Rhus Toxicodendron is better known by its short name, Rhus Tox. It is prepared from a wild plant called ‘bichhoo booti’ (poison ivy). Its poison produces severe intractable itching. The patient contracts high fever. The appetite is lost. There is nausea and severe headache. The glands become enlarged inside and out. Sores develop inside the mouth and on the tongue. In 1798, a French doctor accidentally found out that this particular poison cured a serious skin disease of a patient.  The doctor subsequently tried this in the treatment of various skin diseases, paralyses and joint pains and found it very useful. For homoeopathic use, the leaves of the plant are ground in the humid season.

Rhus Tox is indispensable for homoeopathic doctors. It is used in the treatment of many diseases. The most important symptom of Rhus Tox is burning and inflammation leading to the formation of large blisters. In fact, the largest blisters associated with skin disease are found only in Rhus Tox. In Anacardium and Cantharis, blisters are also found but they are relatively small. Rhus Tox benefits the burn’s patients immensely. It must be given at once and in high potency. Besides this, Rhus Tox is highly beneficial in the treatment of paralyses.  Right-sided paralysis (hemiplegia) gets better with Rhus Tox and Sulphur used alternately. Even if the patient does not show the whole spectrum of Rhus Tox symptoms, he could still benefit to some extent.  When the vision of one eye is being affected as a result of severe physical strain or continuous mental overlay and the heart is also under stress, a dose or two of Rhus Tox benefits immediately. In this condition, either there are dancing shadows before the right eye or the right half of the field of vision is lost.

Rhus Tox is very beneficial in the treatment of neuralgias that become worse with rest and get better on movement. The severe burning sensation does not let the patient rest. He remains restless and does not find comfort in any position. Movement seems to offer comfort to begin with but the pain soon returns. Light movement and light exercise are comforting while strenuous exercise can be dangerous. If the symptoms match completely, Rhus Tox can relieve headache as well as all other body aches. Whenever Rhus Tox is the constitutional homoeopathic remedy, the patient will enjoy sound sleep in no time, with no anguish or restlessness any more. I have observed it so many times. Some patients will even ‘complain’ that the night was too short since they previously used to toss and turn all night! Another symptom of Rhus Tox is mild chronic inflammation of the bladder or the kidneys resulting in the frequent passing of urine at night. The patient cannot sleep much. He remains restless. Frequency of urination is not always due to diabetes. Similar symptoms are also found in Phosphorus. The patient wakes up at night for no apparent reason. Even if the patient looks healthy he does not feel like going to sleep. He may wet himself unknowingly at night. Unexplained frequency of urination associated with restlessness will most probably benefit from Rhus Tox.
If skin diseases are forcefully suppressed with allopathic medicines, then the disease process may affect the lining of the uterus, mucous membranes or the glands. Sometimes, the condition may become very serious. If the pancreas is afflicted, then the patient can develop severe diabetes. A single dose of Rhus Tox in high potency may immediately cure the patient. No doubt, it will forcefully surface the suppressed eczema on the skin. Once, in view of some resemblance of the symptoms, I treated a diabetic patient with Rhus Tox in high potency. All of a sudden, his entire body became riddled with eczema but his diabetes was cured. On further questioning, it was found that the patient had suffered from a serious kind of eczema in the past that had been suppressed with strong medication and the diabetes had come on later. In this patient, Rhus Tox cured the diabetes, but the eczema returned. Unfortunately, some of these patients do not feel happy to be rid of diabetes but rather take the recurrence of the eczema too seriously. In fact, if they continue their treatment patiently using Rhus Tox, their skin disease would also be cured. No doubt, the eczema would flare up in the beginning but eventually disappear gradually.

In Rhus Tox, the eczema is of the weeping type. Once an afflicted lady came to me. She suffered from severe weeping eczema. She was even unable to cook food. Her husband and children were also dismayed. I treated her with Rhus Tox 1000. With the first dose, the eczema flared up and then in a few days, the watery discharge started becoming less. On the second dose, after a week, the reaction was less pronounced. In three to four weeks, her hands were looking completely healthy, devoid of any signs of eczema. In my experience, I have found it surprisingly effective and beneficial. To my knowledge, there is no substitute for Rhus Tox. If the symptoms are of Rhus Tox, then Rhus Tox and nothing else will have to be administered. Rhus Tox symptoms are very closely related to humidity. In the rainy season, when it is also hot, its symptoms become aggravated.

Rhus Tox is also very useful in the treatment of malarial fever. It becomes even more effective if used alternately with Bryonia right at the onset of symptoms. Prevantative use of Arnica 1000 will induce the natural body response against malaria. I invite the readers to study Arnica, Arsenic and Natrum Mur also, with reference to malaria.  Rhus Tox is also useful in the treatment of fevers other than malaria such as fevers of remittent nature or continuous ones. Such fevers make the patient physically exhausted. The patient feels restless, chills and dryness of the tongue. He is sensitive to cold. The pivotal symptom, is still the persistent restlessness and aching of the entire body Rhus Tox is very useful in the treatment of cellulitis. This inflammatory process involves the glands, the outer surface of the skin and the inner linings (mucous membranes). The patient feels pain and tightness. Rhus Tox should also be used in the treatment of endometritis i.e. the inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus. It may possibly treat the underlying condition of the uterus and surface it to the skin. Sulphur 200 and Pyrogenium 200 can significantly overcome the disease. When given alternately with Rhus Tox, they offer complete cure, by the grace of God. Rhus Tox can be useful in the treatment of all skin conditions associated with the formation of blisters filled with clear fluid, blood or even pus, provided the burning sensation is prominent.

Rhus Tox works extremely well in the treatment of infantile paralysis (Polio). At first, the child contracts a high fever, which is followed by the gradual onset of paralysis. If someone has previously suffered from polio in early childhood or his leg starts becoming weak, then Rhus Tox should be started without any delay. Rhus Tox works much better when used alternately with Sulphur. Sulphur is also very effective in the treatment of paralytic conditions. Thus, a combination of the two is obviously much more useful. Some polio patients have actually been completely cured with this prescription.  Sometimes, the whole body becomes numb for a short while then the numbness disappears automatically. However, if there is any sign of associated weakness, Rhus Tox must be given immediately. It seems to work very well. The gradually progressive paralysis of chronic and profound nature may be treated with Causticum. Causticum is not a remedy for immediate effect only. In Causticum, the process of paralysis sets in early, soon after exposure to the cold. When noticed, the patient feels that the paralysis happened suddenly. Partial or localized paralysis of a few muscles responds better to Causticum. In particular, it has no match with regards to its effectiveness against right-sided facial palsy. Traditionally, Causticum is famous as the ideal remedy for paralysis of the face.

In Rhus Tox, the paralysis affects mostly the right side, though its use is not restricted only to the diseases of the right side. Nevertheless, there are some other remedies much stronger and more effective than Rhus Tox for conditions affecting the left side of the body, such as Lachesis and Ledum, which work wonders when given along with Arnica. Additional use of Cadmium Sulph 30, three times a day, makes the prescription even more effective. If there is still no favourable response, then Sulphur and Rhus Tox should be used alternately.

The Rhus Tox headache resembles very much the headache accompanying fevers. If the symptoms of the patient resemble one particular remedy, then that remedy alone should be used. If the symptoms are  non-specific, then Rhus Tox may often be found useful.  Generally speaking, in Rhus Tox the head feels heavy. The headache begins at the forehead and then spreads backwards to the nape.

In Rhus Tox, blood flow to the face and head increases. The skin becomes red, swollen and tender, associated with intense itching. Thick scabs form all over the area of eczema. Out of the lists of eczemas, the one most responsive to Rhus Tox is the eczema in children affecting their scalp. However, it must be remembered that the body may react to Rhus Tox violently. Once it gets better, then Rhus Tox may be repeated in a few days. If the eczema does not respond, then some other homoeopathic remedy should be sought. This is not an easy task. Such a condition may in fact be cancer of the skin, which should be treated with Carcinocin 1000 and Radium Bromatum 1000, once a week for one to two months. Similarly, Graphites and Psorinum given alternately may prove very useful in the treatment of resistant forms of eczema.  Rhus Tox is also very useful in the treatment of eye infections i.e.  redness with the discharge of pus (pink eyes) especially in the humid weather. The pain gets worse on moving the eye or by pressure.  Warm tears flow out of the eyes.

The sores and blisters inside the mouth that look raw and red can be treated with Rhus Tox, if the symptoms match completely with Rhus Tox. The taste of the mouth is metallic as if one is tasting torch batteries. The tongue becomes red and looks bruised. Blisters form at the mouth and the chin. The tonsils become inflamed and enlarged. The throat hurts and swallowing becomes obviously difficult. Rhus Tox is very useful in the treatment of inflammation of the oesophagus with the above symptoms (oesophagitis).

Rhus Tox is also useful in the treatment of typhoid. The fever affects the mouth adversely. The gas produces rumbling sounds in the abdomen. The abdomen becomes distended with gas. The patient tries to belch the air out unsuccessfully, nor can he pass flatus naturally. It is an extremely troublesome situation. Rhus Tox and Colchicum both may prove useful in easing this situation.

Sometimes, as a result of lifting or carrying heavy weight, the

muscles of the pelvis and the muscles at the back may become badly stretched or strained. Women can develop the tendency of the uterus to prolapse. Rhus Tox happens to be the ideal and indeed the best remedy for this. However its beneficial effect is not limited to only the uterus. Severe muscular strain or sprain in any part of the body can be effectively treated with Rhus Tox and Millefolium.  Another symptom of Rhus Tox is that the voice becomes hoarse due to severe soreness of the throat. The voice improves on starting to talk. The more the person talks, the better the voice gets. In fact, such persons can make long speeches although they suffer later.

In Rhus Tox, the cough is very troublesome and severe. There is a

constant irritation inside the throat and trachea. Rhus Tox can offer quick relief. Rhus Tox is very effective in the treatment of a failing heart resulting from the overstretching and enlargement of the heart. A
similar condition in athletes responds only to Rhus Tox. The patient has the feeling of numbness and increasing weakness of the left upper extremity, secondary to the weakness and dysfunction of the heart. Rhus Tox once again is the number one remedy for this condition. Lachesis and Arnica should be given for a few days. If these are not effective, then a few doses of Rhus Tox must be given.  After that, Lachesis and Arnica combined should be started again.  Rhus Tox is also very useful in the treatment of severe strains and sprains of the back due to faltered muscles and ligaments of the back. It may also be very useful in the treatment of chronic sprains of the ankles if other remedies have not been of avail.  In women especially, restlessness and constant movement of the legs during sleep may be due to suppressed eczema or itchiness.  Treatment with Rhus Tox will offer immediate relief of the discomfort though the suppressed skin disease may surface to the skin.  Urticaria may be found in many kinds of fevers. The Rhus Tox type of patients, tend to develop urticaria during a malarial attack.  Rhus Tox is also very effective in the treatment of shingles (Herpes Zoster). One type of Herpes is the result of sexual promiscuity. The Herpes Zoster is related to the inflammation of the nerves. Rhus Tox can be of significant avail if the skin lesions of the patient exude lot of warm watery fluid.