

clay, became the first building block for the creation of life. No wonder it is present in each and every living cell. Through the work of some renowned homoeopaths, Silicea has been found to possess many qualities. Silicea has never been used as a remedy except in homoeopathy. Its symptoms and signs have been  discovered on homoeopathic proving, over a long period. Silicea is one of those remedies in which proving is a very slow and time consuming process.  On proving, it has been found to be a profoundly active remedy, capable of working for a long period of time.

Silicea cannot tolerate the presence of any foreign material in thebody. It stimulates the body defences to react against any foreign body and expel it as soon as possible. If the foreign material happens to be inanimate, then Silicea initiates the process of pus formation around it. The pus formed creates a soft resilient medium like Mobil oil, through which the foreign body gets expelled gradually and softly without further injury to the soft tissues. If the foreign body happen to be animate, such as bacteria, viruses or intestinal worms, etc., then Silicea provokes an appropriate body response. This process is definitely more effective than the conventional antibiotic therapy.  Silicea may simply kill the germs and worms, liquefy them in the form of pus or just expel them through the different natural orifices.

In some diseases, Silicea has little or no effect on the patient, such as the typhoid fever. Similarly, in certain cases of blood poisoning (toxaemia and septicaemia) it may not be as effective as Sulphur and Pyrogenium, which are definitely much superior. Now, after long experience, we have come to know the diseases where Silicea will be definitely effective, as well as the conditions where something else would be more appropriate. For certain deep-seated illnesses of a grave nature, requiring the activation of a very specific response on
the part of the body, the physician has to work hard in order to find the most appropriate remedy, keeping in mind both the nature of the disease as well as the remedy. The powerful defence system of the body is very intricate and individually designed to combat hundreds of thousands of illnesses. The system is like a great powerful factory beyond the comprehension of not only ordinary people but also the expert scientists. Silicea, despite appearing wideranging and powerful, has yet to overwhelm the natural defence system or even match it.

Generally speaking, Silicea is very effective against contagious disease, boils and abscesses. Similarly, it provokes a surprisingly strong reaction against inanimate foreign objects entering the body. For example, Silicea is extremely effective in the expulsion of a retained nail, fishbone or shotgun pellets in the body. Here, it works in two ways. When given in low potency, it gradually increases the local blood flow, kills the germs and produces pus. The process of healing of the boils and abscesses, which normally takes seven to ten days to get ready to burst open, may be completed in two to three days. Moreover, the pain is relatively less and much less pus is formed. The hole through which the pus exudes is also small and insignificant. On the same lines, Silicea helps the expulsion of a needle, piece of metal or stone retained in the body. The process is very intricate and yet to be understood but the practical examples are so obviously true. Once, an eminent surgeon told me that one of his patients had swallowed a needle, which became stuck in his intestines.  Obviously, it was dangerous to remove it surgically. The surgeon had heard about the efficacy of Silicea and decided to use it. After a while, the needle showed up on the surface of the skin, without injuring the internal organs. The path adopted by the needle was the shortest towards the skin surface. There was no damage inflicted to the linings of the intestines, or the fat inside the abdomen. The method by which Silicea performs this harmless function cannot be conjectured by human intellect and imagination, but the observation is too weighty and hard to be denied. Once when I was in Rabwah, a large irregular piece of glass got stuck in the foot of a child, deep to the bone. The foot became extremely swollen and the doctor refused to remove it surgically. The child was treated with Silicea 6X for a month. At first, the swelling started getting less and then the large piece of glass started to gradually emerge from the skin. It was then safely removed with forceps.

Due to the use of contaminated water in Africa and Sindh province of Pakistan, quite commonly a worm enters the body, which can be very dangerous. It starts growing in length like a tape. It then shows
up like a cotton ball under the surface of the skin, which may grow up to the size of a football. The leg may grow to the size of the foot of an elephant. This is why this condition is called elephantiasis. A Waqfe-Jadid missionary Homoeopathic doctor named Nisar Maurani, a convert from Hinduism, successfully made use of Silicea in the treatment of this disease. He observed that Silicea 6X simply dissolves the worm inside the body and thus obviates the need for surgery. Surgery can in fact be very dangerous. If the worm is not completely removed and is severed or accidentally cut into pieces, every piece will then rapidly grow into a new worm, wherever it deposits in the body. This is potentially fatal. Local experts in Africa extract it by rolling it on a thorn or a matchstick. The worm may be hundreds of feet long. If it gets severed during this process, all the hard work goes in vain. Be it Sindh or Africa, Silicea works equally well everywhere. It dissolves the worm and lets it be extruded through a minute hole.

Sometimes, a fishbone gets stuck in the throat and is difficult to remove. Once, I confronted a similar situation myself. I tried to remove it but failed. Then, I took Silicea 6X. Within a few hours, the fishbone came out with an act of a mild cough. I have found it effective in children too. With rare exceptions, Silicea is always effective. When given in high potency, Silicea dries pus. Large abscesses thus gradually regress and disappear. Pus does not form with the use of Silicea in high potency. Pus formation is usual with Silicea used in low potency. One must understand the dual role of Silicea, which obviously is under the control of the natural defence system of the natural human body. In tuberculosis, Silicea in high potency plays the role of expulsion of the germs by way of formation of pus. It cannot kill the tuberculous Bacillus however. In case the germs happen to settle in the vicinity of an artery, then Silicea may result in rupture of the artery and cause severe haemorrhageing, which may prove fatal. Therefore, the physician has to be very cautious before
embarking on the use of Silicea 6X or 30 even. In general a, low potency works rather slowly and mildly and thus prevents against any serious reaction. According to Dr. Kent, whether given in low or high potency, Silicea is dangerous to the patients of tuberculosis. So, as far as possible it should be avoided but if it needs to be given at all, only potency 30 should be used. It is neither too high, nor too low.  Silicea is incompatible with some remedies and should never be mixed with them. For example, it is incompatible with any form of Mercury, so Silicea and Mercury should never be given together.  Hepar Sulph is similar to Silicea in some respects and similar to Merc Sol in others. It must always be used in between the usage of Silicea and Mercury. It serves as a bridge between the two remedies.  Sometimes, Silicea works in an unexpected way, for example, a patient has infection in the root of a tooth, but is not aware of it. If by chance, he is treated with Silicea, his jaws will start swelling up and the tooth will become loose. At this stage, he should take Hepar Sulph (the antidote for Silicea). He will be relieved of the pain immediately and will also know for sure that he had an infection in the root of the tooth. A suitable homoeopathic remedy then can be administered to help restore the tooth.
A general symptom of Silicea is that the patient feels very cold. His hands and feet remain cold. This  symptom may however be deceiving and hinder the way to proper treatment. In general, the patients suffering from infectious fever (septicaemia) have very hot hands and feet. Many a physician will then treat them with Pulsatilla instead of Silicea. Obviously, it is of no avail. The real diagnosis of Silicea is that before the onset of fever, the hands and feet become cold. As the temperature rises, the symptoms of Pulsatilla manifest. It must be remembered that Silicea is the chronic of Pulsatilla. Sometimes, the body of a patient is fiery hot, including the hands and the feet, but he needs to be treated with Silicea instead of Pulsatilla. It happens very commonly in the treatment for severe infection of the tonsils. Some of these children who are wrongly treated with Pulsatilla instead of Silicea may lose their life.

A Silicea patient is by nature, apprehensive of failure i.e. job or exam.  Particularly school children have this problem. For example, many people who in spite of being able to drive efficiently, repeatedly fail in the  driving test, in spite of having reasonable knowledge and practice of driving. Similar fear is also found in some other homoeopathic remedies. Therefore, Silicea is often forgotten. Nevertheless, administration of Silicea 6X along with Kali Phos can produce wonderfully positive results.

Some wounds and ulcers become indolent and resistant to healing.  If the patient exhibits the symptoms of Silicea, then Silicea can activate the healing process of this dormant condition, by way of formation of pus. After the pus comes out, the wound becomes dry, leaving a very inconspicuous scar. 

Silicea is extremely useful in the treatment of enlarged body glands in women. It is very effective against the common skin infections such as pustules, blisters and abscesses. Ugly looking pubertal acne
often responds very well to the treatment with Silicea 30 and Kali Bromide. It can often cure the stubborn type of acne. The treatment should continue for at least a month, and then repeated on and off, as needed.
One should never forget using Silicea for infection causing the formation of pus, in any part of the body. Excessive sweating of the feet in Silicea resembles Sulphur. In Sulphur, the feet remain warm, sweat and feel burning. In Silicea, the patient feels cold, yet sweats excessively on his feet.

In Silicea, the headache begins in the nape of the neck, commonly

in the morning. Thus, it is different from the headache of Gelsemium. Both Silicea and Gelsemium are of mild, cold nature. In Silicea, the headache may shift to the front of the head, forehead or even the eyes. If this symptom is evident, then the treatment should be Silicea. The headache begins in the morning and continues till late night.

In Silicea, sometimes, the lower part of the body is dry, while the upper part is sweaty. In Calcarea Carb, it is only the head that sweats.  In Rhus Tox, the upper part of the body sweats, except the head. In Silicea, the ailment begins in a very timely manner and finishes on time (periodicity). The symptoms can recur however. The symptoms aggravate on the rise of the new moon.

In some children, asthma becomes more severe with the appearance of the new moon. This is typical of Silicea. Certain kinds of fevers, irregularity of the menstrual cycles and epilepsy is also related to the moon. Most of the ailments of Silicea last seven days.

In Silicea, besides the nape, the headache is mostly on the right side of the head, resembling Mag Phos (for details, please refer to Mag Phos). Silicea is also very useful in the treatment of severe and troublesome eczema over the scalp. However, the treatment should be combined with Psorinum and Graphites, which will definitely ameliorate the chronic eczema. These remedies should be given in potency 1000 and repeated alternately. In psoriasis too, the patient has to be given Psorinum, Sulphur, Silicea and Graphites one after the other. The disease being very deep and serious cannot be controlled with one or two remedies.

Sometimes, children develop blood naevi (haemangioma) in the form of raw-looking blood-filled blisters. If the patient is of cold constitution, then by Allah’s grace, Silicea will be very useful.  Otherwise, Ferrum Metallicum would be the first choice, which has also been found to be useful in the treatment of large birthmarks.  Silicea is very beneficial in the treatment of dangerous and deepseated illnesses of the glands. It is capable of softening and reducing the size of the glands. Calcarea Fluor, Baryta Carb, Phytolacca and Causticum may also be useful. If the glands at the jaws, in the neck and in the armpits start growing rapidly and the patient is of cold constitution, then Silicea must be used. If Silicea does not offer any relief, then the condition is probably cancer. In this condition, Silicea alone will not benefit. This patient should be treated with Sulphur CM. When the patient starts feeling cold with the treatment of Sulphur, then one dose of Silicea CM should be given. As long as the symptoms of cold or heat do not change, the treatment should not be changed either.

Silicea is also useful in the treatment of ulcers of the cornea.  Corneal ulcer is difficult to treat, but if the patient is of the constitution of Silicea then Silicea would work extraordinarily well.  (For other similar remedies, please see under Calcarea Fluor). Tonsillitis associated with catarrhal conditions is found in many
homoeopathic remedies. Silicea will only be successful if this is a constitutional remedy. Silicea, like Calcarea Fluor, can also be useful in the treatment of brittle teeth

In most homoeopathic literature, Silicea is not mentioned as the treatment for acute inflammation of the throat. It is only described for chronic illnesses of the throat. This is incorrect. In fact, Silicea is capable of curing the acute infection of the tonsils (quinsy) associated with fever. Simultaneous use of Kali Mur, Ferrum Phos and Calcarea Fluor 6X will help the fever subside rapidly, by the grace of God. If the fever does not come down on the first day, it will gradually subside in two to three days.

A patient of Silicea feels cold, yet likes to drink very cold water. He wants to eat ice or put ice in all the drinks. In some homoeopathic literatures, it is mentioned that a Silicea patient hates to take meat or if he likes meat at all, he likes to eat it cold. My own vast experience does not support this notion. Most Silicea patients do not in fact, dislike meat.

Silicea is also very useful in the treatment of chronic diarrhoea, which may be due to tuberculosis or unclean and unhealthy food (as the food sometimes available in refugee camps). In chronic diarrhoea or dysentery, besides Sulphur and Croton, Silicea may also be useful, provided that the patient’s body remains cold. During a world war, a homoeopath used Silicea very successfully in the treatment of diarrhoea. At another occasion, Silicea did not benefit. The reason is that the diseases adopt different nature in different kinds of weather and epidemics, and will obviously need different remedies to treat them. Some of the Silicea symptoms resemble those of Kali Carb. Both are of cold constitution. Silicea works extremely well in the treatment of sexual diseases (like Kali Carb). If the patient wets his bed due to cold, this can also be treated with Silicea.

Sudden cessation of periods in women, especially young girls can be effectively treated with Silicea, provided the patient also exhibits other symptoms of Silicea, so much so that it can effectively cure even the epilepsy resulting from the cessation of periods. Silicea is also very useful in the treatment of asthma. Fever during asthma can best be treated with Silicea. Silicea given after the asthma attack is over will prolong its effectiveness and will stop the tendency towards asthma in the future

Silicea is the treatment of epilepsy if the patient is of cold constitution and if the epilepsy is preceded by an aura originating at the abdomen and then affecting the brain. One should never forget using Silicea for the treatment of epilepsy occurring in the early part of the lunar month.

In Silicea, the tongue hurts, as in gout, and is swollen. One part or

other of the tongue keeps hurting constantly. Blisters form over the gums. Silicea also relieves the hiccuping resulting from stomach upset. Nux Vomica and Ignatia are also very useful in the treatment of hiccups.
In Silicea, there is a tendency towards nausea and vomiting. The general symptoms of Silicea being present, Silicea can also cure the liver dysfunction. The patient dislikes hot food, but loves to eat it cold.
Sometimes, children develop severe constipation and strain hard. In these children, Silicea and Veratrum Album are very useful. (For detail, see under Veratrum Album).

Silicea is also useful in many urinary problems. If the urine contains pus as well as blood, or there is frequency of urination due to an irritable bladder or the urine contains particulate matter settling in the bottom of the container, then Silicea will be beneficial.  The oxalate stones produced in the kidneys, which are not amenable to any other treatment, may be excreted in the urine by using Silicea 6X. These stones are usually not visible in the x-rays. The diagnosis is mostly based on the severe pain (renal colic). Oxalate stones are more common in the areas where the food gets contaminated with minute stone particles. My pupils in homoeopathy have widely used Silicea in the treatment of these stones in Afghan refugee camps successfully.

Sometimes, cysts form in the lower part of the uterus, which can

rupture letting their sticky contents flow out. It is a pretty troublesome and disturbing condition. The ovaries become inflamed and may even produce pus. Small nodules form inside the uterus.  Silicea is very effective in the treatment of all these symptoms if it matches the constitution of the patient.

Warts, inflammation and pain due to an in-growing toenail or formation of the calluses due to tight shoes can be treated with Silicea or Sulphur according to the overall symptoms of the patient.But some homoeopaths claim that the best treatment of an in-grown nail is the homoeopathic remedy prepared from a magnet found in Northern part of Australia.