

The Surucucu is a very poisonous huge and long snake. Its skin is of reddish colour, with dark grey coloured spots. The homoeopathic remedy prepared from the venom of this snake is called Lachesis. The venom of this snake has been subjected to homoeopathic proving on a very large scale.

The venoms from different kinds of snakes are not too dissimilar from each other. Broadly speaking, these venoms can be divided into two groups. One group affects the circulatory system, while the other one affects the nervous system. The kind that affects the nervous system also influences the blood circulation, although its main function is on the nervous system. It paralyses the nerves as well as afflicting the heart directly. Similarly, the kinds of venoms affecting the circulatory system also affect the heart indirectly. They clot the blood within the blood vessels and thus affect the functioning of the heart.  The Snake venom as such is not dangerous if taken by mouth. The poisons derived from all animals consist of large protein molecules.  They are completely harmless when taken by mouth. That is the reason why the treatment of snakebite has traditionally been the immediate suction of the poison from the snakebite by mouth. As long as there is no open wound inside the mouth, the venom has no harmful effect because it is not absorbed into the blood circulation directly. The human body reacts violently against the entry of a protein directly into the blood. The blood itself is a mixture of so many proteins. These proteins are classified into different groups and each group is named separately. During the transfusion of blood, these groups have to be kept in view. Human blood is also a kind of poison, like snake venom, or it may prove to be even more dangerous.  On the transfusion of an unmatched blood group, the recipient may die immediately.

The proteins of snake venom accumulate in the glands inside the mouth of the snake. With the passage of time, they become more and more concentrated. The system of the snakebite is not a mere coincidence but it has been well planned and devised by the Almighty God. It is impossible that this system could have evolved on its own or that it could be the result of a mere coincidence.  Along the canine teeth of the snake, there are two additional curved teeth (fangs) that have a very thin hole in them, connected to the glands containing the venom. When the snake bites, the venom does not enter the body immediately. However, when the snake retracts his head to pull the teeth out, the venom from the glands squeezes out through the minute holes in the additional teeth (fangs) and then enters the blood. Further reaction is the result of entry of the venom in the body.

Out of all kinds of snake venoms, Lachesis is the most important for homoeopathic use. No other venom or poison has been put to use like Lachesis and it has been found extremely beneficial. According to Dr.  Kent, Lachesis has been found useful all over the world. The evil and acrimony of the Lachesis venom is also found in all malefactors and people of wicked mind and bad character. Intense jealousy, mischief and trouble making in a severe form are found in Lachesis. Thus, Lachesis may be called the universal poison. The snake venoms become more concentrated in the spring. In winter, the snakes hibernate and during this period, their venom becomes more concentrated and dangerous. The spring season is the time when the snakes come out of their holes and places of hibernation. In this season the snakebite is extremely dangerous.  The timing of the symptoms of snakebites happens to be very precisely punctuated. In whichever season the snakebites, the symptoms and bad effects recur exactly in the same season the following year. If a person is bitten by a snake in the spring season and happens to survive, then he has to face the symptoms of snakebite in every spring season. Patients may presume that they have probably been bitten by the snake again. This is especially so because the wound of the previous snakebite also becomes swollen and congested.  In other seasons also, the symptoms of snakebite can recur but not that severely and the patient does not feel that he has been bitten again.

The sudden onset of a violent type of sneezing in the spring season

is also a sign of Lachesis. I have tried Lachesis 1000 on the patients who suffered from hay fever for many years. A single dose relieved  their problem forever. About ten percent of such patients got significantly better like this, just with one dose of Lachesis 1000.  Once the allergy becomes controlled and then recurs, in that case it should be repeated after two weeks or a month. If Lachesis fails, then Natrum Mur and Sabadilla also work well. So the proper diagnosis of the patient should be arrived at carefully.

For any such patient who is predisposed to fall sick as a result of moving from the cold to a relatively warm temperature, due to the change of weather or a geographic change of place, Lachesis must be kept well in mind for his other ailments also. However, Dulcamara is the only one remedy that can be used in treating sneezing in any season. Bryonia is also of great use during the change of cold weather into warm weather.
A peculiar symptom of Lachesis is that its ailments definitely get worse after sleep. Most of the patients bitten by snakes exhibit the same feature, but Lachesis is the most prominent of all snake venoms.  Although it proves to be beneficial for the treatment of such patients whose ailments aggravate after sleep, it does not mean that every patient who shows this symptom must have been bitten by a snake. It simply means that it is a commonly shared symptom in which Lachesis is certainly useful. If indeed a person has been bitten by a Lachesis kind of snake and then goes to sleep, he may not wake up and thus will be untreatable. Every physician must remember that whenever he is called upon to see a patient bitten by a snake, he must make sure that the patient be kept awake under all circumstances, even if he has to be repeatedly slapped on his face. Once he remains awake or can be made to wake up, the chances of his survival become bright.  The symptoms of a patient of Lachesis keep aggravating during sleep in which he observes scary dreams and by the morning, his illness has become very severe. He is extremely restless in the morning his head feels warm and hurts. His heart beats fast. Besides that, he becomes badly stricken with grief, which is typical of Lachesis. A patient of Gelsemium also wakes up with a headache but he sleeps comfortably at night without seeing any frightful dreams. In Gelsemium, the patient develops a headache if due to some reason, his routine of waking up in the morning or his timing for breakfast changes. In a headache of this kind the proper treatment is Gelsemium and not Lachesis.

The patient of Lachesis is very cold especially his feet are ice cold. However, hot water aggravates his symptoms especially the headache.  The pressure of the blood rises inside the head. The patient feels as if his head might explode. In Lachesis like Belladonna, the rush of blood is more on one side. In Belladonna, the rush of blood may be directed to any part of the body while in Lachesis, this tendency is only limited towards the head. There is rush of blood towards the head while the feet become cold. The person feels riveted due to pain as if somebody has tightly tied a cloth over his head. Patients showing the symptoms of Lachesis may also sometimes faint while taking a shower with hot water.

Another prominent symptom of Lachesis is that purple or darkish spots form on the body, much more so on the face. Similar spots are exhibited by the patients who experience severe heart attack. Such patients who have the tendency to develop such spots should be periodically, treated with Lachesis. Lachesis prevents the clotting of blood in the circulation and potential heart attack. Lachesis is the best remedy against such happening. For this purpose, when given along with Arnica, it is much more effective.

Lachesis is also proved to be very useful in the treatment of swollen lymph glands. The wounds bleed severely; the colour of the blood is dark and it clots in the form of grass weeds. In Lachesis, like Kreosotum and Phosphorus, there is a tendency towards copious dark bleeding. In Kreosotum, slight pressure can cause bleeding. The gums, which apparently look healthy, will start bleeding with finger pressure or when there is a minor ailment, the local application of pressure will start bleeding. In Phosphorus, the bleeding is brisk and of red colour. In Secale Cor and in Lachesis, the blood is darkish is colour and the configuration of their wounds is also similar. In Lachesis, like Secale, there is a tendency towards the formation of gangrene over the wounds. Dark blood keeps on oozing from the wounds. The margins of the wounds become swollen. The surrounding skin shrinks and becomes dark and wrinkled. However, other symptoms of Lachesis are quite different from those of Secale.  In Lachesis, the patient is very cold and feels severe cold, while the patient of Secale feels intense heat and gets relief with cold applications on the affected areas.

Another symptom of Lachesis is the formation of Varicose Veins (the veins become engorged and tortuous). The blood clots inside the veins and makes lumps and bumps that may rupture. Varicose Veins are a serious and troublesome illness. In general, it affects women during pregnancy or after their delivery, involving the legs and feet.  Sometimes, it is so severe that walking around becomes difficult.  Lachesis alone is not effective against the varicosity of the veins. In such a condition, other symptoms of the patient must also be observed to arrive at a proper diagnosis and to devise the optimal treatment. If the proper diagnosis cannot be established, then Arnica and Lachesis together may be given routinely to get some relief. However, the best routine treatment is Aesculus.

For the so-called piles of the eyes, in which the eyes become intensely red and swollen, Aesculus is very useful. It is also effective in the treatment of the piles, which become purple and cause severe pain. A characteristic symptom of Aesculus is that although it seems that the wounds will soon mature, form pus and then rupture, they neither suppurate nor burst. The constant presence of these non-healing piles is a great menace. Aesculus is well known to offer cure in this painful condition although it does not succeed alone. It has to be supplemented with Arnica, Lachesis and similar adjuvant remedies.  One must constantly examine one’s feet to control this problem at the outset. The appearance of bluish marks over the ankles and the heels is indicative of impending varicosity of the veins. The blood can clot in them. Once the veins become swollen and tortuous, the disease may get out of control. Blood clots can form within the tortuous veins, which can dislodge themselves and lead to heart attack by embolism. In the early stage of this condition, Arnica and Lachesis, by God’s Grace, are very effective for the prevention of serious consequences. In Shingles, as already mentioned in various chapters the remedies Arnica, Ledum Pal, Lachesis and Natrum Mur happen to be very useful. 

In Lachesis, the hands and feet of the patient become cold and patient suffers from weakness of the heart. The head feels warm and the veins pulsate. During a headache, the patient cannot rest his head on the pillow because whichever side he lies on, the head starts throbbing due to excessive rushing of blood.

Lachesis affects the emotional state as well. On hearing sudden sad news or due to some other emotional upset, the heart sinks, the body sweats and the head becomes warm but the feet become very cold.  While the feet are cold and the usual symptoms of Lachesis are also present, a single dose of Lachesis will offer magical relief. The patient, previously shivering with cold and covering himself in layer after layer of quilts with the feet feeling unbearably cold, will notice in just a few minutes after administration of this remedy, a sudden flow of heat waves emerging from the upper part of the body spreading downwards. I infer from this that Lachesis disperses the excessive blood from the head towards the rest of the body, resulting in the warming up of the feet in no time. Psorinum also possesses this quality, though with some difference. The patient of Psorinum is always cold all over. Even in the summer, he keeps himself covered.  His skin becomes dark in colour and the body discharges are offensive. However in Lachesis these signs are absent due to stress, sudden shock or sometime for no apparent reason, his body may suddenly turn cold yet the head remains warm.  In the case of Lachesis, the ailment attacks the left side though it does not remain localised there. It shifts towards the right side of the body after some time. This is a very clear symptom, which, if associated with worsening of the condition at night, definitely warrants the use of Lachesis.

Lachesis is also very useful in the treatment of conditions related to the ovaries. If the discomfort or pain begins in the left ovary and then shifts towards the right ovary, it will respond best to Lachesis. If the condition originates in the right ovary, Lycopodium and Tarentula will be more beneficial. In Lachesis, throat conditions also begin on the left side and then migrate towards the right side. In Lycopodium the situation is reversed. In Pulsatilla, the pain radiates in any direction (migratory) as found in Lac Caninum.

In Lachesis, the headache also starts on the left side and then spreads over to the nape of the neck. The temple feels under heavy pressure, while the lower jaw may also be involved. Gelsemium may also be very useful in the treatment of such a headache although the headache typical of Gelsemium descends from the nape of the neck towards the shoulder blades in the muscles of the back. In other words, it is not confined to the nape alone. Another characteristic of Lachesis is that its pain tends to change sides when it originates in the upper body and then migrates to the lower body. For example, if the patient has pain over the heart or feels pressure over the left side of the chest then this pain may travel to the right hip or groin, or sometimes it may affect both sides simultaneously. Many a time, the pain remains on the left side from top to bottom, especially when associated with paralysis. However, one thing is sure that the sensation of pain and muscular stiffness in the upper part of the body must be associated with similar discomfort on the right lower body. This is typical of Lachesis.  Symptoms of Lachesis include large swelling of the tongue and numbness over the lips resulting in a difficulty to speak properly. Any patient with this symptom, whose head remains warm and who develops purple spots on the skin, should ideally be treated with Lachesis. In fact, the swelling of the tongue and numbness of the lips indicate the onset of paralysis inside the mouth and throat, which, if not promptly treated with Lachesis, will definitely result in the paralysis.

Another salient symptom of Lachesis is the feeling of tightness around the neck, so much so that the patient cannot even tolerate a collar. In Glonoine, there is a similar feeling with the addition of the feeling of tightness around the head and intolerance to wearing a cap.  The feeling of being strangulated is indicative of Hydrophobinum. In Lachesis, the patient feels tight and constricted at the upper part of the neck but cannot say for sure, if it is from within or from outside. In Hydrophobinum and Hyoscyamus, there is a feeling of constriction inside the throat while in Lachesis, there is no such feeling of internal constriction. He just cannot tolerate anything around the neck. 

Lachesis patients by nature are extremely suspicious. They believe that everybody is talking against them or that their food has been poisoned. They distrust even their near relatives. The symptoms then gradually become worse. Such patients must be treated with Lachesis and soon. In my experience, Lachesis benefits to some extent, but not for long. Other remedies must be sought after the psychoanalysis of the patient. Lachesis will offer cure only if the other basic symptoms of Lachesis are also present.

A Lachesis patient has the constant fear of bleak future for himself, or of having committed a sin which is unforgivable, or having been possessed and being manipulated by a superpower. Once a small girl, who was similarly sick and who had the habit of stealing was brought to me. On being asked, she would reply that she did it under divine command. Such patients should be treated with Lachesis. Those who disobey God on “His command” will start obeying Him on the command of a snake i.e. Lachesis. The women of Lachesis disposition have a constant fear of being chased by someone or they may become religious fanatics. Both these symptoms are characteristic of Lachesis. The situation becomes worse when they start thinking of killing somebody with the firm belief that God wants them to do it. Such patients may in fact kill somebody, or will at least try to do so. If they are religious fanatics, they become extremely talkative. They are disorganised and impatient in all matters and do not even talk properly, changing the topic halfway through and fail to convey what they intended to say. They themselves may yell and scream at full volume but cannot tolerate external noise, which stuns their nerves. They tend to think of committing suicide, though practically are very afraid to do so. They feel like jumping from a high place but dare not do so. When a patient becomes frightened at the thought of high places, he may benefit from Arsenic or Argentum Nitricum. In general, Lachesis works well on such kinds of mental patients. It must be given in at least potency 200. In my practice I have found it much more useful in potency 1000. Many times, I have used it in potency CM and found it definitely effective.  A Sore throat contracted in winter is a peculiar symptom of Lachesis In Psorinum too, the patient catches cold right at the onset of winter.  Psorinum is useful in the treatment of sore throat as well, though it is more useful in the treatment of cold. Another peculiarity of Psorinum is that when the nasal discharge stops, a headache sets in i.e. the headache and runny nose alternate with each other. Such is not the case in Lachesis.

Another sign of Lachesis is the extreme skin sensitivity, so much so that the patient may not even tolerate touch with a light cloth. The simultaneous presence of discomfort in a particular area and extreme
sensitivity of the overlying skin, causing severe restlessness and worsening of the headache, is characteristic of Lachesis. This symptom is also found in Kali Carb. Strong pressure is soothing, while light touch hurts. Light touch causing severe discomfort is well pronounced in Lac Caninum. If the fingers seem to hurt, the patient keeps the fingers open (straight). On bending the fingers, he cries out with pain. In case the armpits are extremely sensitive to touch, the patient keeps his arms away from his sides.  Lachesis is also deeply related to jaundice. For jaundice, I usually prescribe the combination of Sulphur, Bryonia and Carduus Marianus, which by God’s grace have been very successful. In the case of failure, one can use Chelidonium, Lachesis, Berberis and Lycopodium etc., all being very useful in the treatment of liver diseases, though they need to be used with extreme caution. Phosphorus is also related to liver disorders, especially liver cancer. Its repeated use in high potency, or its unnecessary use, can bring about dangerous consequences. Sometimes, the jaundice becomes chronic. This will respond very well to Lachesis. The jaundice of Lachesis is associated with nausea similar to Chelidonium. Ipecac may be of some use in some cases of jaundice but it is not deep-acting remedy.  However, it works in certain cases. Lachesis would be ideal in treating jaundice and stones in the gall bladder provided the patient also exhibits general symptoms of Lachesis.  Generally, a mild soreness of the throat causes severe pain in the eyes when pressed locally. The examination of the ear with an instrument provokes cough, showing that the ear, nose and eyes are very much interconnected. When any one of these is disturbed, the other may also be affected. Lachesis, specifically, can by God’s grace, relieve the ailments pertaining to all three.  Sometimes, the glands of the eye that make tears (lacrimal glands) become painfully sore. Lachesis will cure this condition also. Here Lachesis will be recognised by an eczema-like condition of the face, swellings and blisters. Probably this facial condition is transferred to the eyes. Eyesores alone are not diagnostic of Lachesis. In the presence of facial symptoms, Lachesis would be the best treatment to cure eyesores. It is the topmost remedy of the fistulae of the eye, as is Kali Bichrome.

In Lachesis, the nose bleeds during the symptoms of cold. The correct diagnosis is only made by the proper scrutiny of symptoms. In Psorinum and Lachesis both, the nasal discharge is very offensive.

The cold may lead to eczema of the scalp, which becomes covered

with a thick shell under which germs flourish. When this shell bursts, it emits an offensive smelling discharge. When the eczema is forcefully suppressed with some local treatment, a severe form of resistant nasal catarrh develops. In such conditions, Mezereum is much more effective than Lachesis and Psorinum. Once a child was brought to me who had a severe cold of a resistant nature. It did not respond to any kind of treatment. The nose smelt awful. It just so happened that just then I had read about Mezereum. I gave him Mezereum and it cured the cold immediately but he developed eczema on the scalp, which by the grace of God also cleared with Mezereum in a few days.

Lachesis and Psorinum are both anti-psoric. Lachesis is the best remedy for blisters containing blood i.e. haemorrhagic blisters.  This kind of skin condition occurs on and off. Generally in Lachesis, like in Arnica, the bleeding is of a darkish colour. However, the blood-filled blisters on the face are related only to Lachesis. The gums bleed. The tongue becomes dry and leathery in consistency.  The mouth is dry yet there is no thirst. The dryness of the mouth and tongue is like Gelsemium. So the diagnosis of Lachesis will be made on the basis of its other symptoms. In Lachesis, sputum resembles soap-lather in appearance but not in taste. Sometimes, the saliva exudes like thick hard threads of yellowish colour. This sign is more pronounced in Kali Bichrome.

In Lachesis, fluids tend to get stuck in the throat, especially hot

fluids. Almost all snake venoms cause constriction of the throat, resulting in difficulty of swallowing food and water. In Lachesis, hot fluids make this condition still more difficult while cold drinks offer some relief. This symptom is contradictary to the usual nature of Lachesis i.e. the body of the Lachesis patient is cold and he cherishes heat. Regarding the constriction of the throat, Lachesis resembles Belladonna in which the suffering gets worse in heat, while cold offers relief. Apis ailments also become worse with heat and get better in the cold. This symptom is common to Lachesis, Belladonna and Apis. However, in Lachesis, a cold drink relieves the condition. In fact, the patient likes cold drinks, though nausea immediately follows. This is typical of Lachesis.

Belladonna also relieves a dry cough like that of a Lachesis patient.  The cough resulting from the misuse of Lachesis or in a patient bitten by a Lachesis kind of snake, who luckily survives but is left with a persistent cough, will significantly benefit from Belladonna.  Belladonna is not a very long acting remedy but is considered to be an intermediate kind of remedy. Nonetheless, it cures the persistent type of cough, following the misuse of Lachesis. Likewise, Lachesis annuls the bad effects of Belladonna. 

Lachesis is also useful in the treatment of gas in the abdomen (flatulence). The abdomen becomes distended with gas. Once the constitution of the patient is recognised, it becomes so much easier to find the appropriate cure. If the patient is very cold in cold weather and his abdomen is full of gas, then Psorinum will be useful. It will restore the expulsion of the blocked up foul-smelling gas. In Lachesis too, the passage of flatus softens the belly, though the flatus is not very malodourous.