

Hyoscyamus is prepared from adelirious and acts insanely. Sometimes, a patient develops the symptoms of Hyoscyamus during the typhoid fever. He talks while sleeping and constantly crimps and pinches the bed sheet. He talks unabashed obsceneties due to the inflammation of the sexual organs. It is not unusual for a decent person to talk obscenely when sick, whereas he would never utter such foul things under normal circumstances. If a girl happens to be sick her parents will not, out of embarrassment, even call the doctor to see her.  Nevertheless, the use of obscene language is no reflexion of her desire in sexual misadventure. It is a typical symptom of Hyoscyamus, which causes inflammation of the sexual organs affecting the mind.  The patient talks in an absurd way that he would never do in the state of normal health. This excitement is due to the sickness also found in Cantharis, i.e. the inflammation of the sexual organs. (For further differentiation between Hyoscyamus and Cantharis, please refer to Cantharis).
plant that in appearance resembles the Belladonna plant. Apparently it is harmless, but its seeds are extremely poisonous. The medicine prepared from this plant is called Hyoscyamus. It profoundly affects the mind, especially in relations to the sexual functioning.In Hyoscyamus, there is total disarray of mental functions. The patient feels as if his mind is under the control of a supernatural power. The patient is

A Hyoscyamus patient talks obscenely during sleep or while he is semi-conscious. This condition disappears when the patient is awake and conscious. In a patient of Hyoscyamus there is a generalized twitching of the muscles. The nerves are irritable, causing severe muscular contractions. The patient feels a piercing type of pain. Muscles become tense and contracted with tonic convulsions. There are fasciculation’s over different parts of the body. The patient becomes very weak and his head slips and sags from the pillow due to the weakness. This symptom is also found in a patient of Muriatic Acid.

In women, severe convulsions develop at the time of childbirth.

All sorts of mental diseases can be found in Hyoscyamus, but there is no tendency towards committing physical violence. Physical violence is very common in Belladonna. The patient has a very suspicious mind. He believes that somebody is standing next to him, and he starts conversing with him. Sometimes, he thinks that somebody is standing behind him, thus he will often turn back to look at him. He is extremely suspicious like the patient of Lachesis. He presumes that his close relative has poisoned his food. This symptom is present both in Lachesis and Hyoscyamus. If a patient is afraid of taking the remedy through suspicion of being poisoned, a drop or two mixed in a large amount of water may be administered.

When semi-conscious, a patient of Hyoscyamus talks to himself. He then screams and may become totally unconscious. Quite a few normal people have the habit of talking to themselves. However, the Hyoscyamus patient talks to himself only during the sickness.  One of the ideas imprinted in the mind of the patient is that he can never be forgiven for his sins. In fact, in his own thoughts, he believes himself to have committed murder or some other heinous crime, though in reality, he never committed such a crime.  One symptom of Hyoscyamus, which resembles Glonoine and Lachesis, is that the patient feels lost while on a journey. While at home he still thinks that he is not at home. He remains similarly disorientated outside the home also. He feels himself a stranger everywhere.

The Hyoscyamus patient develops fear of water (hydrophobia). Even the sound of running water bothers him. He cannot swallow water due to severe constriction of the throat. According to Dr. Kent, Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Cantharis and Hydrophobinum are all excellent medicines to treat this condition. In my experience, I have found Stramonium and Hydrocyanic Acid capable of totally uprooting this condition. They are very effective against the constriction of the throat developing on swallowing water. Hydrophobia develops after being bitten by a rabid dog. Stramonium is the best treatment for Rabies. In the olden days, some doctors used to treat the patients

with Stramonium. In homoeopathy also, Stramonium has proven to be very useful. The patients who develop symptoms of Rabies should be treated with Stramonium and Hydrophobinum combined. By the grace of God, they work very well. In case the anti-rabies vaccine is not available, and one is not sure whether the biting dog is rabid or not, Stramonium and Hydrophobinum combined must be administered immediately. These remedies should first be given daily for a few days, then twice a week for a few months and then gradually tapered off. This will, by the grace of God, prevent against the onset of Rabies and obviate any further dangers forever.

If the eyesight becomes weak due to the dysfunction of the nerves,

then Hyoscyamus will be of good use. In case the vision becomes intermittently blurred and does not focus properly, then also Hyoscyamus must be used. Sometimes, during a high fever, the patient goes into a severe convulsion with the locking of the jaw. The mouth becomes dry and smelly, the tongue becomes red or brown, dry and fissured; the movement of the tongue becomes sluggish or it is not under voluntary control anymore, resulting in frequent interruptions of speech. The tongue becomes insensitive and liable to be cut between the teeth while eating food. If all these symptoms are due to stomach upset, then Pulsatilla and Carbo Veg can also be used.

In Hyoscyamus, the stomach becomes flaccid and dilated. The stools (as in typhoid) are granular in appearance or may be watery and mixed with blood. Another troubling problem is that the patient has no control over passing urine or opening the bowels (urinary and faecal incontinence). If women are unable to pass urine after childbirth, then Causticum is the best remedy. Causticum will be much more effective when given along with Arnica. If this treatment is ineffective, then Hyoscyamus must be used. Hyoscyamus is very useful in the treatment of urinary tract infections and inflammations. In Hyoscyamus, there is severe griping pain in the abdomen and the patient feels as if his abdomen is going to burst open. The patient vomits frequently, has hiccups and screams due to pain. He feels dizzy and also has a burning sensation in the stomach.

Before their periods, women become hysterical and develop cramps.  Even during their periods they experience stiffness in the muscles and sweat profusely.There is a feeling of tightness over the chest as well as suffocation.  The patient bends over due to the severity of the pain. At night, the patient develops a dry cough, which worsens on lying down and is relieved on sitting upAt night, a Hyoscyamus patient may develop epileptic convulsions in which the toes become very stiff. The child cries and graons, while asleep. The patient feels very uncomfortable at night and cannot sleep. There is widespread twitching of the muscles. The patient does not like to cover himself. The suffering of a Hyoscyamus patient aggravates at night, after taking food and on lying down. The patient is afraid of being alone.  The symptoms improve on bending over.