

In homoeopathy, Natrum Muriaticum is a wide acting remedy, despite the fact that it is simply the homoeopathic potency of the common table salt we consume daily. Sodium Chloride is abundantly present in the human body. It plays an important role in maintaining the normal physiological functions of our body. Its deficiency results in different kinds of diseases. It is strange that a large variety of salts are always present in our mouth, Sodium Chloride being probably the most abundant. In spite of this, when even a minute dose of homoeopathic potency of Sodium Chloride is dropped into the mouth, it provokes an immediate body reaction. The salt already present in the mouth does not interfere with the body’s response.  One of the diseases related to the excessive use of salt is high blood pressure (hypertension). Therefore, it is generally thought that to protect against high blood pressure and related heart problems, one should not consume too much salt. However, the research done by heart specialists in England and America does not support the general impression that those who consume less salt will not develop high blood pressure, and those who consume more, must develop high blood pressure. High blood pressure is an independent disease with its own specific causes. However, if someone is suffering from high blood pressure, it is better that he or she abstains from eating too much salt. A healthy person, however, may eat as much salt as he likes.  The excessive salt is automatically excreted from the blood, through the urine or sweat. People who do not sweat due to some problem or have abnormal kidney function should abstain from consuming an excessive amount of salt. Excess salt in the blood increases the blood volume by retaining water, which will naturally lead to rise in blood pressure.

Salt is an essential part of human body. Its imbalance produces diseases. Excessive intake of salt will not produce any ill effects in those who have the habit of exercising daily, sweat profusely and also excrete the salt in their urine i.e. their kidneys are functioning normally.

Natrum Mur is a profoundly active, long-acting medicine. No part of the body is beyond its influence. Generally, the skin of a Natrum Mur patient is very shiny. Due to the increased content of water in the blood, the skin feels greasy as if oil has been rubbed over it.  However, one should remember that every patient may not necessarily exhibit all the symptoms or that all the relevant symptoms must appear in each and every part of the body. For a remedy to be the exact match, the basic as well as distinctive symptoms must be present in a patient. However, it is not essential for every symptom to be expressed fully.

A patient of Natrum Mur feels tired and weak. Weakness, either physical or mental, is always found in Natrum Mur patients. This is due to the imbalance of Hydrochloric Acid, resulting in episodes of sudden severe weakness.

Natrum Mur is deeply related to malaria. In swampy areas, malaria spreads through mosquitoes. Malaria causes breakdown of red blood cells, resulting in anaemia and the resulting relative dilution of the blood (haemodilution). These signs require the usage of Natrum Mur, which otherwise, has no special affinity to wet marshy areas. The real connection of malaria is with the mosquitoes. Wherever mosquitoes are present, malaria must also exist. Generally, the mosquitoes are found in swampy and coastal areas. In such areas, naturally, Natrum Mur would also be required to treat malarial fever and is one of the best remedies against it. However, it should never be given to the patient while the malarial fever is still rising, because under these circumstances, Natrum Mur may produce serious ill effects or an immediate severe reaction. Several different ways have been described to use Natrum Mur. One is that either one should wait for the temperature to drop and then give the remedy, or it should be given in high potency during the interval between the two bouts of fever. In the case where Natrum Mur becomes effective, it will change the timing of the fever. The fever will either come on earlier or later than its usual time. If only the timing of the fever alters, but there is no decrease in the duration or the severity of the fever, it proves that the remedy has not been effective. In this situation, one must find another remedy without further delay. The appropriate remedy should either result in immediate disappearance of fever with no return, or will alter the timing and decrease the duration of the fever. The fever may not then return, or will be much milder. If so, the treatment should be repeated after the fever has subsided.  The mental signs of Natrum Mur are strange. In the beginning, the patient feels victimized and is always obsessed with the feeling of being a victim of some wrongdoings. Despite this, the patient does not like sympathy. Furthermore, the patient gets captivated with imaginary love. Even some old women get captivated with this kind of hypothetical love. If love could ever be cured with a medicine, then probably Natrum Mur will be the most appropriate.

If the fever does not subside for a long time and affects the brain, then Natrum Mur should be tried. Natrum Mur has been found to be specifically effective against the bad effects of grief and sadness on the mind. Ignatia and Ambra Grisea are the best and promptly effective remedies during the early stages of bereavement. Ignatia is a fast acting remedy, but its effect is very short-lived, so it needs to be given repeatedly. Once the deep grief becomes embedded into the mind of a patient, then he goes out of the range of Ignatia. Ambra Grisea works better in these patients. Next, comes Natrum Mur. It is my personal experience that with Natrum Mur, even the totally insane patient can be cured. Natrum Mur patients are not aggressive; rather they either sit quietly or become indifferent to the world altogether and then gradually become physically weak. They get very angry, yet do not show violence. Their mind becomes slow and weak. The patient, while talking, forgets and does not remember what he wanted to say. Concentration is lost. Break in the continuity of thoughts in the midst of talking is the symptom of Natrum Mur.  However, if while listening, someone fails to understand or there is a delay in understanding, then, Plumbum will be more appropriate.

One symptom of the Natrum Mur patient is that reading causes tiredness. He tends to cry like a chronic Pulsatilla patient. The Pulsatilla patient tends to cry repeatedly, though mentally he is absolutely normal. The hands and feet of the Natrum Mur patient remain cold, and he is also weak. He is inclined to cry with or without a reason. If the ill effects of grief on the patient are not cured with Natrum Mur and the disease appears deep-seated, then Silicea might be helpful in such cases (Silicea is chronic of Natrum Mur). Silicea is
also chronic of Pulsatilla. Natrum Mur should not be used repeatedly without good reason, because its excessive use can cause an imbalance of the salts in the blood. There is no harm in the occasional
repetition of this remedy, but it should not be repeated too often in one day. The Natrum Mur patient feels very thirsty. During the headache, the patient feels as if being hit with a hammer over various parts of the head. Light hurts the eyes. Movement aggravates this condition. From this point of view, Natrum Mur resembles Bryonia.  Constipation in Natrum Mur is more severe than that in Bryonia.

Natrum Mur is the chronic, as well as the antidote of Apis. The Natrum Mur patient suffers from chronic backache. He feels weakness in his arms, legs and particularly the knees. The skin around the nails of the hands (cuticles) becomes fissured due to dryness and the legs become insensitive. The Natrum Mur patient does not like to eat bread or oily food. The patient feels very hungry but after eating food, he feels tired and weak.  He feels burning sensation in the chest, also hardness and a piercing sensation over the liver. After taking food, the stomach becomes heavy and distended. Hunger pangs cause a fainting sensation over the stomach.

The Natrum Mur patient is highly strung and does not tolerate even the slightest noise. A sudden sound causes a headache. The patient is intolerant even to the rustling sound of paper. The Natrum Mur patient is very cold. However, his symptoms aggravate in a heated room. He likes the open air. From this point of view, half of the constitution of Natrum Mur resembles that of Pulsatilla. Despite feeling cold, the patient likes to go in the open air.  In the open, physical ailments ameliorate but the mental ailments aggravate. One must keep in mind these subtleties in the nature of this remedy. The constitution of a Natrum Mur patient changes frequently and rapidly. When the patient sweats, he catches cold, which however gets better in the open.
Natrum Mur affects the skin also. Eczema, itching and inflammation are found mostly at the hairlines. This is typical of Natrum Mur. Both dry pimples as well as discharging boils form.  There is itching as well as a pins and needles sensation on the skin.

Pus exudes from the itchy spots. Scabs also form, which then peel off

in pieces. One symptom of Natrum Mur that resembles Sarsaparilla is that the patient starts ageing prematurely. In Natrum Mur, the headache starts either after midnight or in the morning after nine o’ clock. Severe morning headache is a symptom of Gelsemium. Usually in Natrum Mur, the ailments, which either start due to heat stroke or during malarial fever, continue from nine o’ clock in the morning till night. The headache usually starts at the nape of the neck and spreads to the backbone. Natrum Mur is related to several back conditions. Especially if there is a sudden attack of “lumbago”, then Natrum Mur works very well in the early stages. The symptoms of a Natrum Mur patient usually become worse on lying down in a soft bed. The backbone becomes relatively very sensitive.  There is discomfort and pain along the nerves (sciatica). The patient feels comfort, when lying on a hard surface.

Symptoms related to the prostate gland are also present in Natrum Mur. There is considerable delay in the onset of urination. The urine comes in drops followed by the feeling of discomfort and unsatisfaction because of incomplete evacuation of the bladder.  Sometimes, the patient feels pain either at the end of urination or afterwards. During walking, laughing or coughing, urine may be passed involuntarily (stress  incontinence). For bed-wetting at night, Natrum Mur with Kali Phos is very useful. Usually this problem i.e.  bedwetting is found in children during deep sleep.

In Natrum Mur, either there is severe constipation or diarrhoea. In Natrum Mur, the patient, despite having an excellent appetite, remains slim and thin. Along with a burning sensation in the stomach, there is palpitation. While eating, the patient sweats. The patient craves salt. He feels better on an empty stomach. After eating food, there is heartburn and the acidity increases, along with excessive salivation
from the mouth.

As it has already been mentioned, Natrum Mur is an excellent treatment for malaria. Every type of malaria is included i.e. whether with daily fever or with relapsing fever. The most dangerous type of malaria is the one in which the fever returns every third day. This type of fever does not easily leave the patient. Natrum Mur is very beneficial in this kind of fever. Repeated use has proven that by giving Natrum Mur, the fever starts coming on the second day instead of the third day, and then slowly disappears completely in eight to ten

If the diseases of Natrum Mur have become very complicated or have become chronic due to the wrong treatment, then Sulphur 200 will be found very effective in delineating the underlying symptoms of these patients clearly. Sulphur, being a profoundly active remedy, may also cure some of these diseases. Natrum Mur also clearly brings out and clarifies the symptoms of the patients with complicated fevers that have gone out of hand. When the fevers become complicated, they may adopt different forms. When malaria deteriorates further, the symptoms become very complicated. Sometimes the symptoms appear as pain and at other times, they may appear in some other way.  A very eminent English doctor has said about malaria that with the exception of pregnancy, it can mimic any disease. It complicates the symptoms so much so that doctors may not arrive at the root cause of the disease. In this regard, both Natrum Mur and Sepia play a very important role. When given in high potency to a healthy person, Natrum Mur sometimes proves to be very useful in protecting against the general tendency towards malaria. Similarly, Arnica 1000 (or higher potency) along with Arsenic 1000 (or higher potency) has often been found to be very effective when given as a precautionary measure against malaria.

In Natrum Mur, like Hepar Sulph, the patient feels as if something has got stuck inside the throat. The patient tries unsuccessfully, again and again to remove the entrapped thing from the throat. He feels as if a thorn is stuck inside. However, if something like fishbone or something else is really stuck in the throat, then Silicea has the ability to expel it. Sometimes, in Natrum Mur, the throat becomes very dry and ulcers develop.

Soft swellings, which pit on pressure, resembling those resulting from a honeybee sting, are also found in and are treatable with Natrum Mur.  That is the reason why Natrum Mur is very effective in treating the symptoms of bee-sting. If Natrum Mur is used in combination with Arsenic and Ledum, it benefits the patient astonishingly fast.  Furthermore, Carbolic Acid is very famous as the fast acting antidote of bee-sting venom.

Natrum Mur is chronic of Apis. Chronic means that if a remedy, which works for a short while and then stops working, then another remedy takes its benefits further. The second remedy is called the chronic of the first. The swelling of the Apis, if not fully cured with Apis, will completely disappear when treated with Natrum Mur.  Similarly, some other diseases, which are not completely cured with Apis, will also be cured when the patient is treated subsequently with Natrum Mur. Therefore Natrum Mur is called the chronic of Apis.  Natrum Mur is a good treatment for weakness following childbirth.  If a woman’s general health weakens after delivery, apart from Kali Carb, Natrum Mur is also very effective. Natrum Mur restores the health of the woman. If post-childbirth backache is not cured with Kali Carb, then it can be cured with Natrum Mur. If there is some kind of deficiency in the mother’s milk, due to which the child is not thriving normally or the milk dries up too soon, Natrum Mur should be used. Natrum Mur rectifies the internal defect
due to which the child does not grow properly, as well as increasing the quantity of milk according to the need of the child. Natrum Mur is the best treatment of the emaciating, underfeeding and wasting
disease of the children (Marasmus). The emaciation process starts from the upper part of the body and then spreads downwards.  Sometimes, this disease is secondary to some disease of the mother; therefore the mother should also be treated.

Irregularity of periods, excessive bleeding, leucorrhoea causing burning and itching, depression and sadness before the onset of periods, heaviness in the lower part of the abdomen getting worse in the morning, are all the symptoms of Natrum Mur. The gums become swollen and bleed. The teeth become loose and sensitive to cold and cold air. Teeth hurt after eating food and at night, and the pain may also spread to the ears. A layer of dirty foam-like material deposits over the tongue. There is a feeling of hissing, as if a hair is stuck on the tongue.

The heart beats fast on going up the stairs or lying on the left side.  Furthermore, there is a feeling of cold over the heart. There is a feeling of tightness and suffocation in the chest.

Whooping cough with watering of the eyes, severe headache and

also worsening of the cough on movement on taking deep breathing and upon getting warm in bed are common symptoms of Natrum Mur. The symptoms of Natrum Mur aggravate in the coastal areas.