

Psorinum is prepared from the sinister material obtained from the skin lesions of chronic psoriasis. Psorinum is a vastly effective and powerful remedy. Regarding its efficacy against various diseases, Psorinum is similar to Sulphur. However, with regards to sensitivity to heat and cold, it is just the opposite of it. Sulphur by nature is very hot, whereas Psorinum by nature is very cold. If a patient shows all the symptoms of Sulphur but is cold by nature, then Psorinum will be the ideal treatment instead of Sulphur. Both Sulphur and Psorinum produce powerful effects on the skin and the glands. In both, the excretions stink and the body appears unclean and filthy as if the patient has not taken a bath for a long time. Sulphur and Psorinum are topnotch homoeopathic remedies for the treatment of severe skin diseases, which have become suppressed due to the use of strong, forceful allopathic treatment, and are now adversely affecting the intestines and the inner linings. In these conditions, Sulphur and Psorinum are both equally important. These skin diseases exhibit similar symptoms, though they react quite differently to heat and cold.  Irrespective of cold and heat, Psorinum proves to be very effective against certain dangerous diseases not amenable to Sulphur, for example, the cancer of the root of animal horns. It is a very dangerous type of cancer killing the animal within few days. Many a time, a single dose of Psorinum 1000 will, by the grace of God, cure the disease, although it is considered incurable.

A Psorinum patient feels very cold and likes to cover himself with a quilt. However, when the patient  becomes a little warm in the bed, itching starts. Despite some similarity in the mode of action between Psorinum and Sulphur, both differ widely from each other in their nature. A unique totally unrelated feature of Psorinum, not shared by any other remedy including Sulphur, is that strands of the hair in young children start turning grey. I have yet to see a remedy better than Psorinum in the treatment of this condition. Soon after the treatment with Psorinum 1000, every week for a few weeks, black hair starts to grow from the roots. The upper part of the hair that has become grey cannot become black again. But the newer, lower part of the hair grows as black. I do not know with any certainity if Psorinum could also be helpful in turning the colour of grey hair of advanced age back into black. On rare occasions it has been seen that after becoming grey due to ripe old age, hair starts growing black again. I myself have seen many women whose hair turned black after becoming grey due to old age. God only knows the functioning of this mechanism. If a homoeopathic doctor could find a sure shot remedy by which the grey hair of old people could turn black, then that doctor might become the richest person in the world. I invite everybody to do more research on this project using Arnica and Psorinum. It is possible that this prescription may work in old people of cold constitution.  The skin diseases of Psorinum resemble those of Graphites. In both of these, the eczema is marred with scabs, underneath which very foul smelling pus is formed and the eczema continues afresh. In Psorinum, the foul smell from the wounds is distinctly more pronounced than Graphites and other remedies. It is simply unbearable. There is severe itching in the wounds, which bleed on scratching. The skin becomes dry and dirty. Scaly bumps develop over the entire body that are resistant to healing.

In Psorinum, the eyelids are swollen and sticky. The margins of the eyelids become red and swollen, as in several other remedies. If the disease becomes worse and the eyes become disfigured, Alumina or Alumen can prove to be ideal remedies, especially Alumina, which is very powerful and effective in this respect. If the eyes become inflamed and develop lumps, then Aesculus would be better than Alumina. Most of the eye diseases can improve with these or similar remedies. Sometimes, the eyelids swell and turn outwards, exposing the inner red surface (ectropion). The eyes look dreadful. The eyelashes start to fall. For all these symptoms, Psorinum, Hepar Sulph and Alumina are very high-rated remedies.

In Psorinum, the patient suffers from recurrent nasal cold. The nose gets blocked. Despite blockage of the nasal passages, thin yellowishgreen fluid runs from the nose, slightly relieving the burning sensation. In view of the changing forms of the influenza virus, Psorinum remains effective only for a short while and then loses its
effect. The reason is that the symptoms of the disease keep on changing. Therefore, it is not possible to depend on one or two remedies alone for the entire treatment of catarrhal diseases. It becomes imperative to change the treatment when the symptoms change.

Psorinum is the remedy for people of cold constitution. It acts rapidly against the diseases caused by cold. Furthermore, Psorinum has the capability to surface the suppressed diseases out. Even if Psorinum cannot cure the patient, it helps the physician in treating the patient with other remedies by exposing the symptoms related to a particular remedy. One should not be afraid if Psorinum became ineffective after being effective for a short while, this does not mean that the diagnosis was wrong. It is a characteristic of Psorinum that it is effective for a short while and then becomes ineffective. However, after a while, if the patient is put back on Psorinum again, it picks up its previous effectiveness.

A Psorinum patient is always hungry, especially at night. Characteristically, hunger wakes him up in the latter part of the night.  Food makes the patient feel better. A Sulphur patient does not feel hungry at night or in the morning, however, after sunrise, around 11a.m., the patient feels extremely hungry by way of severe craving in the stomach.

In Psorinum, the headache alternates with nasal catarrh. In this condition, Bryonia and Rhus Tox are also effective. In Psorinum, the cough is dry. Phlegm does not form at all. Usually such a cough is very  troublesome. At the beginning of the disease, Aconite, Belladonna and Arsenic benefit the patient. However, these remedies do not offer a permanent cure. For symptoms developing later, some other remedies should be looked for. It is important to keep a constant watch on the patient and then change the remedies as frequently as the symptoms change. However, the remedies conforming to the patient’s constitution usually cure the patient permanently. These need not be changed.

In Psorinum, sores develop at the angles of the mouth. The tongue

and the gums feel painful constantly. The teeth become loose and start to shake. Often due to some kind of severe infection, despite the fact that the gums have become diseased, symptoms of pain, inflammation and fever do not develop. Bacteria erode the gums from the inside. Similar symptoms are also found in Baptisia i.e. there is severe throat infection, to the extent that the tonsils start to necrose, yet the patient does not feel any pain. 

Sometimes, a Psorinum patient experiences a sudden urge to pass stools. The slightest delay may result in soiling the clothes.  The constipation of Psorinum resembles that of Bryonia and Graphites. Sometimes, despite loose motions, there is difficulty in excretion of the faeces, because the peristaltic movements of the intestines become sluggish. The symptom of difficulty in excretion of the faeces is also found in Alumina, China and Nux Moschata. In the diarrhoea of Psorinum, the stools contain undigested food particles.  Moreover, the patient urinates frequently. It is a symptom of weakness of the urinary bladder and is not due to diabetes.  Psorinum is very effective against certain diseases of the prostate. Psorinum is also effective against cancer of the prostate, though, for this disease, Silicea CM is the most effective remedy. During the last few years, Silicea CM has been tried for the treatment of prostate cancer and found to be very effective. After treating with one dose of Silicea CM, the benefit may stop. The remedy may then be repeated after a short interval. However, it should not be repeated without reason. In the treatment of cancers anywhere in the body, if necessary a high potency of Silicea can be repeated sooner. However, while the first dose is still effective, the second dose should not be given unnecessarily. Generally, Psorinum is beneficial in the treatment of weakened heart muscles, severe pain which is relieved by lying down and inflammation of the covering membrane of the heart (pericarditis). One symptom of Psorinum is that the pulse is very weak and difficult to feel. 

Psorinum is beneficial in the treatment of women’s diseases only if the symptoms of feeling cold and the foul smell of the discharges are conspicuous. In Psorinum, sexual urge decreases and there is a complete loss of
libido. This symptom is found in Graphites also. Apparently, by nature, Psorinum is a cold and dry remedy, yet the body temperature rises very high in the fever of a Psorinum patient. A patient sweats as if steaming. Despite sweating, the patient’s body temperature does not subside. The patient experiences scary dreams, feels very thirsty and cannot go to sleep due to unbearable itching.  The Psorinum diseases become worse with cold and during the change of weather. A whiff of cold air becomes unbearable to the patient.  Eating food gives only short relief. In the open air, the cough and itching subside.