarch Caesar, that when he used to address his people under great mental pressure, he used to faint and fall unconscious. In contrast, the Holy Prophet of Islam, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was ever so ready and alert, rather much more so in the face of dangerous situations. The rocky hillock of Uhad and the battlefield of Hunain are evidence enough to make these wretched opponents feel ashamed.  The thought of the dozing and slumber which is present at the time of revelation from God, is no way close to an epileptic seizure.

Mental overload and acidity of the stomach can sometimes create a

state of extreme physical weakness, so much so that the person may not be able to even move his finger. I have gone through this situation myself and felt during the physical exhaustion that I used to have, as if I was about to die. For many days I could not even get out of bed.  This condition is temporary. When the acidity of the stomach is properly treated, the condition of this kind of serious weakness will leave forever.
The weakness that is observed in Calcarea Ars is not necessarily a sign of epilepsy. Arsenic is a part of the compound of Calcarea Ars.

It has the tendency to produce an excessive amount of acid in the

stomach. However, for the treatment of this kind of weakness, Nux Vomica is a better remedy than Arsenic. Calcarea Ars is different from Nux Vomica and other medicines. In Calcarea Ars patients, the paralytic tendency is a permanent feature while mere hyperacidity of the stomach does not cause paralysis. In Calcarea Ars, the hands start to shake and the entire body trembles before the onset of paralysis.  In medical terms, the word aura is used by doctors to describe the sensation of twinkling or tingling before the onset of epilepsy. In some patients, the aura starts at the stomach, while in others it starts at the heart. For example, the heart has a sinking feeling with a sensation of fright. In Calcarea Ars, the aura always starts at the heart.  So if the patient notices something strange happening over the heart and the fit is like that of epilepsy, Calcarea Ars has the capability to completely cure this condition. Another sign of Calcarea Ars is that before the epileptic fit, the voice subsides and the person cannot speak.

Calcarea Ars is useful in the treatment of shortness of breath while going up the stairs. Its diseases tend to affect the left side of the body. In Calcarea Ars and in Staphysagria, neurological diseases develop as a result of anger, dislike and displeasure. The patient imagines ghosts and suffers from other kinds of hallucinations and delusions. Sometimes its patient sees fire in the dreams. This also happens in Natrum Mur, in which the patient sees fire and snakes in his dreams. If along with these symptoms, permanent insanity seems to be developing, Calcarea Ars would prove to be a good remedy for such insanity.

Calcarea Ars is also useful for the treatment of vertigo, imbalance andconvulsions secondary to the excessive rush of blood towards the head. Calcarea Ars can be of use in old and chronic types of headache. It is worth a try if everything else has failed to relieve the headache. The headache in Calcarea Ars is just the reverse of the headache in Cimicifuga. In Cimicifuga, the pain becomes intense on lying on the affected side. In fact, local pressure on the affected side may provoke twitching of the muscles. In Calcarea Ars, the person will feel pain on the side opposite to the one he lies on. If he lies on  the right side, his headache would be on the left side, and viceversa.This is typical of Calcarea Ars. Any chronic headache showing this kind of pattern will be most responsive to Calcarea Ars.  Other than this, there is no other specific sign of the headache in Calcarea Ars.

Eczema develops on the skin of the face and the scalp. The

kidneys hurt, the pain being the result of inflammation rather than of a stone in the kidneys. In Calcarea Ars, the leucorrhoeal discharge is yellowish and is corrosive like acid. Sometimes, this type of leucorrhoea can also cause psychiatric complications. In the treatment of this kind of leucorrhoea, Kali Phos and Arsenic are also useful remedies. In fact, these are the true antidotes for foul smelling discharge resulting from internal inflammation.  Calcarea Ars is very useful in the treatment of the constant oozing of the blood-mixed, acidic, foul-smelling discharge due to cancer of the uterus.