

Lac Caninum is prepared from the milk of a female dog. For this very reason, most people scorn it and hate to even touch it. Yet, other medicines like Psorinum and Syphlinium are prepared from much more loathsome and dangerous materials.

Dog’s milk converted into homoeopathic form becomes a purely clean remedy. One must not hesitate to use it Initially, Dr. Reisig and Dr. Bayards, on proving, found the extreme usefulness of this medicine. After their death, Dr. Dyer pursued their course. After him, Dr. Kent took over the use of this medicine, which he used successfully on a vast array of diseases. Its most prominent feature is mental anguish and mental confusion. The nerves become extremely excitable. It is in the nature of dogs that they jump around imaginary objects and start barking. Probably, that is the background of storywriters’ claims that the dogs can see ghosts and spirits. The above-mentioned doctors did not have any background of this sort of knowledge. However, when the homoeopathic potency was prepared from this milk, it was found on proving that a person given Lac Caninum starts seeing imaginary things (hallucinations) and feels as if those things will jump over him and endanger him. This is in the nature of the dog and through the supply of her milk, the human mind and the nervous system can be made to express certain illnesses.  If such ailments already exist, the homoeopathic form of the canine milk has the capability to cure them.

This medicine has significant mental symptoms. It also affects the glands. It takes care of the enlarged glands. When the glands become inflamed, the overlying skin becomes shiny but unattractive and tense. Lac Caninum cures such wounds.In Lac Caninum, the skin is extremely sensitive, more prominent in women as a result of which they keep their fingers spread apart. If by chance, one finger happens to touch the other, they scream. Even the lightest touch of a cloth is unbearable. This kind of hypersensitivity is also found in Lachesis. Sometimes, these two medicines can be used in the place of the other. Another factor common to both Lachesis and Lac Caninum is that their feelings become very sharp and they are scared of even imaginary things. In spite of these commonalities, there are definite differences between the two. A patient of Lac Caninum cannot be left alone, while the patient of Lachesis likes solitude. The ailments of Lachesis get aggravated after sleep and move from the left to the right.

Mental and psychological symptoms: A prominent feature of Lac Caninum is that while walking the patient feels as if he is floating in the air. He believes that whatever he is saying is a total lie and considers himself to be a liar. One specific symptom of a Lac Caninum patient is that he believes that the nose he has on his face belongs to somebody else, or that his body is not his own, or as if somebody else is talking instead of himself.  Lac Caninum is also useful in the treatment of joint pains. The fleeting muscle pains migrate from one place to another like a quick jump-over. The pains are less in cold weather. A beneficial response to cold is also seen in Ledum and Pulsatilla. Pulsatilla is of a hot nature while Ledum is not. However, joint pains belonging to both respond very well to cold application to the extent that the patient would like to put ice in the water to make it colder and then dip his feet. Joint pains associated with Ledum begin in the lower part of the body and then migrate upwards.

In Lac Caninum, there is extreme sensitivity to light and noise. While reading, vision becomes slightly blurred. Sounds appear to be coming from a far off distance. Nearby sounds also feel as if they are moving away. This condition is specific to Lac Caninum.  Lac Caninum is one of the best remedies for Diphtheria, especially when associated with the pain migrating from one tonsil to the other and then to the first one again and so on. Diphtheria used to be a very common disease and its treatment was also very difficult. But now, preventive vaccination has enabled us to overcome this disease. In third world countries, however the sickness still persists. It is a very dangerous disease, associated with greyish deposits in the throat, which become thicker layer over layer with deposits of more material, so much so that it can block the air passage. There is great difficulty in breathing, while eating and drinking becomes almost impossible.  Diphtherinum has been prepared from the toxic matter of Diphtheria.

It should first be given in potency 200 and then gradually increased.  For further details, please refer to the chapter on Diphtherinum. If Diphtheria is associated with the jumping of the discomfort from one side to the other and then back to the first side again, Lac Caninum would be the most optimal treatment. Sometimes, even if Diphtheria has been cured, the patient is left with permanent paralysis of the muscles for swallowing. Lac Caninum is very useful in the treatment of this condition. In case somebody develops a heart problem after a cold or Diphtheria, Spigelia should be used first. It controls the sickness there and then. Some patients become unable to swallow due to the paralysis at the throat of the muscles for swallowing. In children, a similar condition can develop due to the weakness of the muscles rather than paralysis of the muscles. In this condition, Lac Caninum is very useful. Its beneficial effect however, is only on the paralysed muscles, and not on muscles weakened due to some other condition.

Lac Caninum is also related to many diseases of women. There is pain over the uterus and both ovaries. Once the menstrual blood flows freely, most of the gynaecological troubles of the patient get better. In this respect, it is different from Cimicifuga in which as the menstrual bleeding flows freely, the ailments become aggravated. Lac Caninum is useful in the treatment of those ailments that persist throughout the month but disappear at the onset of menstrual bleeding. The throat trouble starts with the onset of the period and disappears at the end of it. This is a typical sign of Lac Caninum that must be kept in mind.  In all the systems of medical treatments other than homoeopathy, such symptoms are not given much weight, but are considered imaginary and useless. However, in the field of homoeopathy, these odd symptoms do point to one homoeopathic remedy or another.  Therefore, it is necessary to remember them. For example, irritation of the throat, starting before the onset of the periods is a sign of Magnesia Carb. This throat condition will not automatically get better on the cessation of the periods. Instead, it will have to be treated separately. The close relationship of the trouble of the throat and the periods is a special feature of Lac Caninum. In Calcarea Carb, like Cimicifuga, the ailments become worse at the onset of the free flow of the period. However, in Calcarea Carb, the ailment is related to the throat itself. It does not originate from the affliction of internal organs.

In the case of Lac Caninum, the menstrual blood contains big clots as if containing the shreds of the lining of the uterus, like Kreosotum. Menstruation starts rather early and is plentiful. There is soreness over the mammary glands before menstruation or during lactation.  They get inflamed. To stop lactation for any reason, Pulsatilla and Lac Caninum combined, are very useful because in this respect, they are similar to each other.