
Diseases related to Disorders of the Arteries and Veins-Treatment

Transient as well as long-lasting diseases of the arteries and the veins, including traumatic and psychological disorders have been referred to under the following chapters:

Aconitum                              Cimicifuga
Alumina                                Crataegus
Ammonium                           Carb Cuprum
Arnica                                   Fluoricum Acid
Arsenic                                  Hamamelis
Aurum Metallicum                  Lachesis
Belladonna                            Millefolium
Bellis Perennis                       Opium
Benzoicum Acid                    Psorinum
Carbo Animalis                      Pulsatilla
Carbo Veg                             Strontia Carb
Chininum Ars                         Sulphur

Whenever patients suffering from Arterial or Venous disorders are seen, the above remedies should be studied. Symptoms of such patients would be found somewhere in these remedies.  Sometimes, the tendency of the arteries to rupture may be the consequence of suppressed skin diseases. For example, in Rhus Tox, the affected area tends to exude a watery discharge, even though the skin disease had apparently healed over twenty years beforehand. The recurrence of the varicose veins will need to be treated with Rhus Tox 1000 once or twice a week. Besides this, standard treatment with Aesculus, Fluoric Acid, Calcarea Fluor and Pulsatilla should be used.