

Graphite has commonly been described in reference to the treatment of heavy, strong and obese women. But I have not seen it effective in obesity. I have used it in various potencies but have not seen a single obese woman getting slim with it. However it has certainly proven useful in the treatment of other diseases mentioned in the chapter of Graphites. I always use it in potency 200 or over. I have never used it in potency 30. As far as the treatment of obesity is concerned, I have found the following three remedies most useful: Phytolacca, Phytolacca Berry and Fucus.

In Graphites the menses are scanty. The bleeding lasts for two or three days and the quantity of the blood loss is also much less. This is probably the reason for their tendency towards being obese. Perhaps Graphites is linked to the treatment of being overweight on this basis.  Once the menstrual cycle becomes normal, one can hope to lose weight.

The discharges of Graphites patient are usually very sticky.

Eczema of Graphites is recognized on the same basis. This eczema is usually found behind the ears, over different areas of the head and over the joints of the elbows and hands. There is always some sticky secretion coming out which subsequently changes into a hard scab. In Mezereum too, the discharge is sticky which then turns into a hard scab, making a sort of cover over the head. Some young children develop a severe type of eczema, which bleeds on scratching. The condition becomes really troublesome. The overall symptoms of their eczema resemble Psorinum as well as Graphites. This is due to the latent presence of some sinister substance of a deep-seated illness in their body. Whenever I gave Silicea to the children who, based on their symptoms require to be treated with it, without any exception the foul matter bursts open. This effect of Silicea is well established.

However, if with the treatment of Silicea the foul substances only surface to the body but are not eliminated, then we must look for another suitable, similar related medicine. Next in order to Silicea are Psorinum and Graphites. Psorinum often dries up the eczema, yet sometimes it does not offer complete cure. The dry skin keeps on itching, although there is definitely some relief of symptoms, so much so that the child can sleep peacefully at night. However, the eczematous skin starts discharging again after some time. In this condition, Graphites should also be used as an adjuvant. It helps to a certain extent. Therefore, it is better that the resistant type of illnesses like eczema should be treated with a number of similarly acting remedies, complimentary to each other. If the itching amounts to restlessness, Arsenic 1000 will also be very useful. It is especially very effective against dry eczema. Even if all the symptoms are not present, the element of restlessness is such that Arsenic will benefit to some extent although the relief may only be temporary. No doubt, the proper use of Arsenic would be of avail where the patient exhibits most of the signs and symptoms of Arseni
It must be well remembered that the treatment is proper only when the nature of the medicine, as well as the constitution of the patient, are properly evaluated and matched. The assumption that a medicine that is effective against a particular disease will cure all the patients of that disease is only wishful thinking. At the same time it is not necessary that an effective cure for each disease has been discovered, or any doctor has full knowledge about the treatment of every sickness.  Therefore it is not right to prolong the illness of a patient unnecessarily while the patient is not getting better under the treatment of one doctor. One should honestly admit that some other doctor may be able to offer a better treatment. There is no harm in accepting defeat. The patient should be referred to somebody more qualified.

Graphites is a very useful drug for its own specific kind of eczema. f the patient has other symptoms of Graphites, then this drug alone will suffice. Otherwise, in cases of various types of eczemas (with superadded infections) Graphites is only used as an adjuvant remedy. If the skin becomes raw and red, as is the case with early symptoms of Psoriasis, then Graphites should be prescribed. This symptom of the skin is also associated with Silicea. However, the indication of Graphites is the sticky exudate oozing from the skin.

Graphites is also very useful for the treatment of cancer. The tendency towards the formation of a cancer is in the nature of every carbon compound. Having healed, some wounds burst open again and again and ultimately become cancerous. Even after surgical removal, they tend to recur after some time. In such cases, one should always remember Graphites. Graphites should be given in potencies 200 or 1000. The treatment must be repeated until the positive effects of treatment become apparent.

Graphites also has an effect on the muscular system in the body.  Particularly, it has significant effect on the back of the thighs (hamstring muscles). The patients who feel difficulty in standing or sitting are of two kinds. In one group, the movement becomes difficult due to backache and paralytic symptoms. Graphites has no effect on this group. In the other group, the muscles have become tense and contracted, as if they have become shrunk and are neither stretchable not contractable without discomfort. There is severe tightness on the back of the thighs. This group is amenable to treatment with Graphites. Graphites must definitely be tried in this group even if other particular symptoms of Graphites are absent. Such kind of partial treatment becomes necessary on and off.  Graphites is associated with severe constipation. Faeces pile up in the distal part of the intestines (rectum) as large hard masses packed in layers. When there is generalised inflammation of the intestines, often, such a patient may get temporary relief from Bryonia. The difference between Bryonia and Graphites is that in Bryonia, the faeces are generally hard in the beginning and then become somewhat softer. In the case of Graphites, the faeces are and remain hard and very dry. The patient remains constipated for several days. If diarrhoea starts, the stools become very watery, black and happen to contain undigested food.

Herpes is a disease in which blisters form along the course of the nerves. The skin becomes raw. The patient feels severe burning sensation, discomfort and pain. Herpes is of two types. Herpes Zoster or “shingles” appears due to the affliction of nerves with the virus. The blisters burst open and promote further spread of blister formation. The other type of herpes is genital herpes, which results from improper sexual behaviour. It tends to recur frequently and is related to external genitals. It is a very painful disease. Once established, the disease lasts forever. Graphites has a special merit for the treatment of this type of herpes. However, Graphites alone is not enough. Some other medicine also needs to be used along with Graphites. I have devised a standard formula for the treatment of all kinds of herpes. This includes Arnica, Ledum and Arsenic. This formula also offers cure for snakebite. The prescription is very useful when the pain has started in the previously afflicted snakebite wounds, associated with burning, sensation of heat and the involvement of nervous system. With these medicines, herpes gets cured fast. The genital herpes being very obstinate with the probability of recurrence, the treatment must be continued for about six months with intervals of seven to ten days in between.

The patient of Graphites is of cool temperament like that of Psorinum and Silicea. When the medicines of similar temperament and efficacy are used one after the other, they do not lower the efficacy of one another. The drugs help each other in curing the disease.  The patient of Graphites does not like the open air, yet leaves the windows open. Despite the body being cold, the draft of cold air does not bother him, while in most patients; the draft of air is also unbearable. The Graphites patient dislikes cold. He feels comforted with heat, but the internal body heat resulting from exercise, jogging or walking intensifies his symptoms.

The symptoms of paralysis are also found in Graphites. Like Causticum, the paralysis of Graphites affects only certain organs, especially the lower part of the body. Graphites is very effective in the treatment of the paralysis of legs. It is also of great use in the treatment of epilepsy. Epilepsy develops as a result of some serious deep-seated illness of the body. Naturally, its treatment also requires to be conducted with an appropriate remedy of matching nature and profound effectiveness. Graphites is certainly one of those drugs.
Graphites being pure carbon, resembles Carbo Veg. Each carbon compound may exhibit symptoms of spasms/convulsions. Carbo Veg is the best treatment for the painful muscle cramps of the legs. Once these cramps lead to the development of epilepsy, and the other specific symptoms of Graphites being present, Graphites would certainly work. The distinctive beauty of Graphites is that if it is effective against a disease, it will produce excellent results. The disease may either completely disappear or rendered so mild that the epileptic attacks may never recur. Graphites is an excellent treatment for depression. But this symptom alone cannot be enough to arrive at proper diagnosis, because depression is so common that everybody seems to have suffered from it at one time or another. A Graphites

patient is always anxious, sad and dejected. His mind gets confused.He loses the ability to think, understand and make decisions. On getting up in the morning, the patient becomes dizzy. The mind is dulled and the light becomes unbearable. The eyes burn and become red with watery secretions. The sense of smell becomes very sharp.  The patient cannot tolerate the smell of the flowers. The nose is painful and dry. The nasal secretions dry up in the form of scales.

The patient feels as if his face is covered with cobwebs. Itchy kind of blisters form on the skin. A wet type of eczema develops around the mouth and on the chin. The mouth smells foul. Blisters with
burning sensation appear on the tongue.

A patient of Graphites usually dislikes meat. Sweets provoke nausea.The patient tends to nauseate and vomit after every food. Women feel nausea in the morning, during menstruation. There is a feeling of pressure and burning sensation over the stomach, increasing the appetite. In Graphites, there is severe pain over the neck, shoulders,back and upper arms. The backache causes severe weakness. The left hand becomes numb and the left arm too. The fingernails become thick, black and ugly. Over the toes, there is a feeling of stiffness and pinching. The nails become thick, deformed and are very

The Graphites ailments become more intense with heat, at night, as well as during and after the menstruation. Darkness and covering with a piece of cloth relieve the symptoms.