

Hepar Sulph is another name for Calcium Sulphide. Dr. Hahnemann prepared it from the shells of the oysters (a sea animal) and performed different types of experiments on it. It is a compound of Calcarea Carb and Sulphur, possessing some of the characteristics of both of its components. However, most of its symptoms are different from both Calcarea Carb and Sulphur. In the olden days, Calcium Sulphide was used externally for the treatment of itching, joint pains, gout and the swellings associated with tuberculosis. It was also considered to be useful against asthma and tuberculosis of the lungs.  Hepar Sulph is a common remedy of daily use. It is deeply related to Silicea. Wherever Silicea becomes ineffective, Hepar Sulph may be found useful. It is also very effective against common contagious diseases. In case Silicea is unsafe to be given, Hepar Sulph may be used as a substitute without any fear. Hepar Sulph is often used in between the usage of Mercury and Silicea. To avoid serious untoward symptoms, it is not proper to use Silicea by itself after the treatment with Mercury. It is imperative to give Hepar Sulph after treatment with Mercury and before starting treatment with Silicea. Similarly, if it becomes necessary to give Mercury after treatment with Silicea, Hepar Sulph must be used in between to avoid the danger of incompatibility between Silicea and Mercury.  Hepar Sulph is of great use for throat conditions. If the phlegm sticks in the throat and it is difficult to expel despite coughing, Hepar Sulph will be found very effective. The patient of Hepar Sulph coughs a lot, especially in the morning. The cough aggravates in the cold and is mostly painful.

In Hepar Sulph the patient feels as if something is stuck in the

throat, which despite effort, cannot be expelled. If, in fact, there is something stuck in the throat, it will come out easily with Silicea since Silicea is known to expel foreign bodies lodged in the body. In Hepar Sulph, there is nothing sticking in the throat, it is just an uncomfortable feeling.

A patient of Hepar Sulph is extraordinarily sensitive and reactive to his surroundings. Every kind of pain is felt magnified. He is shorttempered and angry by nature. Even though he may be a gentle person, during the disease he becomes very impulsive, so much so that he may even kill his close friend. So far, I have not known such a patient myself. This description mentioned in literatures may apply to mental patients but seems like an unbelievable exaggeration in regard to ordinary patients.

The swelling and hardening of the glands is known in relation to many remedies and also in Hepar Sulph. If the hardening and swelling of the glands becomes persistent, it is treated with various remedies according to the circumstances. Once the glands start suppurating (pus formation) then Hepar Sulph should be used without any further delay. Calcarea Sulph is also very useful.

Some children have the habit of biting their nails. This results in

tearing of the pulp of the fingers causing discomfort. The slightest touch produces severe pain. The child chews the pulp and then tears it apart. This habit then becomes firmly established. Besides Natrum Mur, Hepar Sulph is also very useful in treating this condition.  Sometimes, pus forms around the nail (paronychia). The nail becomes loose and is uprooted. The new nail replaces it. Here, the drug of choice is Hepar Sulph. If a nail becomes dark and begins to deform, then Psorinum should be tried first. If it happens to be ineffective, other remedies should be sought. Nail deformities are also found in Antimonium Crude. If warts ulcerate and start bleeding, Hepar Sulph will be useful. If they happen to crack open and fungate like cauliflower, then the best treatment is Nitric Acid.  The skin of Hepar Sulph children looks dirty and may not look clean in spite of the child having taken a shower. With Hepar Sulph, the skin becomes neat and clean. At the same time the dirty appearance of the face disappears.

If during a cold, the phlegm sticks inside the nose or throat, causing sneezing, Hepar Sulph should be administered. Sneezing due to feeling cold is another symptom of Hepar Sulph. If a person starts sneezing on entering a heated room during winter, Pulsatilla is the appropriate treatment for this condition. If the sneezing occurs on moving from a hot area into a cold area, then one should think of Sabadilla, Silicea, Natrum Mur and Hepar Sulph. The onset of severe sneezing while sleeping with the hands or feet exposed in the cold is a characteristic symptom of Hepar Sulph. A patient of Hepar Sulph cannot tolerate even the slightest draft of cold air. Noise is also unbearable for such a patient.

Hepar Sulph may also be useful for treating ear problems, like Chamomilla, Pulsatilla, Belladonna and Allium Cepa, which are more commonly used.Hepar Sulph is also related to the eye ache. If the eye becomes intensely red due to the cold then Euphrasia will be found more useful. However, Hepar Sulph is very useful in the common eye conditions associated with a lot of watering and stickiness.  Belladonna, Arsenic, Hepar Sulph and Ipecac are useful in the treatment of day-to-day coughs. Please remember the distinction between Ipecac and Hepar Sulph. The phlegm in the case of Ipecac is relatively soft and can be expectorated easily. If the phlegm is thick and sticky, then Hepar Sulph, Kali Bichrome or Coccus will be more useful.

Hepar Sulph is a deep acting remedy. In the case of sudden and severe attack of an illness, the patient would benefit with high potency of Hepar Sulph. The high potency can even be repeated again and again without any possible harm. To curtail the severity of the disease, Hepar Sulph 1000 can be given twice a day. Once the disease comes under control, it becomes necessary to use the doses in intervals. One should learn to use the homoeopathic medicines in  different potencies from one’s own experience. One gradually learns
the exact potency to be used with experience. If the disease becomes prolonged and chronic, one should not expect immediate cure with one dose of high potency. For the satisfactory treatment of chronic illnesses, the body has to make deep adjustments, which can never happen instantaneously. In particular, if the defensive system of the body of the patient has already weakened tremendously, with the resistance being very low, a homoeopathic remedy given in high potency may produce serious adverse effects or may even prove fatal.  Since Hepar Sulph contains Sulphur, it has some similarities with Sulphur. Sulphur has the capability of curing the old scars of tuberculosis in the lungs. If the bacteria form tiny little lesions in the lungs (miliary Tuberculosis), Sulphur helps to destroy them. One should not give Silicea in this condition. Sulphur attenuates the tuberculous bacteria, which then become expectorated with cough. It is important to know that one should never administer Sulphur in high potency unless and until one is sure that there are no enlarged glands near the arteries in the lungs. Tuberculosis patients, who have such lumps in the lungs, may bleed from ruptured blood vessels in the lungs as a reaction to Sulphur or Silicea, given in high potency. In this kind of patient Sulphur works as potently as Silicea. The better way to treat these patients is that first of all, Sulphur should be given in moderate potency for some period and then the patient should be put on Calcarea Carb. Calcarea Carb helps to make protective shells around the tuberculous lesions, like the shell around the egg. The bacteria become imprisoned in these protective shells.

Hepar Sulph is very useful for the treatment of tuberculosis of the lungs, intestines or anywhere else in the body. Hepar Sulph will be found effective irrespective of the site of the tuberculous infection.  Hepar Sulph has elements of Sulphur and Calcarea both. The element of Sulphur is more dominant. So, it shares a similarity to Silicea, like Sulphur.

Hepar Sulph is effective against all sorts of skin wounds. They may have started to discharge pus and bleed, or have become putrid with new boils forming around them, or have become like a non-relenting abscesses that do not heal. Hepar Sulph is effective against all of them. But Hepar Sulph and Nitric Acid are similar in the way that the small wounds or sores may develop individually or in the form of clusters, which spread out from one side. Both Hepar Sulph and Nitric Acid can be used for the treatment of ulcers in the intestines.  Mercury is similar to both remedies in the treatment of the intestinal ulcers.

Hepar Sulph is useful in the treatment of warts that do not heal. The skin starts to itch and pimples form over the body. Scales and thick scabs also form resembling eczema. If these scabs form behind the ears and around the neck, and they discharge a gum-like sticky exudate, this can be treated with Graphites. For scabs that do not respond to any other medicine, one should not forget to try Hepar Sulph.