

Malandrinum is prepared from the material obtained from the lesions of horses suffering from the disease called Horse Grease. An experienced veterinary surgeon found that in areas where horses suffered from this disease, the cows and other cattle contracted a condition like smallpox by sitting on the grass. It is an established fact that in homoeopathy, Malandrinum has been used very effectively in curing smallpox. It is also famous for its prevention. It has also been found very useful to annul the ill effects of the smallpox vaccination. A group of doctors experimented on four children. They gave Malandrinum to three of them but not to the fourth one. All were then vaccinated against smallpox. The child who was not given Malandrinum exhibited the most severe reaction to the vaccine while the other three did not. Another doctor vaccinated one child but did not vaccinate another. To the latter, he simply gave Malandrinum.  The vaccinated child contracted smallpox while the non-vaccinated child did not. Once during an epidemic of smallpox, another doctor continued treating the patients and himself using only Malandrinum 30 in repeated doses. He and others who had taken Malandrinum remained safe from contracting smallpox.  With the use of Malandrinum, even after having been afflicted with smallpox, the patient makes rapid recovery without any serious damage. Doctor Burnett is of the opinion that Malandrinum is a profoundly active and effective homoeopathic remedy, and as such it should not be repeated unnecessarily. It may be repeated but only during an acute illness. As a preventive measure it should only be repeated after a long interval.

Malandrinum is also useful in the treatment of eczema developing after a smallpox vaccination. However Thuja is known to be much better regarding the control of bad side effects of the smallpox vaccination. Malandrinum has an effect on the bones also. If the bones become deformed and bent, causing knock-knees (genu valgum), then Malandrinum will be helpful in correcting the deformities. No doubt, Calcarea Carb is the most useful for strengthening the weakened bones. Malandrinum also works well, though Malandrinum is also useful in the treatment of skin conditions including different forms of eczema, blisters and pustule formation.  Its blisters/pustules appear gradually in the form of crops, one after the other, over a long time. Malandrinum is also found useful in the treatment of similar diseases of cattle. One doctor successfully cured a dog riddled with pustules on his neck with Malandrinum.  Malandrinum is also useful in the treatment of joint pains associated with inflammation of their inner linings (synovitis).  Usually, it is more effective on the lower half of the body such as the legs, from the knees down to the ankles. Malandrinum is also of use in treating backache due to muscle injury. Malandrinum is also reported to be useful in the treatment of uterine conditions causing deep itch, inflammation and discharge of greenish leucorrhoea.  Like Kreosotum, it may also be useful in the treatment of bleeding gums that begin to bleed on trivial pressure.

Children who forget everything whatever they have learnt

previously, benefit significantly with Malandrinum in low potency, used two to three times a week for a few months.