Ruta is derived from a herb called Rue-Bitterwort. This herb has also been utilised in many other conventional medicines. Its seeds have also been previously used to neutralize the ill effects of many poisons.  The homoeopathic remedy is extracted after grinding the herb, including its root.

Ruta, like Arnica, is one of those remedies used in the treatment of injuries. It is especially useful in the treatment of bone injuries.  When a part of the body is subjected to unusually heavy pressure, load or pull and becomes stiff, then Ruta (like Rhus Tox and Millefolium) can also be very useful. Regarding its effects on such injuries, Ruta resembles Rhus Tox a lot. The symptoms of Ruta aggravate from both cold and heat. Athletes who develop heart problems under severe physical strain may well be treated with Ruta and Aconite combined. In workers doing fine work, the eyesight becomes badly affected. The eyes feel tired, the eyesight becomes dim and there is a feeling of pressure and pain in the eyes, especially the left eye. The eyes quiver. Ruta may indeed be very useful in the treatment of this eye problem.

Due to heavy strenuous exercises undertaken over a long period, the hearts of some athletes may become enlarged. It is a very common notion that the heart once enlarged cannot revert to its normal size. In homoeopathy however, it is possible to control the size of the heart.  The stretched out muscle fibres of the heart become elastic once again and retract to the original size. Ruta and Rhus Tox behave very similarily to each other in this respect.

Once nerve fibres become injured, common conventional nerve tonics are of no avail. Even Arnica may not be effective. However, Ruta and Rhus Tox are found to be extremely effective. Hypericum is also very useful in the treatment of the injury to the nerves. Accidental cuts on the bone during surgery can heal very well with Ruta. Ruta expedites the healing of broken bones (fractures) by revitalizing the outer coverings of the bone (periosteum). The combination of Ruta, Calcarea Phos and Symphytum proves very effective. Calcarea Phos works on the inner substance of the bone while Ruta and Symphytum invigorate the periosteum. In case the injury is fresh, Arnica 30 may also be included. In general, Ruta is indicated in the treatment of patients who are not anaemic but who tend to bleed. Ruta is useful in the treatment of various fevers, neuralgias and a sub-normally functioning stomach. The Ruta patient is very sensitive and easily enraged. The legs feel weak and unable to carry the weight of the body. The limbs feel tired and painful; especially there is pain in the back (upper and lower parts, both). These are the salient features of Ruta. The severity of pain is easier on lying down flat, however generally the pain is worse

with rest and better for movement. Rest aggravates while movement ameliorates the pain. There is pain over the mastoid processes (the prominences behind the ears) and heaviness in the ears. The facial bones hurt. The gums are sore and bleed easily. At about midnight, the patient wakes up due to coughing, tightness of the chest and heaviness. The trachea hurts as if physically injured. Ruta has already been mentioned under ankle sprains. Ruta is no doubt very famous for the treatment of this condition. Ruta is also useful in the treatment of pain in the bones of the feet that makes walking difficult, the feeling of formation of sores on the feet, wrist sprains, as well as the stiffness of the fingers.