

Iodum is a remedy of very hot nature. Its patient feels extremely hot and very hungry, yet despite eating a lot, remains thin and lean. The patient is very talkative and cannot sit still. He keeps on moving around constantly. The lymph glands in the body become enlarged and hard, resembling that of Conium. The skinny appearance of Iodine patient reminds one of Abrotanum and Natrum Mur. However, both these remedies are of cold nature.

The restlessness of an Iodum patient is due to the anxiety neurosis.  Unlike Arsenic, the irritability of the nerves is due to availability of more energy for the nerve function. Since the patient eats a lot and the food is not converted into fatty acids, the unused surplus energy does not let him keep still. Therefore, he is in constant motion and consumes his energy by running around. If such a patient is forced to sit, he reacts very angrily, and is ready to beat or even kill the person.  If he is not treated with Iodum during childhood, then on becoming an adult, he may become a very dangerous criminal, ready to kill without any reason or provocation. Although the tendency of violence and killing without reason is also found in Natrum Mur and Hepar Sulph, their other symptoms are very different. This dangerous tendency is also found in Nux Vomica. A Nux Vomica woman may develop an uncontrollable urge to throw her child into fire or kill her husband despite loving him immensely. She then becomes extremely fearful of such desires but cannot get rid of such thoughts sticking in her mind and following her like a shadow. If the patient also becomes extremely frightened, these symptoms may turn into insanity. If other symptoms of such a patient demand Iodum, it would prove extremely useful.

Some symptoms of Iodum are also found in Kali Iodide. A Kali Iodide patient walks a lot but does not feel tired. On the day that he does not get a chance to walk, he feels uncomfortable. His constitution is also hot. However, there is one difference and it is that in Kali Iodide there is a tendency to develop sores and deep ulcers, while in Iodum, the glands become simply inflamed and hardened.  There is a tendency to develop tuberculosis also.

A special symptom of Iodum is that the glands throughout the body become swollen and hard. However, in women, the mammary glands shrink to a thin membrane. This symptom is an exception, otherwise generally, when the body is wasting, the glands enlarge in size. A patient, whose body is wasting while the glands are enlarging, needs Iodum. In Iodum, the glands and the body do not enlarge simultaneously. Usually, the glands inside the abdomen become markedly swollen and hard. The glands in the armpits (axilla) also become swollen and indurated.

Iodum being a hot natured remedy, its cough aggravates in hot weather. On entering a heated room, the patient starts coughing but this symptom alone is not enough for making the diagnosis of Iodum.  Other symptoms also need to be present. In Iodum, the liver, spleen and throat are inflamed. Generally, such inflammation and glandular affection results in diarrhoea. In Iodum, there is throbbing all over the body. This sign is common to Belladonna and Iodum both. Iodum being a remedy of hot nature resembles Apis. Both Apis and Iodum also affect the kidneys. Like Apis, in Iodum, the swelling appears under the eyes. However, the swelling is not restricted to the area under the eye; the eyelids also swell. If the entire eye becomes swollen, Phosphorus is also found to be very effective. The swelling of only the eyelids is a symptom of Kali Carb. The patients who become weak and anaemic due to chronic illnesses develop bags under the eyes, which make them look prematurely old. For this condition, Chininum Ars and Sarsaparilla, etc. can be benificial. The diagnosis should, however, be arrived at carefully.  A distinctive feature of an Iodum patient is his excessive appetite. In all the Iodum ailments, the increased appetite is disturbing and aggravates the symptoms. The intensity of appetite and illness are closely related in Psorinum also, but in Psorinum the appetite increases at night and its patient is usually cold. Therefore, it is not difficult to distinguish between the two remedies.  Iodum plays an important role in kidney disorders also. Due to the kidney dysfunction, the hands and feet become swollen (oedema).  Timely administration of Iodum will safeguard against numerous incurable and painful diseases. Kali Iodide is also useful in the treatment of kidney diseases, but in Kali Iodide, there is a tendency towards the formation of ulcers that is absent in the case of Iodum.

In Iodum, the internal organs like spleen and liver become swollen and hard, while the entire body begins to waste. Despite this, the patient retains his appetite. Later on, the stomach fails to function and diarrhoea sets in. The diarrhoea due to tuberculosis is worse in the morning and gets better with Sulphur. If tuberculosis of the lungs becomes severe, the toxic substances are then excreted naturally through the stools. Thus suppression of diarrhoea which will result in dire consequences, therefore it should be handled very carefully.  According to the homoeopathic system of treatment, Sulphur will not only benefit the lungs but will also stop the diarrhoea. In such patients, if only the diarrhoea is controlled, it will result in further damage to the lungs. In this condition, if Sulphur does not work, then Iodum will be found very useful. In fact, if other symptoms of Iodum are also present, Iodum alone may offer a complete cure. Therefore, Iodum is not just for temporary relief. Some of its illnesses resemble those of Sulphur, such as the formation of whitish blisters and ulcers.  

 All sorts of blisters and ulcers developing on the mucous membranes can be cured with Iodum, provided the patient is of Iodum constitution. Despite being of hot constitution, an Iodum patient develops catarrh on exposure to cold. It is not necessary that the patient develop catarrh due to heat only. The nasal membranes in an Iodum patient become extremely weak, and vulnerable to catch cold easily. The secretions dry up in the nose making breathing difficult.  A slight cold or change in the food habit causes cold. Some of the medicines used for the treatment of a cold are of cold and hot nature, each having its own separate symptoms distinct from Iodum.  However, if the nose remains stuffy due to constant catarrh and bleeding, along with excessive appetite, then by the grace of God, Iodum will cure all of the symptoms Iodum is also very effective in the treatment of tumours of the uterus, especially if other symptoms of Iodum are also present. In Iodum, the leucorrhoeal discharge is very thick and burning in nature.  Iodum is also useful in the treatment of joint pains. An Iodum patient gets relief with local cold applications. The ailments related to Iodum aggravate on remaining quiet, working hard and being in hot weather.  After eating food the patient feels comfortable for a short period. He also feels comfortable while strolling in the open air.