
Cold, Catarrh and Fever-Treatment

if the cold symptoms are effectively treated in their initial stages, then, by the grace of God, the patient can be saved from the serious complications of nasal catarrh. As soon as there is a feeling of cold inside the nose, either Camphor 30 or a lower potency should be given immediately, or Aconite in whatever potency it is available.  Aconite 1000, by the grace of God, also proves to be very effective.  If the face is flushed and there is a throbbing type of headache, then Belladonna 1000 and Arnica 1000 should be added to Aconite. Two doses, half an hour apart, will work extremely well. If the sickness has well-advanced, then Bacillinum, Diphtherinum, Influenzinum and Oscillococcinum 200, all four combined, given once a day for 3 days or as needed, will prevent further deterioration of rhinitis and the development of fever and asthma. If the condition does not come under control, then the symptoms should be reviewed closely and treated accordingly. If the coryza is associated with excessive sneezing, then in addition to the above, one must use Natrum Mur 200. If the patient suffers from fever in spite of that, the following remedy should be adopted: Kali Phos + Ferrum Phos + Kali Mur + Silicea + Calcarea Fluor 6X combined.

If the fever still does not subside, then Sulphur and Pyrogenium 200 together should be used twice a day for a few days, or proceed according to the symptoms of the patient as follows: The watery secretions from the nose and feeling of cold are common to Gelsemium, Silicea, Natrum Mur, Psorinum and Kali Carb. In Kali
Carb, the patient suffers from backache in the latter part of the day at three or four o’clock in the afternoon, while in Natrum Mur the backache lasts all day, from morning till evening. Pulsatilla and Apis can both be useful if the symptoms become worse from the heat. In both, the thirst becomes less and the nasal discharge is rather thick and yellowish. However, a Pulsatilla patient is of a mild nature while that of Apis is very irritable, feels a stinging type of strong wavy pain in the muscles, passes less urine and has inflammation of the kidneys.  Kali Bichrome is much more useful in the treatment of the chronic, stubborn type of nasal catarrh. The nasal discharge is thick, thready and sticky. There is pain at the root of the nose also.  In the spring, Sabadilla helps combat hayfever and severe episodes of sneezing due to allergies. Conversely, for allergies in the autumn that are associated with sneezing, a clear watery discharge from the eyes that does not cause itching, and a cold affecting the ears, Allium Cepa would be more appropriate than Sabadilla.

In a condition where a burning watery discharge flows from the eyes, into throat and the chest during sleep causing itching and coughing, Euphrasia should be used. To cure the allergy of the spring, Lachesis 1000 is very beneficial. It should be used after relief from the allergy has been obtained with Sabadilla. It should be given in well-spaced intervals, over several months. During humid weather or at any time when the weather changes rapidly, Dulcamara proves to be the best remedy for nasal catarrhs and for skin conditions. In such a cold, the nose is blocked though the watery discharge continues to flow lightly.

In case the patient feels weak, restless and has a burning sensation (alleviated with heat), then Arsenic would be the best treatment. If he feels nauseous at the smell of food, then it is a symptom of Colchicum. For the “cold” conditions of diabetic patients, Natrum Sulph, Kali Sulph and Natrum Phos combined, besides other helpful remedies, should be administered two to three times daily. If the body and bones ache severely, then Arnica and Eupatorium combined will prove to be very beneficial. Patients who suffer from chronic cold with thready discharge, will benefit from Kali Bichrome, as well as the combination of Coccus Cacti and Hepar Sulph.

If the patient develops a sore throat due to the cold, the following remedies should be used:  Baryta Carb + Gelsemium (if there is no thirst, the mouth is dry and the head feels heavy)  Arnica + Aconite + Causticum + Belladonna from potency 30 to 1000 for any kind of throat condition that is associated with congestion, swelling and pain in the throat. Sometimes, this combination in potency 1000 works extraordinarily fast. Two doses, 30 minutes apart are often enough.  Baryta Carb + Belladonna + Causticum for Rhinitis and sore throats. Sometimes, Causticum may need to be replaced by Kali Mur, according to the specific symptoms. If the sore throat is associated with a watery discharge from the mouth and there is an offensive smell, then one should try to find a remedy in Mercury compounds. Important Note: A detailed study of any of the afore-mentioned remedies in this chapter would provide further clarification of the diseases discussed.

Remedies for Catarrh

Alumina                          Kali Bichrome
Arum Triphyllum             Medorrhinum
Aurum Metallicum          Mercurius
Bromium                        Natrum Carbonicum
Calcarea Carbonica        Nitric Acid
Capsicum                       Nux Vomica
Carbo Vegetabilis           Phosphorus
Carboneum Sulph           Psorinum
Cistus                             Pulsatilla
Coccus                           Silicea
Guaiacum                        Thuja