Muriatic Acid, i.e. Hydrochloric Acid, is a common acid deeply linked with our digestive system. Most homoeopathic doctors draw a very scary picture of Muriatic Acid, i.e. a patient whose muscles have become completely useless and his head constantly rolls off the side of the bed, with death only moments away. Such a patient is typical of Muriatic Acid. In fact, Hydrochloric Acid is routinely secreted in our stomach on a daily basis. The amount secreted varies. When the acidity increases in the stomach, it is possible that the quantity of Muriatic Acid has increased. However, the situation may be exactly the opposite in the sense that the level of Hydrochloric Acid in the stomach has decreased (hypochlorhydria). This also, can produce the symptoms of hyperacidity, because when the gastric lining make less hydrochloric acid, then due to a lack of the antiseptic effect of Hydrochloric Acid, the food inside the stomach starts to decompose, leading to the formation of other acids and producing gases in the stomach. The normal acidity of the stomach does not weaken a person. However, when the acidity increases above or decreases below the normal level, it produces the ailments that we commonly call “acidity”. Anyhow, one has to decide after carefully observing the symptoms. As soon as the digestive system is noted to be upset, the patient should be given Muriatic Acid in homoeopathic potency so as to normalize the acidity in the stomach.

In Muriatic Acid patients, the mind remains absolutely clear and alert, even if the nerves and muscles have been afflicted. However, the symptoms of a patient ameanable to Acid Phos treatment are exactly opposite to those of Muriatic Acid patients. In Muriatic Acid, the body is affected first and the mind last, whereas in Acid Phos patients, the state of mind deteriorates first and physical ailments appear later on.  The patient’s ability to think and understand is badly affected. The intellectual capacity slowly decreases and memory deteriorates. After some time, these symptoms gradually lead to the weakening of the muscles. The Acid Phos patient takes a while to develop the symptoms of the muscular weakness. If the mental symptoms are treated with this remedy, then the muscles may not be affected at all.It is relatively easy to take care of the Muriatic Acid patient. As long as the mind remains alert and the mental faculties have not been affected, the patient will be cured by just one or two doses even if he is at the point of death. The profound weakness due to the “acidity” is very dangerous but at the same time can be very easily reversed, without leaving any long-lasting bad effects. The same is the situation with Sulphuric Acid. So, it is most essential to understand and compare the nature of the various acids.

In Muriatic Acid, there is severe headache that may also blur the vision. On straining the eyes, the headache becomes worse.Furthermore, pimples appear on the face. The lips become dry and crack. The tongue becomes pale, dry and swollen. Quite often, ulcers develop in the mouth and over the tongue. Gums become swollen and may also bleed while teeth become loose.  Some Muriatic Acid patients do not even like the sight of meat, however, most of them enjoy eating it. Sometimes, the patients feel severe hunger and thirst. Some patients are so sensitive to touch that they do not even like to cover themselves with a sheet. The ailments of Muriatic Acid get worse during humid weather. The disease aggravates shortly before midnight. The patient finds comfort on lying on the left side.

The headache starts from the nape of the neck and vision becomes blurred. Sometimes, the field of vision becomes half (hemianopia).  Either the upper half or the lower half of a thing becomes invisible.  Similarly, either half of the left side or half of the right side becomes obscure. In the latter condition, Muriatic Acid is very effective. For quivering vision in one eye, Rhus Tox is very useful as it also protects against many dangerous conditions.One symptom of Muriatic Acid is that when the child passes stools, a
portion of the intestine prolapses out (rectal prolapse).

In the conditions associated with formation of blisters and sores in

the mouth, and cuts developing on the tongue, there is a need for vigorous treatment not only to cure the mouth problems but also to cure the fever and its bad effects. Sometimes, in Muriatic Acid, the tongue becomes paralyzed. There is no problem of the voice mechanism, but only the tongue is non-functional. For such paralysis, Muriatic Acid is very valuable. The tongue is usually dry.

In Muriatic Acid, despite the skin being sensitive, the paralytic effects are more manifest internally. All these kinds of contradictions help in identifying the remedy. Though, the body appears lifeless, yet the slightest touch on the skin produces shudders. Such hypersensitivity is also found in Agaricus, Staphysagria and Oxalic Acid. Similarly, Picric Acid is also a very sensitive remedy. In all these remedies, strong pressure is bearable, although a light touch is unbearable and the patient pushes the hand away with a jerk.  In Muriatic Acid, the legs and arms become cold and feel heavy.  Most of the excretions (i.e. urine, stools) are no longer under voluntary control. The pulse is rapid but weak.