

Phosphorus is found in many different forms in nature. The most abundant form of Phosphorus is white Phosphorus, which is a highly inflammable and a fluorescent solid substance. On heating, white Phosphorus changes into a red coloured powder, which is used to make matchsticks.

Phosphorus is an important component of animal and plant life also used in traditional remedies to treat various diseases. The powder form is used to prepare the homoeopathic remedy. Phosphorus is a profoundly active and powerful remedy. It is deeply related to the functioning of inner linings i.e. the mucous membranes, nerve fibres, glands and the brain. It also affects bones and bone marrow. It is one of the best remedies for the control of red bleed (arterial). It has no effect on dark coloured bleeding (venous bleeding). Therefore, it should be considered as a treatment of arterial bleed only. Phosphorus is used for the treatment of tuberculosis and brain tumours. However, one has to be very careful in choosing its potency. One should always start the treatment with Phosphorus 30 and then if necessary, the potency may be gradually increased. It is a top class remedy for treating bone cancer. It is also very useful in the treatment of asthma. If asthma does not respond to the commonly used remedies and the symptoms of Phosphorus are present, then by the grace of God, the patient will respond well to Phosphorus.  Generally, the external symptoms of Phosphorus patients have been stressed so much in homoeopathic literatures that homoeopathic doctors have started to pay extraordinary importance to these symptoms. Yet, if the internal symptoms are present, then, whether the external symptoms are present or not, the remedy works very well.
It is said that a Phosphorus patient is skinny and tall. He has conical fingers and possesses an artistic mind. The patient is of extremely fair complexion, has blond hair and light coloured eyes. He happens to be
tender and sensitive. Obviously, it is very difficult to find a person with all these features and characteristics. Furthermore, in some countries, one will rarely encounter such a person. Even if such a person is found, he may not necessarily be of the Phosphorus constitution. A Phosphorus patient should not be identified based on his physical appearance rather; the identification should be based on the constitution of the patient. One must definitely keep in mind the sensitive nature of the patient. Phosphorus can be recognised on the basis of the behaviour of certain diseases. For example, in certain diseases of women, the hands and feet become cold. The patient loses the courage to fight the disease and the body temperature falls subnormal.  All these are the symptoms of Phosphorus. It does not matter if the patient is black or white. Sometimes, the patient’s hands and feet become cold in the diseases of the bones, chest and kidneys.  Since these are the symptoms of Silicea also, therefore treatment by alternating Phosphorus with Silicea benefits the patient more. One of the symptoms of Phosphorus is the red bleed whereas in Sulphur, the bleeding is dark. In women, during their period, bleeding of a bright red colour before the actual period is due is a specific
symptom of Phosphorus. The discharge of Phosphorus is usually acidic. The leucorrhoeal discharge is also excoriating. The diarrhoeal stools are acidic to the extent that they cause blisters on the skin.
Phosphorus also resembles Natrum Mur and Bryonia. In Bryonia, crusts form on the lips, which fissure at their edges due to severe dryness. Phosphorus also exhibits these symptoms. Some symptoms of Platinum may also be present i.e. the patient becomes aloof and thinks himself superior to others. The Phosphorus patient may remain aloof simply being honest and straightforward. However, the patient is not arrogant, like Platinum. The Platinum patient thinks of himself as special and despises others. The Phosphorus patient is very kind and polite to others. His gentle nature makes him extraordinarily sensitive, which may sometimes cause certain diseases. Sometimes, when alone fear of death overcomes him or he may become mentally agitated. He feels as if something is creeping inside his body. Many of the Phosphorus ailments ameliorate with heat, while the stomach and the head feel better in the cold. Because the pressure inside the head is already high, application of heat will make the headache worse. The main difference in the headache of Phosphorus and that of Belladonna is that the Belladonna patient feels comfort on lying down, whereas the headache of Phosphorus aggravates by lying down. Therefore, the Phosphorus patient keeps his head elevated while lying down. In Belladonna, the headache is associated with cramps, whereas in Phosphorus the headache is without cramps. Cold things improve the stomach complaints, while hot things cause vomiting. In a child the ingested milk, warms up in the stomach after a little while and causes vomiting. This symptom is similar to Aethusa.

Phosphorus is closely related to the nerve fibres. It also affects the visual mechanism of the eye. The patient sees many colours. The patient sees a green halo around the light and also notices red and black spots. When someone becomes suddenly blinded due to unexpected shocking news, he should be treated with Phosphorus.  Phosphorus is also an effective treatment for baldness and dandruff.  These conditions are usually treated with Acid Phos. However, if the nerves become highly sensitive then Phosphorus is better. Phosphorus strengthens the hair and prevents hair loss. Thin blond hair considered to be the symptom of Phosphorus, are in fact due to the weak hair roots. It is the weakness of the hair follicles that make the hair soft and silky. Such kind of hair is a symptom related to Phosphorus.  Skin problems arise due to lack of pigmentation. Albino children, i.e., the children with clear white skin as found in some forms of leprosy, are an example of Phosphorus. Thus, Phosphorus can be used in the treatment of albino children. Phosphorus is connected with the diseases in which the skin looks raw and the hair is unhealthy, regardless of the skin colour of the patient. Some of the symptoms are also found in Natrum Mur. For example in Natrum Mur, the hair becomes lifeless and split at the end. However, the skin neither becomes raw nor loses its normal lustre.
In Phosphorus, the vision becomes foggy. Besides Phosphorus, a green halo around the candlelight is found in Opium also. Opium can also afflict and paralyse the optic nerve. Phosphorus is useful in the treatment of many eye diseases. The Retina of the eye contains cones and rods. The cones are triangular in shape and are responsible for colour vision. They split the light into various colours. The rods help differentiate between white and black colours. If the retina becomes damaged or the optic nerve transmitting the message becomes weak, then the eyes cannot register various colours i.e. the person becomes colour-blind.

Gradually progressive blindness leading ultimately to complete blindness is a symptom of Phosphorus. This symptom is also found in Causticum. Many other symptoms of Causticum and Phosphorus also resemble each other.

The Phosphorus patient feels very thirsty. He feels comforted by drinking cold water. However, when the water becomes warm in the stomach, it induces vomiting. Severe uncontrollable nausea developing after surgery can be effectively treated with Phosphorus.  Yellow spots develop on the abdomen, chest and parts of the neck, apparently due to a pigmentation disorder. This is in fact due to the weakness of the suprarenal glands. Phosphorus is extraordinarily effective against the kidney diseases. Phosphorus is widely effective against the diseases of the mouth.  When the gums become diseased and there is light red offensive bleeding from them, then Phosphorus is the most effective remedy in this condition. Phosphorus is the foremost remedy to stop bleeding.

If, after childbirth, bleeding continues for a long time and smells

putrid, Phosphorus often works. Infections and tumours of the uterus can also cause bleeding. Sometimes, the bleeding is without any bad odour, at least in the beginning of the bleed. Phosphorus is useful for this condition aswell. The Hoarseness of the voice is also a symptom of Phosphorus. Besides Phosphorus, Carbo Veg, Causticum, Borax and Coca are also well-known remedies for a hoarse voice. In Carbo Veg, like Phosphorus, the patient loses his voice in the evening, but the condition improves in the morning. In Causticum however the throat is hoarse in the morning and becomes better in the evening. In Phosphorus, irritation of the throat causes coughing. The cough starts either on laughing or on talking loudly, causing inflammation of the throat. Sometimes the cough starts due to itching of the throat. The phlegm dries up and sticks in the throat causing discomfort and more itching. For this problem, Rhus Tox and Hepar Sulph, depending upon the symptoms of the disease, can be useful remedies. The uneasiness and restlessness of Phosphorus is due to the increased nerve sensitivity. This symptom is found in almost all the diseases of Phosphorus. The symptoms become worse in the presence of strangers. The mind needs rest and cannot handle extra burden. Thus, the nerves become extraordinarily sensitive. Weakness is a common symptom of Phosphorus. Phosphorus acts the joints of the hands, arms, elbows and the feet, becoming suddenly infirm, Phosphorus can be useful. Sometimes, the patient may be restless during sleep. The sleep is shallow. He frequently wakes up without any particular reason. This is due to mental anguish. Here, Phosphorus happens to act very fast.

Thunderous clouds make the symptoms of Phosphorus worse.

Sometimes, the symptoms of the disease begin to appear before the weather changes. Phosphorus patients can perceive such changes in weather, which cannot be detected with the most sensitive scientific   instruments. Their suffering begins before the actual change in the weather takes place. One symptom of Phosphorus is that climbing up the stairs makes the patient feel worse. However, this symptom per se is not related to any particular remedy.

Besides Natrum Mur and Nux Vomica, Potassium Permanganate is also an antidote of Phosphorus. Potassium Permanganate is very good in the treatment of extraordinary hypersensitivity. It is often used to prevent the numbness of extremities. 

Severe nasal catarrh, which can only be treated with Phosphorus, but if not treated on time will become chronic. The mucous membranes of the nose become weak. Still, the treatment would be Phosphorus. The ill effects of Potassium Permanganate and Phosphorus on the throat and mucous membrane, i.e. the inner linings, are the same, however, the two are not identical with respect to their symptoms related to nervous system. Therefore, Potassium Permanganate cannot be used as an antidote of Phosphorus in all situationsPhosphorus is an excellent treatment of fatty degeneration of the liver and other parts of the body. Failures of the liver and kidney, as well as fatty degeneration of the heart muscles, are the characteristic symptoms of Phosphorus. Phosphorus also protects from the ill effects of drinking. Phosphorus is very sensitive with respect to its action on the nerves. The liver is the smallest but most active yet silent chemical-manufacturing factory in the world. Almost five thousand chemicals are directly manufactured by the liver, while the rest are synthesised by various organs through the mediation of chemicals released by the liver. Cholesterol is also produced by the liver. The liver converts the normal fat into cholesterol. In some people, there is a familial tendency of overproduction of low-density of lipo-proteins LDL by their liver. Cutting down the fat in their diet will not help in lowering their blood cholesterol level. It is this type of cholesterol i.e. LDL which causes occlusion of the coronary arteries and predisposes to heart attack. Phosphorus normalises the function of the liver concerning the production of LDL and thus lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood.
Phosphorus is very effective in resolving nasal polyps, relieving blockage of the nose. The polyps and adenoid glands block the nose, forcing the child to breath through the mouth. The sense of smell becomes affected. The nose may bleed also. In the presence of such tendencies, Phosphorus could be useful in the treatment of swollen uterine glands in women.

In Phosphorus, the stomach problems and headache get better in cold weather. If the bleeding starts due to high blood pressure, Phosphorus helps to stop the bleeding. Once, a friend of mine developed a severe nosebleed in the middle of the night. I went to see him and found a pool of blood on the floor, as if a goat had been slaughtered. He was also bleeding into the mouth. I administered Phosphorus and Millefolium together, into his mouth, which was full of blood. Within fifteen minutes, the bleeding stopped and he went to sleep comfortably. Phosphorus is very effective in controlling unusual wound bleeds. The patient finds relief with cold and the bleeding stops by application of cold water. During a headache due to severe hypertension, there is a serious danger of cerebral haemorrhage.  In this condition, cooling the head helps. However, it is absolutely essential to continue the treatment with Phosphorus in order to completely prevent this tendency forever.

Phosphorus is exceptionally effective in the treatment of bladder and prostate cancers. Against bone cancer also, Phosphorus has proven to be very effective. Once I treated a patient who had been given all types of radiation with Phosphorus 30. I told the patient to let me know of his condition after one month. After this time he told me that he was not losing weight any more and his appetite had significantly improved. Previously the patient’s bones had become very weak. He could not walk or even stand on his legs and he had to use crutches. Within three months, his health improved so much that he walked without any support. The patient remained healthy for about eight years therafter, later developing brain cancer. By the grace of God, he was cured of the brain cancer also and lived for another fifteen years. Cancers have a tendency to recur therefore a cancer patient should be treated continuously. One must be very cautious in using Phosphorus because it is a very potent remedy. It should be avoided in high potency. Phosphorus is effective against cancer of the liver, bone, bone marrow as well as the lymphatic glands. One should always keep Phosphorus in mind while treating the cancers of the throat, bones and bladder. One characteristic symptom of Phosphorus is that the patient loses his voice due to ulceration in the throat. In fact, the loss of voice is also a symptom of throat cancer. Thus if someone has an ulcer in the throat and loses his voice, treatment should be started immediately. If the treatment is delayed, the prognosis becomes gloomy and the cancer will become untreatable.

Sometimes, the muscles become flabby and the supporting tissues and membranes become weak. As after delivery, the muscles of the uterus become flabby and the uterus tends to prolapse. Furthermore, hernia and other similar conditions can develop.  Phosphorus plays an important role in restoring organs to their original position by strengthening the musculature. One symptom of Phosphorus (similar to that of Rhus Tox andBryonia) is that initial movement causes discomfort. Later, the patient feels better. In Rhus Tox, the symptoms aggravate on lying down, and also at the beginning of the movement. Every time he changes his side, he feels uncomfortable. The Rhus Tox patient feels relief for a short while and then becomes rather more  uncomfortable. The patient is restless. In Bryonia, the increase in the discomfort on movement isvery prominent. This is the reason why in homoeopathy, Bryonia Alba 200 given in combination with Arnica 200, proves to be the best treatment for fatigue following strong physical exercise. In Phosphorus, particularly the patient’s legs feel very heavy as he tries to stand up and walk, first thing in the morning.
Phosphorus is also a very effective treatment for the generalised stiffness of the joints. I have prepared two prescriptions for this condition. If the stiffness is on the left side of the body, then Arnica,Lachesis and Ledum combined in 200, are very effective. This can be given to the patient repeatedly suffering from chronic arthritis. Despite the potency 200, they can be used three times during a day inthe first week, twice a day in the second week and once a day during the third week. By the fourth week, when the full effect of the treatment becomes apparent, the patient will be found feeling surprisingly relieved and then fully cured of the disease. The second prescription is useful when the pains are on the right side of the body and the patient feels severe discomfort on movement and massage. In such a situation, Arnica, Bryonia and Causticum 200 are very effective. This triad is very effective for the treatment of knee pain and the aches due to the sports injuries of the past.

Phosphorus is an excellent remedy for facial neuralgia. Also, the following remedies are very effective when used in different combinations: Spigelia, Silicea, Phosphorus and Mag Phos.  Phosphorus given in combination with Spigelia is a very good treatment in the neuralgia of the left side of the face. If the neuralgia happens to be on the right side, then Silicea along with Mag Phos proves very effective. Phosphorus also can be included in this prescription.

If the men or women have been unable to have children due to

heightened anxiety, then Kali Phos and Phosphorus prove useful.  Increased sensitivity of the nerves (premature ejaculation), in itself does not make a person sterile. However, the reproducing cells (the sperm cells and the egg) do not mature or become viable.  In Phosphorus, problems become worse on empty stomach. The warts (papillomata) tend to bleed. Sometimes, the warts fungate and look horrible, as in Nitric Acid. Bright red bleed is often a symptom of Phosphorus. The wounds bleed heavily. The wounds can apparently heal up only to reappear. Bluish black spots appear on the skin. The patient develops jaundice and feels cold in the evening.  The patient feels rapid heartbeat while lying down on the left side.The pulse is fast but weak. The patient feels warm over the heart area.  The patient feels hungry immediately after eating food. The taste becomes sour. There is a tendency to vomit. The patient develops stomachache, which subsides on taking cold things. The stomach becomes inflamed and painful, more so on walking and putting pressure over it with the hands. The patient feels relieved by lying on the right side. There is pain and a burning sensation over the back, a feeling of heat in the area between the shoulders, numbness of the hands and fingers with a feeling of ants crawling, and a pain and burning sensation of the joints of the elbows and the shoulders.  In Phosphorus the hearing also becomes affected. The patient hears sounds echoing. The face becomes pale and bluish rings develop around the eyes. The jawbone becomes swollen and painful. Sores develop inside the mouth, which tend to bleed. Women develop muscular pains after washing clothes on cessation of their periods.  The teeth also hurt.The Phosphorus patient is very restless and anxious.