Disorders of the stomach need special
attention because any kind of stomach disorder, be it transient or chronic,
can deeply affect the functioning of the entire body. The most
commonly used remedies in
the treatment of
stomach disorders are:
Absinthium Gratiola
Aesculus Hydrastis
Alumina Ipecac
Ammonium Carb Iris Versicolor
Argentum Nitricum Kali Iodatum
Arsenic Iodide Kreosotum
Arsenicum Album Lac Defloratum
Asafoetida Lachesis
Bismuthum Lycopodium
Capsicum Mercury
Carbo Animalis Muriatic Acid
Carbo Veg Nat Mur
Chelidonium Nat Phos
China Nux Vomica
Cimicifuga Phosphorus
Colchicum Phytolacca
Colocynthis Plumbum
Conium Pulsatilla
Crotalus Rhus Toxicodendron
Cyclamen Sanguinaria
Dioscorea Sulphuric Acid
From the above, the study of only a few will suffice; the
rest of the remedies may be found under their respective headings. Ulcers of the
stomach and the intestines can also be effectively treated with powdered unripe
banana. The raw banana should be dried first and then powdered, to be taken
three to four times a day. Even if not fully dried, the unripe banana may also
be utilised. Besides that, liquorice may also be useful. A small piece of
liquorice may be chewed between the teeth.