


Mercury in general is an important deep-acting remedy. It affects each and every part and cell of the body. Once Mercury has settled in the body it is extremely difficult, if not impossible to eradicate its ill effects. Like Arsenic, it too produces deep and permanent ill effects, however, Arsenic does not get carried into the next generation. Its ill effects remain confined to the person poisoned, though they last throughout his life. Arsenic embedded in the body gets buried with the person. Mercury however, is extremely dangerous because its ill effects pass on from generation to generation.

Syphilis also behaves the same way. That is why Mercury happens to be a top class treatment for syphilis. Syphilinum too, given in very high potency, is very useful in the treatment of syphilis; it is prepared from the syphilis lesions. However in case it does not benefit, it will at least enhance the action of other remedies, especially the Mercury compounds. The above basic feature of Mercury must be well remembered that its poisonous effects last throughout one’s life as well as getting passed onto the next generation. In an ironic sense, Mercury is a dangerous poison with ever-lasting effects. In fact, it tops the list of dangerous poisons. It affects the bones as well as the nerve cells. It percolates through the blood, skin, heart, inner linings and nerve fibres and then settles in the bone and brain tissue. In olden days, the doctors used to treat syphilis with Mercury. It offered temporary relief but resulted in long-lasting deleterious effects on the body. The syphilis simply got suppressed and transmitted through reproduction to future generations. Besides this, past physicians used Mercury fearlessly for other conditions as well. Excessive, unnecessary use of mercury produces syphilis like symptoms.  Mercury kills the nerve cells and causes decay of the nasal bones and fingers, like leprosy. The homoeopathic use of Mercury, on the other hand, has the capability to cure these symptoms.

Excessive salivation, profuse sweating, sore throat and pungent

smell are the common symptoms of Mercury, well known to doctors. A Mercury patient always smells putrid, unbearable to others. It is difficult to explain the nature of this smell. One has to personally experience it. Proper use of Mercury will surface the illness to the skin. Sometimes a severe itch, discharging sinuses and ulcers covered with whitish matter develop. White spots appear on the skin. Once I saw a patient who had widespread painful whitish ulcers on and around the thighs that were intractable. With the use of Mercury, he was, by the grace of God, completely cured within a month.

When the sores developing on the skin turn into ulcers with raised edges, and there is a fear of gangrene formation, then Merc Cor instead of Merc Sol is a better remedy. The difference between the two, it that Merc Sol is relatively mild but long acting compared to Merc Cor. The ailments of Merc Cor happen to be severe and of acute nature. Merc Cor is distinctively a fast-acting remedy in acute as well as chronic conditions. Chronic dysentery associated with passage of mucus and blood should be treated with Merc Sol. If, however, the dysentery is of acute onset and is associated with severe gripes (tenesmus) and continuous bleeding, then Merc Cor will be found more effective.

In Mercury ailments, the gangrenous process involves the lips, the inside of the cheeks and the gums (cancrum oris). The overlying skin becomes dark and looks horrible. In syphilis, a similar affliction is noted on these areas. The nose may also be affected with the resultant decay of the nasal bones. Chronic ulcers of the mouth are also suggestive of Mercury ailments.

One sign of Mercury is the formation of white specks on the skin resembling leucoderma. This condition is neither leucoderma, nor do the spots spread and coalesce like leucoderma. But, if the constitutional symptoms of Mercury are also present, then Mercury can effectively cure even leucoderma. Another tine, a patient had widespread leucoderma affecting the entire body and also had the general symptoms of Mercury. A single dose of Mercury 1000 resulted in the disappearance of his white patches for good, within the week. When Mercury benefits skin conditions, it does not afflict any damage to deeper glands, but, while it primarily works on the deep glands and organs, it may surface some kind of skin condition. This shows that the Mercury has rendered the glands healthy by pushing the disease from the inside, out to the skin.

Mercury is useful in the treatment of chronic bone pains, especially of the superficial bones that are devoid of any muscle padding under the skin. Mercury should not be forgotten while considering the treatment of chronic sinuses connected to the bones or glands. A peculiar symptom of Mercury is that joint pains tend to be associated with pus formation. The constitution of a Mercury patient is like that of syphilis. Therefore the bones, when inflamed, develop sinuses and produce pus. Conventional therapy consists of aspirating the pus with a syringe. On the other hand, Mercury when started in a low potency and then gradually increased, can in fact produce better results.  However, a high potency, right at the onset of the disease, can prove dangerous. In chronic diseases, the potency should be increased gradually. The safest way is that the treatment should be initiated in a low potency and then gradually increased.

Another characteristic of Mercury is that arthritis and rheumatism are associated with swelling and inflammation. Suffering increases with the warmth of the bed and on sweating. The patient sweats profusely yet gets no relief. His restlessness continues in spite of frequent sweating. In acute tonsillitis, when the fever subsides on sweating, the patient’s condition further deteriorates. In this condition, two to three doses of Mercury will first bring back the fever and then make it subside gradually. The patient sweats profusely once instead of sweating repeatedly. In this fever, susceptible to Mercury, one sign is that the child’s eyes appear glossy as if painted with varnish. In measles and chicken pox too, the eyes have a similar appearance for as long as the rash has not appeared. Their breath has a foetid odour.  The child may develop meningitis and have visual delusions. In this condition, if Mercury becomes ineffective, Hepar Sulph should be used. If this also fails, then Silicea will be found effective by God’s grace. Usually this condition is within the range of these three remedies. I also use a biochemic prescription for such conditions and that is Natrum Phos, Ferrum Phos, Silicea, Kali Mur and Calcarea Phos in 6X. For inflamed tonsils, Calcarea Fluor should also be added and the mixture administered repeatedly. This prescription has often proved very useful. If the illness is still not controlled and the patient has the symptoms of Mercury, then Mercury must be used, after Hepar Sulph of course.

Mercury has a fluctuating nature. Its ailments show ups and downs in their severity. Blood pressure and fever can also behave the same way. In other words, Merc Sol should be used for the treatment of any inconsistent type of condition. When the symptoms of Mercury become severe, the hands tremble and become weak. One becomes incapable of even holding a cup of tea. Mercury may possibly be of benefit in the treatment of epilepsy-like conditions in children as well as neurological diseases associated with
spontaneous involuntary movements of the limbs (chorea, athetosis).

A Mercury patient has an impulsive nature, speaks rather fast and is impatient. He wants to do things at the spur of the moment. His anger knows no bounds. The tendency towards insanity may be very strong. When emotionally excited, he is very dangerous. He may commit a serious crime or kill himself. He remains tense and is extremely restless. He is fearful of becoming insane and of death. He becomes a coward and possesses a suspicious mind. He loses hope in life. When questioned, he replies carefully and slowly. Memory and the mind become weak. The headache in a Mercury patient is connected to the suppression of body discharges. For example, the suppression of sweating of feet or the sudden stoppage of nasal secretions will precipitate the headache. A sudden cessation of menses will also provoke the headache. The head feels tied up with a bandage. On lying flat on the back, the patient feels dizzy. The Skull feels tightly squeezed and under pressure. Burning and itching are also common.

Mercury ailments intensify in the cold as well as hot weather. Gusty wind is unbearable. If after measles etc., the head seems expanding, then Mercury can put a stop to this tendency immediately.  The skin of Mercury patients has a clay-like appearance. Secretions from the itchy and eczematous skin are offensive and start bleeding.  The edges of the ulcers are rounded in shape and covered with white exudates. Skin conditions aggravate at night. The warmth of the bed aggravates symptoms.

The eyes become inflamed and red along with a burning sensation.

There is a lot of watery discharge from the eyes. Black dots appear before the eyes. On looking towards the fire, the eyes become red and swollen. There is pain around the eyes and at the temples. The vision becomes blurred. The cornea becomes inflamed. Eyes become hypersensitive to light. All the eye symptoms of ‘pink eye’ at the onset of summer are also found in Mercury. If the eye symptoms are not clearly identified, then Merc Sol should be used. Seeing the sun during its eclipse can seriously damage the retina of the eye. The
effect may not become apparent right away. Damage shows up years after the incident. Black dots appear in the visual field. Sometimes the right eye gets blinded and at other times, the left eye. The patient then gradually becomes totally blind. This blindness is not amenable to any kind of conventional therapy so far. However, two to three doses of Merc Cor CM given monthly seem to be of benefit, by the grace of God. The process of being blinded stops there and then. It is not possible to repair the detached retina that definitely needs to be treated with laser surgery. Some doctors are of the opinion that Merc Sol, in a low potency, may benefit many retinal conditions. I have no such experience. I suggest more research should be carried out.Stinky, white or dark green pus discharging from the ears is a typical sign of Mercury. The inner as well as the outer ear become infected. The ear-drum (tympanic membrane) may perforate causing deafness.

Sometimes, Merc Sol can quickly control the common cold, although this is only a superficial treatment. Since Merc Sol is not a long acting remedy, one should not depend on it. Instead, for a persistent common cold, one should use Kali Iodide. Kali Iodide is intimately related to the conditions affecting the mucous membranes.

Nevertheless, Kali Iodide alone may not be sufficient for catarrhal conditions. Several other remedies can also be used.  Dr. Kent has warned against the repeated use of Mercury for skin diseases, lest it causes permanently serious ill effects. It is possible that Mercury may only be related to certain skin diseases and may not have any similarity to the overall constitution of the patient. The result would be that some diseases might get better while the majority would merely be suppressed or rendered latent.

Mercury is very useful in the treatment of diseases of the teeth, especially when they become brittle and the gums recede, along with the formation and collection of offensive discharge (pyorrhoea).  Teeth turning black and decaying at their root can be treated with Kreosotum as well as Merc Sol. If the roots of the teeth have become black, then Staphysagria works better than Merc Sol. In congenital syphilis, the teeth of the children decay at an early age and become black. The tongue appears to be thick and expanded with teeth markings on its margins. Deep ulcers form inside the mouth. The gums hurt on eating or on touch. Extremely foetid odour from the mouth fills the entire room. In Mercury, the taste of the mouth becomes metallic. The throat is red and swollen. Due to excessive salivation, the patient needs to constantly swallow it. Any change of weather results in inflammation of the throat. A worsening of the discomfort on drinking hot fluids, the difficulty in swallowing liquids and the persistent feeling of something being stuck in the throat (as in Hepar Sulph), need to be treated with Mercury.

The appetite of a Mercury patient is either markedly increased or it is totally lost. There is aversion to meat, coffee and fatty food. There is an intense feeling of weakness along with increased appetite. Milk and sweets produce hyperacidity in the stomach. The patient has a strong desire to drink cold liquids. The stomach feels inflamed, burns inside and is tender to the touch. The patient experiences hiccups as well as belching. The stomach becomes tense. There is a feeling of a pin pricking over the area of the liver. The patient feels uncomfortable while lying on the right side. Dysentery and a stinging type of abdominal pain are also the symptoms of Mercury.  In Merc Cor, there is irritation and inflammation of the bladder also.

Urination becomes frequent and interrupted, associated with

scalding. Dysentery also sets in. In the presence of all these symptoms, Merc Cor proves to be almost a sure shot remedy. Acute summer dysentery can also be effectively treated with Aconite and Ipecac.One symptom of Mercury is that the heart starts beating fast on the slightest physical exertion. There is a feeling of weakness over the heart. The symptoms become worse at night. The limbs tremble, but especially the hands and the feet. There may also be sudden jolting of the muscles (tonic convulsions). The body feels unusually heavy, weak and tired. The stiffness becomes worse at night in the warmth of the bed.

Regarding the diseases of women, such as stinging and burning the ovaries, excessive menstrual bleeding, abdominal pain, the abrasive type of leucorrhoea getting worse at night, morning sickness and scalding urination, followed by itching which gets relieved on washing with cold water; are all the signs of, and effectively treatable with, Merc Sol. Abortion, in the early months of pregnancy, resulting from weakness can be treated with Merc Sol. Merc Sol removes the weakness and provides the strength to carry the pregnancy through.

Mercury cannot cure the cancer of the uterus or the breast, but

definitely ameliorates the pain and relieves the suffering. Noncancerous lumps can however be cured with Mercury. One Mercury compound called Proto Iodide has proved to be very useful in the treatment of breast cancer. Dr. Kent used to prescribe Proto Iodide 100 for the treatment of pain due to cancer of the breast. It helped every time it was used. Dr. Kent had noted an egg-sized cancerous lump of the breast was resolved or dissolved completely with the use of Proto Iodide of Mercury. It benefits more on the right-sided tumour, while another compound of Mercury-bin-Iodide, works better on the left-sided tumour.

Merc Sol is very useful in the treatment of spasmodic stiffness of the neck, on exposure to the cold. If the suffering is noted as first thing in the morning, then Belladonna should be used first. If it fails, then use Merc Sol.

In certain paralytic conditions, there can be spontaneous jerky movements of the limbs, bending them. These too may possibly be treated with Merc Sol. Its Eczema and the ulcers are associated with a burning and piercing sensation. The exudating smells are extremely foul and nauseating. In this type of symptom complex, any homoeopathic remedy of which the main con stituent is Mercury will be found useful with rare exceptions.The symptoms of a patient of Mercury aggravate at night, like Syphilinum and Sulphur. In Sulphur, the aggravation is due to the warmth of the bed, while in Mercury it is the time of the night, that aggravates whether the patient is asleep in bed or not.