

Ledum is prepared from a plant, with a distinctive strong smell. In traditional medicine, the extract of the plant is used in the treatment of headache, heart attack and for expulsion of phlegm from the lungs. Inhomoeopathic form, it has been found very useful in the treatment ofinsect bites and joint pains.
The poisonous effect of Ledum very much resembles snake venom.  Like Lachesis, its ailments begin on the left side, are more intense in the upper part of the body than the lower, start mostly at the feet or the leg and then spread from below upwards.
Like Arnica, Ledum is also closely related to injuries. Particularly, when used along with Arnica and Hypericum it proves to be much more effective. Ledum is of special use in the treatment of old injuries, leaving deep residual effect, or in the treatment of injuries caused by pointed objects like nails and thorns, etc. Ledumsusceptible wounds emit a lightning type of pain, even after having apparently been healed for years. In this situation, if the patient happens to get convulsions or severe muscular spasms, Ledum proves to be the best remedy.
Horse dung is notorious for causing tetanus. However, if the horseitself should step on a sharp rusty nail, and sustain a deep wound inthe hoof which then happens to dig into the bone, the convulsions oftetanus can rapidly be cured with Ledum 200. Ledum has thecapability of curing tetanus resulting, even after many years, fromwounds inflicted with sharp weapons. Ledum is also very useful inthe treatment of injuries penetrating through the surface linings of thebone (periosteum). However, for the associated damage to the nervefibres around the bone, Hypericum is much more effective. Similarly,if the nerves are damaged following surgery and the pain continuesthen Hypericum is found to be more useful than Ledum. Arnica in ahigh potency is useful in treating the sprain at the heel, but not forthe residual pain due to injury to the nerve fibres. Ruta and Bellisprove to be of much greater advantage in this situation. Persistentswelling and chronic pain of the ankle resulting from repeatedligamentous sprains responds better to Equisetum. Ledum may alsobe very beneficial if the chronic swelling is due to the involvement ofthe joints. Chronic ill effects of repeated ankle injuries are bettertreated with Ruta, Bellis and Equisetum.

Some homoeopathic remedies have been found useful on clinical evidence, though they have not been described in literature. At one time, proving had been the standard for establishing the efficacy of homoeopathic substances, which obviously is the best method.  However, in view of the scarcity of conscientious and impartial volunteers, clinical evidence has definitely played an important role in the advancement of homoeopathic knowledge.  Sometimes, the effect of injury to the ankle does not remain localised. It may also result in the cramping of the legs, which becomes worse on walking or excessive movement, causing severe discomfort. The cramps may affect the knees and hip joints. No ordinary treatment seems to relieve them. Only, on specific treatment, will the discomfort start receding towards the original site, where it will become localised. The appropriate analogous therapy will prevent the spread of discomfort from here.  The swelling of Ledum originates from the joints of the feet, like the onset of gout. Gout has its own specific nature and is easily diagnosed, i.e. relief of discomfort in the cold or by pouring cold water over the affected area, while the discomfort increases in the hot weather. This kind of pain in the foot also gets better with Ledum very quickly. All conditions related to Ledum will be relieved on cold applications.
Phantom pains in which a diseased or injured part has been amputated and yet the patient feels the original part of the limb existing and continuing to hurt, is an extremely troubling condition.  For example, a person’s leg has been surgically removed (amputated)for some incurable condition, but he feels as if the big toe (that doesnot exist any more) is hurting. Arnica and Ledum are very effective torelieve this condition. If the treating physician comes to know of the existing condition that required the amputation in the first place, thenhe should treat that very condition. The phantom pain is the painalong the nerve fibres that have been sensitized by the sickness. In case the analogous treatment of the sickness is administered, theaffected nerve fibres will receive the message of reverting to their normal state. Arnica, Ledum, Hypericum and Symphytum, etc. can be useful in the treatment of phantom pain, provided that the original disease i.e. before amputation, is the focus of treatment.  The Ledum patient is cold and feels very cold both inside and out, yet his joint pains feel better with cold applications. They become worse on the application of heat. It is strange, yet real in the case of Ledum.  The face of a Ledum patient, like that of Lachesis, appears swollen.  Similar symptoms are also found in heart patients. The face of a Ledum patient is somewhat bluish. The legs and feet also, are swollen (oedematous) and bluish in colour. The Ledum patient is generally stout and well built.
Ledum may also be useful in the treatment of chronic pain of the knee joints, in addition to the ankles, provided the pain seems to be relieved with cold applications. As in Gelsemium, the patient passes plenty of colourless urine freely.
In female patients of Ledum, periods are frequent, excessive and of deep red colour. These symptoms being present, Ledum will cure the uterine dysfunction also. Remember however, that symptoms of Ledum subside with cold applications.
One symptom is common to Pulsatilla and Ledum yet it is not difficult to differentiate between the two. In Ledum the limbs that become the seat of chronic pain, gradually become weak, contracted and shrivelled, in comparison to the non-affected side. The clear distinction is that a Pulsatilla patient feels hot and gets relief with cold, while the patient of Ledum feels cold yet gets relief with cold.  Moreover, his ailments still get better in cold weather.  Ledum is also useful in the treatment of eye conditions. Injury to the eye, blood shots, and simultaneous onset of gout and cataract respond beautifully to treatment with Ledum. In Ledum, tiny red pimples form on the forehead and cheeks, which are painful to touch. Acne appears on the nose and at the mouth. The nose burns. There is a suffocating type of cough and the phlegm is mixed with blood. The trachea feels sore and constricted, causing difficulty in breathing. The innate body temperature of a Ledum patient is low (sub-normal), yet he cannot tolerate the warmth of the bed. Heat aggravates his symptoms. Instead he likes to keep his feet dipped in cold water.