

Dulcamara is prepared from a plant which grows abundantly in the continents of Europe and America. Its branches are quite long and spread out, bearing purple coloured flowers. Its stem and roots make the mouth bitter when chewed, but later on there is a sweet after-taste in the mouth. That is the reason why it is called bitter sweet. The homoeopathic medicine prepared from the extract of the fresh plant is called Dulcamara.

The main function of Dulcamara is on the inner linings (i.e. the mucous membranes). The most salient point is that any kind of sudden change of weather, from hot to cold or from cold to hot, from moist to dry and vice versa, affects the mucous membranes of the body, especially when the change is very prompt and sudden. For this kind of condition, Dulcamara would probably be the most appropriate treatment. The common cold spreads far and wide during a change of weather. Dulcamara would certainly be useful to treat a patient who catches a cold with every change of weather, even if the other symptoms of the patient do not give a clear picture.  After a vigorous game, some players change their clothes while the body is still hot. They develop nasal catarrh. Similarly, sudden exposure to hot weather from a cold situation also causes a cold. The symptoms get worse at night and on resting. The catarrhal changes can affect the kidneys, the intestines as well as the stomach, leading to frequent urination and the onset of diarrhoea, the reason being the same (i.e. irritation of the mucous linings of these organs). The symptoms aggravate in moist climate and wet weather.  If during summer a person contracts cold while visiting hill stations or coming back from the hill stations, Dulcamara would certainly be the indicated treatment. Some people develop dysentery instead of diarrhoea on exposure to cold. This type of dysentery would also be amenable to Dulcamara. Dulcamara given in high potency works as a sure preventive measure, so much so that sudden changes in weather would not affect such patients at all.

Dulcamara will also be useful in treating the symptoms which result from suppression of sweating on entry into a cold place.  The cold due to Dulcamara starts at the nose and settles in the eyes.  The eyes become heavy and discharge yellowish liquid. The secretion is thin like water. The eyelids get swollen as well. If not treated adequately with Dulcamara, the cold becomes chronic. In Dulcamara, the cold is usually of dry nature, associated with blockage of the nose. The thick yellow secretion sticks in the nose.  The nasal catarrh returns on exposure to even the slightest cold. The nose also bleeds.

Dulcamara is also the treatment for chronic ulcers of the inner linings (mucous membranes), as well as of the skin. The eczema like lesions develop on the skin of the face, which then spread rapidly and get covered with yellow scabs. Clusters of blisters develop and spread widely. The similar symptom is well seen in Arsenic also, though their nature is different. In Arsenic, the wounds can progress to the formation of gangrene, although there is no such tendency in Dulcamara. Dulcamara results in the formation of ulcers over the superficial bones, which are separated from the outside only by skin e.g., Shin bone. Regarding the wounds and sores of Arsenic and Dulcamara, the difference is that in Arsenic, there is formation of lumps similar to those found in plague. The glands in the armpits (axilla) also enlarge and pus forms in them. In Dulcamara, the enlargement of the glands does not lead to the formation of pus. They only get hardened.In Dulcamara, scabs form over the scalp which can weep at the edges. This symptom is also found in Mezereum however, in Mezerum the eczema-type of lesion gets covered with a membranelike structure. Under this structure, there is formation of pus, which obviously smells foul. In Dulcamara, the symptoms are not as severe and progressive.

The other remedies that produce eczema like signs are Sepia, Arsenic, Graphites, Petroleum, Sulphur, Calcaria salts and Rhus Tox. All these will have to be distinguished on the basis of their peculiar symptoms.
Croton, Anagalis and Anacardium may also be very useful in treating such conditions. The eczematous lesions of Anagalis, Croton and Rhus Tox are mostly on the lower part of the body and around the thighs, while in Anacardium, the eczema affects the entire body In Dulcamara, the headache gets worse in the cold and wet weather.  The patient feels light headed. The head is heavy, and there is pain on the temple areas. The ears ache and buzz, affecting the capability to hear. The glands around the ears become inflamed. The cheeks hurt badly and the pain spreads towards the ears, eyes and jaws. The tongue becomes dry and rough. Paralysis of the tongue is also prominent. The neuralgic pain on the face as described gets worse on exposure to cold.

The patient hates food. There is a non-ending urge to drink water.  There is burning in the stomach, along with the tendency for nausea and vomiting. The vomiting contains white sticky secretions. During the act of vomiting, the patient feels very cold. On exposure to cold, the bladder becomes inflamed and irritable, leading to frequent urination. There is a constant desire to pass urine which comes in drops.

The ailments of Dulcamara are relieved by lying on the side, but become aggravated on lying on the back or bending forwards.  Movement ameliorates the symptoms, which increase in the evening and at night. The symptoms also get worse during the change of weather or on getting wet in humid weather or taking cold beverages, etc.