
Virus-General Principle

A virus is a rapidly evolving organism. In fact, nothing else changes its shape (or mutates) so quickly. It should be treated properly with homoeopathy. Antibiotics will fight some viruses but the remaining ones will go into mutation, proving extremely dangerous. This may eventually lead to the formation of cancer.

Generally speaking, chronic illnesses, which have gradually invaded and taken over the body systems over a long period, are amenable only to slow but progressively acting remedies. These remedies should be ntinued for six to twelve months. One should start with low potency 30 and when it stops working, advance to the next potency of 200 once a day for seven to ten days. After that, potency, 1000 is to be given every fortnight a few times. The last dose should be in potency CM to be repeated after six months or one year. Throughout this time, one should carefully observe the slowly evolving effects of the homoeopathic treatment.