Senega is an allopathic medicine used for the treatment of chest diseases for over 100 years. It has been a constant component of the conventional therapy for chronic cough, tuberculosis and other chest diseases. No doubt, it helps in the initial stage of treatment however, its prolonged use can be dangerous. The diseases that initially improve become worse later on. On the other hand, the homoeopathic treatment with Senega can cure all these conditions, without any fear of harm. Senega has also been found useful in the treatment of cardiac asthma.

Senega is very closely related to pleurisy and has been successfully used in its treatment. Pleura are the outer covering of the lungs, which when inflamed is called pleurisy or pleural pneumonia. Its effectiveness against pleurisy is well established. At times, it may not prove that effective in human beings due to a wrong diagnosis, but in the case of cattle, Senega has always worked as a sure shot remedy for pleurisy. In the cattle, the symptoms of an ailment are persistently universal and unlikely to change. So, if it works in one animal, it would certainly be found useful in other animals also.  In most of the lung diseases, the sputum is very sticky and copious.  With the aggravation of tuberculosis, the sputum becomes more copious. Senega offers a significant relief of phlegm, although it does not provide complete cure.

The chest pain associated with Senega becomes worse on taking rest.  The cough increases on movement, especially the cardiac asthma becomes much worse on movement. The patient does not like to be moved during an attack of asthma. It is particularly useful in the treatment of tuberculosis of the larynx. The extremely sticky sputum is very difficult to expel even on repeated coughing. Senega has been successfully used in the terminal stage of tuberculosis also.  According to some homoeopaths, if the patient is of Senega constitution, it can cure his left-sided facial palsy, also. A Senega patient by nature is very quarrelsome.