Some of the Tested and Proven Prescriptions of Daily Use

Aethusa 200 – students who get confused in exam and forget everything
Argentum Nit + Aaethusa 200 combined for fear of examination.
Lycopodium 200 for lack of confidence and anticipatory fear as in public speaking.
Kali Phos+ Silicea 6x for fear of failure in exam.
Pulsatilla 30 + Phosphorus 30 in children seeking extra attention.
Phosphorus 30 + Aconite 30 + Opium 30 for fear of going to school.
Staphysagria in sensitive weepy children
Chamomilla 1000 for stubborn ad irritable children.
Phosphorus 30 for fear of being alone.
Arsenic+ Opium + Aconite 30 for children who wake up startled in the night.
Natrum Sulph 1000 + Arnica 1000 useful for head injury.
Opium 1000 or higher in head injury or stroke with brain damage
Helliborus Niger for after effects of head injury.
Aurum Met 200 in postoperative nausea after gaining consciousness. Phosphorous can also be given.
Aconite CM (1 dose) better if given with Opium CM for ill effects of fear and shock.
One dose of Arnica 1000 before and after surgery safeguards against possible complications.
Pulsatilla for indigestion after overeating eating fatty food.
Carbo veg for indigestion after overeating carbohydrates.
Nux vomica for rice and meat allergy.
Calc Carb for egg allergy.
Chinimum Ars for diarrhea after eating eggs.
Sulphuric Acid one drop in water three times daily for giving up smoking.
Nux Vomica 200 for ill effects of wrongly given injections.
 • Nitric Acid or single dose of Sulphur in high potency for diarrhea after penicillin.
Kali phos 1000 one dose and few doses of Plumbum 200 for poor memory.
Lachesis 1000 for people of suspicious nature and also for fear of the unknown.
Arsenic 1000 (few doses) for fear of death, fear of accidents,
anxiety and generally disinclined to work.

Infectious Diseases


Sulphur is the best preventative treatment during a cholera epidemic.  Sulphur 200 every day for two days and then twice a week saves one from contracting cholera. As soon as the symptoms of cholera appear, Camphor in a low potency can cure cholera altogether. Once the symptoms have started, especially the silent type of cholera, associated with large exuberant watery stools, causing severe dehydration and weakness leading to coldness of the body, can best be treated with Camphor. The most prominent indication for Camphor is nausea and vomiting, more so than diarrhoea.

Cuprum is also an extremely effective treatment of cholera especially the kind associated with severe abdominal colic and severe cramps in the hands and the feet, starting in the fingers and toes and then spreads
upwards. This type of cholera is best treated with Cuprum. In the diarrhoea of Cuprum, the stools are scanty, frequent and associated with severe griping. The cholera associated with exuberant amounts of stools and severe cramps in the calves will respond best to Veratrum Album. The following remedies may also be of use:

Aethusa                      Podophyllum
Arsenicum Album      Secale Cor
Carbo Veg

Abdominal Colic in Intestinal Infections

This may be associated with the tendency of nausea and vomiting due to cholera or any other illness. It should be treated with the combination of Croton 30, Ipecac 30, Carbo Veg 30, Baptisia 30. Nausea and vomiting that get better with drinking cold water is indicative of Cuprum. Cuprum is also effective in the treatment of mumps. Similarly, Cuprum is useful in the treatment of paralysis of a limb caused by typhoid fever. The other possible remedies are:-

Antimonium Crudum                Dioscorea
Argentum Nitricum                   Iris
Arsenicum Album                     Nux Vomica
Colchicum                                 Pulsatilla
Colocynthis                               Sulphur


Please refer to the detailed accounts of malaria under the chapters of
the following remedies. The reader may be directed to some other
related remedies and symptoms under the same chapters:

Aconite                                          Ipecacuanha
Arnica                                            Natrum Mur
Arsenic                                          Natrum Sulph
Bryonia                                         Nux Vomica
Cedron                                          Psorinum
China                                             Pulsatilla
Chininum Ars                                 Rhus Tox
Eupatorium                                    Tarentula
Gelsemium                                     Tuberculinum

A careful study of these homoeopathic remedies will, God-willing, enable the reader to control malaria fairly well.

Chicken Pox and Measles

By the time chicken pox or measles become visible, they may have already done enough harm to the body. Silicea, Kali Phos and Ferrum Phos help manifest the symptoms onto the skin. Allium Cepa as well as Arsenic and Psorinum may also be useful, depending upon the situation i.e. symptoms and signs of the sickness. Necessary reference has also been made under the following:

Antimonium Crudum                   Malandrinum
Antimonium Tart                            Merc Sol
Apis                                                 Pulsatilla
Calcarea Phos                                  Sulphur
Euphrasia                                        Variolinum
Kali Bichrom

Whooping Cough
In whooping cough, commonly used remedies are Drosera, Allium Cepa and Arnica. Other useful remedies are:

Belladonna                               Ipecacuanha
Coccus Cacti                           Kali Carb
Cuprum Metallicum                 Senega
Hydrocyanic Acid                    Tarentula

Sulphur and Pyrogenium have been found very useful in the treatment of influenza fever. Besides them, Influenzinum, Bacillinum, Diphtherinum, Oscillo Coccinum, Kali Phos, Ferrum Phos, Kali Mur, Silicea and Calcarea Fluor should also be studied.

Arsenicum Album                         Eupatorium
Bryonia                                          Gelsemium
Carbo Veg                                    Natrum Sulph
Dulcamara                                   Rhus Tox

Commonly used remedies are: Ipecac, Aconite, Kurchi, Dioscorea and Colocynthis. More has been mentioned under the following headings:

Aloe                                                Gelsemium
Arnica                                             Mag Carb
Arsenic Album                              Merc Cor
Bufo                                               Merc Sol
Cantharis                                      Nux Vomica
Capsicum                                      Phosphorus
Carbo Veg                                     Rhus Tox
Carbolic Acid                                 Sulphur
During an epidemic, when Mercury and Sulphur compounds are used, the disease will surface to the skin, sparing the glands and thus curing the plague. The following may also be found useful:

Arsenicum Album                                  Naja
Belladonna                                           Phosphorus
Crotalus Horridus                                Pyrogenium
Hydrocyanic Acid                                 Rhus Tox
Ignatia                                            Tarentula Hispania


In AIDS, Silicea CM, Psorinum, Syphilinum and Pyrogenium prove to be very beneficial.

In addition to Natrum Sulph, Gelsemium, Silicea and Apis, the following should also be studied:

Aconitum                               Glonoine
Belladonna                            Helleborus
Bryonia                                  Hyoscyamus
Calcarea Carb                          Mercurius
Cicuta Virosa                          Nux Vomica
Crotalus Horridus                         Opium
Cuprum Metallicum                       Zincum

Physical Appearances and Homoeopathic Remedies

 In literature on homoeopathy, frequent mention is made about the physique and appearance of the patient. Diagnosis of the disease cannot be based on such descriptions alone. Under the following remedies, however, there are good pointers for the make up and appearance of the patient:
Baryta Carb                   Kali Carb
Calc. Carb                      Natrum Mur
Calc. Fluor                     Phytolacca
Chininum Ars                  Plumbum
Cholesterinum                 Sepia
Graphites                        Silicea

All Types of Paralysis-Treatment

The following are useful in the treatment of paralysis, depending on the nature of the symptoms and their identity relevant to the particular remedies.

Aconite                                 Nux Vomica
Alumina                                Opium
Argentum Nitricum               Phosphoric Acid
Arnica                                  Plumbum
Belladonna                           Pulsatilla
Causticum                           Rhus Tox
Cocculus                             Ruta
Conium                              Secale Cor
Gelsemium                        Spigelia
Lachesis                            Sulphur
Muriaticum Acid               Tarentula
Natrum Mur                      Zincum

The Treatment (Immediate and Longterm) of Accidents and Injuries

The study of the following remedies will, God-willing, be very
satisfying to the reader:
Aconite               Hypericum
Arnica                 Muriatic Acid
Belladonna          Opium
Bellis                   Ruta
Calc. Fluor           Staphysagria
Calc. Phos            Strontia Carb
Carbo Veg            Symphytum

Diseases of the Bones

 Among the serious diseases of the bone are bone cancer and tuberculosis of the bones. Besides them, some serious diseases can also inflict deep and long lasting damage to the bone, such as typhoid and polio. The treatment of some bone diseases is very difficult though not impossible.

The structural abnormalities of the bones of a congenital nature, such as dwarfism and brittle bones need the right treatment and patience.  Under the following chapters, necessary references will be found concerning these diseases and their suggested treatment:

Argentum                          Metallicum Medorrhinum
Aurum                               Mercurius
Asafoetida                         Nitric Acid
Baryta Carb                        Phosphorus
Bryonia                              Pulsatilla
Calc. Carb                           Ruta
Calcarea Fluor                    Sepia
Calcarea Phos                      Silicea
Eupatorium                         Staphysagria

After studying these chapters, one would come to know the other
remedies. This would prove very useful.

Joint Pains (Arthritis and Rheumatism)

 Various types of arthritis and rheumatism are described under the

Abrotanum                                  Eupatorium
Actaea Racemosa                        Guaiacum
Agnus Castus                              Kali Carb
Apis                                            Lachesis
Apocynum                                  Lactic Acid
Argentum Metallicum                   Ledum
Arnica                                         Medorrhinum
Belladonna                                  Mercurius
Benzoicum Acidum                     Natrum Sulph
Berberis                                       Phytolacca
Bryonia                                        Pulsatilla
Calcarea Carb                              Rhus Tox
Caulophyllum                              Sabina
Causticum                                    Sulphur

During the study of the above, the reader will also find the discourse on
these diseases and their treatment using other remedies also.