
About Homeopathy& Founder

                 About Homeopathy- Founder

Homoeopathy was founded by Dr. Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann who was born in Saxony in 1755 AD. He loved to learn languages and in fact attained proficiency in eight of them. At the age of 12, he had started teaching Greek. Thus, he became a language teacher at a very young age. He began his medical studies in Leipzig, Austria, and then he went to Vienna and Erlangen. In 1779, he became a medical doctor and started practising in Dresden. He was a kind-hearted doctor and his income was obviously not much, so he started translating books into other languages in order to supplement it. After eleven years of medical practise, he discovered the homoeopathic system of treatment. For the first six years or so, he mostly experimented on himself and his near relatives. In 1796, for the first time, he informed the medical world about homoeopathic philosophy through the medical journals. In 1810 AD, he published his famous book, The Organon of Rational Medicine, also called Organon of Hahnemann and then prepared The Materia Medica between 1811 and 1821 AD. Traditional medical doctors of that time strongly opposed him. In 1820 AD, the proponents of the old allopathic system of medicine had his system of homoeopathy declared unlawful by the government, and even they went to the extent of suing him. However, before Homoeopathy was declared unlawful, Hahnemann sent for Prince Karl Schwarzenberg of Austria, and treated him successfully in Leipzig. The Prince being naturally grateful to Dr. Hahnemann recommended to King Friedrich that all restrictions against homoeopathy should be removed and in future none should be re-imposed. Unfortunately for Dr. Hahnemann, the Prince re-indulged himself in a life of ease and resorted to alcoholism. He became seriously sick again and he was treated allopathically but to no avail. When he died, the Austrian  government blamed the Prince’s death on Dr. Hahnemann. The public was outraged, his books were burnt in the open and Dr. Hahnemann had to run for his life. He took shelter in Cothen, was patronised by the Duke of Cothen and he stayed there for 14 years researching chronic illnesses. He published the first edition of his research in 1828. In 1830, his wife passed away. He married a French lady in 1835 and moved to Paris where he practised homoeopathy till his death in 1843. Homoeopathy means “like cures like.” This is the method of treating a disease with the materials derived from the toxic and injurious agents causing similar signs and symptoms complex. Before Dr. Hahnemann, this system was evidently outside the established system of allopathic treatment, although some of the treatments offered there worked on the same line as homoeopathy. These, however, were not nderstood. A few such practices were in vogue on an experimental basis and in a limited controlled way. For example, Ipecac and Opium were given in a diluted tinctured form to relieve nausea and vomiting. In fact, both these medicines are known as strong vomiting and nausea inducers.

Dr. Hahnemann had experimented on many such drugs and was surprised to note that not only did they cause a certain illness, yet at the same time they cured that particular illness when administered in diluted form. During this deep and thoughtful experimentation, Dr. Hahnemann discovered the fantastic defence system of the human body. The physicians believed that the human body had the power of defending itself but were unaware of its magnanimity and the principle of its working. They did not how to utilise the defensive nature of the body against the establishment of the disease. This secret was revealed to Dr.Hahnemann after his constant, thoughtful deep study of the human body’s defence system. His observations about the great defensive capability of the human body were astounding and unbelievable, but must be believed because the observations he offered were so clear. In support of this, Dr. Hahnemann further noted that the body reacts naturally to every external attack. Anything alien to the human body, be it an article of food, drug or poison, provokes the body to react against it. External abuse of the body is quickly overcome by the bodily defences. During continuous experimentation and observation, he postulated that if in the past, some disease has been overlooked and not reacted to by the body, then the introduction of a similar symptoms-producing agent in extremely diluted and pacified form would induce defensive body reaction and eliminate the sickness. So, in principle, homoeopathy is the method of treating an ailment caused by injurious toxic substances with the same or similar
substances given in an extremely diluted form. It is absolutely essential that the poison of the like thereof be  iluted to the extent that it causes no harm to the body. However, in this imperceptible and chemically ineffective dilution, the body still picks up the message and reacts to it. Most of the time, the dilution of the homoeopathic remedy is such that the original substance is virtually absent i.e. the substance is in abstract form. The more the dilution, the more potently it works, i.e. the potency increases with serial dilutions. This is in total contrast to the quantitative summation of allopathic medicines.Surprisingly, the minutest dilutions are perceived by the human soul, which in turn directs the body to react with all necessary defence mechanisms. If the soul did not have the capability to perceive the otherwise imperceptible amount of poison and prepare the body for proper defence mechanisms, no homoeopathic medication would have worked beyond the potency 30. However, continuous observation compels us to believe that the homoeopathic remedies in high potencies like CM are indeed very effective. This system is so superbly delicate that one must come to the belief of the existence of the soul. The homoeopathic “medicines” in serial logarithmic dilutions contain practically no atom of the original substance / poison, yet they work profoundly. The opponents of homoeopathy cannot even begin to explain the true nature of the system of allergy! In America, doctors experimented on a lady who was allergic to eggs. She was placed in a building where nobody was ermitted to keep eggs and for some time, she remained allergy free. One day she came down with a severe allergic attack. The whole building was searched carefully and at last, a nest was found on the topmost floor of the building where a pigeon had laid an egg. The distance between the lady’s flat and the nest was 15 to 20 stories. This proves that under the direction of the human mind, the human body can perceive the most delicate effects otherwise undetectable by the most modern and super-sensitive instruments, as in the case here.

It has also been discovered that some allergy patients can predict weather changes even days before some modern and sensitive instruments can do so. For example, some patients are allergic to conditions produced by lightning and thunder. Due to these sudden weather changes, signs and symptoms of allergy begin to manifest themselves in patients prone to such allergies long before science, despite all its sophistication, can perceive these changes. Birds are known to express violent noisy reactions before a change in weather becomes noticed.

The soul perceives and in turn directs the body to react. The body itself does not react per se. In homoeopathic treatment, the remedy is administered in such delicate amounts that there is no chance of adverse effects on the body. It is the soul, the real subtle entity, which is