This remedy is prepared from the venom of a very poisonous
and dangerous type of snake commonly called the rattlesnake. The snake keeps on
constantly rubbing its body producing a rattle-like sound. This snake is found in almost all the
countries of the world, especially in the deserts and rocky areas that abound
in salt in the soil. The snake likes to live in moist areas where it stays
asleep. When stepped on by somebody or by its prey, it attacks suddenly. Its
poison is very quick in action. The face of the patient becomes extremely
fearful and dreadful, and he dies within no time at all. Mostly, there is no
time for treatment to be administered. The farmers in the province of Sindh in Pakistan
are quoted to say that when this snake bites, it seems to tell its victim to
fall away from him so as not to crush him, since death is so instantaneous.
The effects of the snakebite are generally very long
lasting and show up in the spring season. The snakes, which normally hibernate
in the cold weather, become active in this season. After hibernation, when they
become active, their poison is very deadly. In case the person bitten by a
snake happens to survive, due to a relatively small dose of the poison, his
symptoms reactivate in that particular season again and this happens repeatedly
every year. In the spring season, snakebite wounds start hurting and the
ailments related to the snakebite are aggravated. The spring season is known
for allergies of
many kinds, which respond to the treatment with Lachesis prepared from the
snake venom. It does not do equally well on everybody rather, other remedies
also need to be given. Apart from Crotalus, Alumina and Sabadilla can be useful
but Lachesis is the most effective. The
main effect of Crotalus is on the liver. By the grace of Allah it will rapidly
control progressive jaundice.
The patient of Crotalus is extremely nervous and tremulous. The tongue also
quivers when pulled out of the mouth. The patient feels tired on simple
Paralysis develops. The blood
becomes dark in colour and exudes from everywhere, especially the junctional areas, where the
outer skin and the inner lining
meet. Sudden severe illnesses like paralysis and
bleeding from any part of the body should remind one of the snakebite. The exuding blood is liquid and of dark
colour. Within the circulatory system,
the blood coagulates like the curdling of milk. The blood that exudes is like
dirty water mixed with blood. In the
case of some other snakebites, the venom, rather than clotting the blood, makes
it thin. This kind of venom affects specifically the nervous system.
Crotalus is very useful in the treatment of strange mental conditions like
delirium, mumbling and
shortness of temper. When somebody wants to talk to the patient, he will
immediately interrupt, shut him up and then start talking himself. He cannot
tolerate anybody else talking in his presence. In order to continue the
conversation, he will devise some story, but will definitely cut everybody
else’s conversation. Excessive talking
is also noticed in a patient of Lachesis whose conversation is irregular and
confusing. A patient of
Crotalus also talks very fast and keeps on making
stories, but he is not mentally aggressive. Rather, he is slow and tends to be
sleepy. He is fearful of death, tends to cry and experiences cold sweats. The headache and dizziness alternate. When
resting, he suffers from headache, and when moving he feels dizzy. Sleep aggravates the
symptoms, especially the headache which becomes very severe. Sometimes, the patient
wakes up due to a headache that he did not have before he went to bed. Raising
the head up also aggravates the suffering.
Waves of severe headache undulate from the back to the front of the head,
resulting in severe weakness.
Whenever the patient of snakebite suffers from some
special illness, dark offensive blood exudes from the previous snakebite
wounds, especially in the spring season. In the presence of diabetes, large dangerous
kind of abscesses (carbuncles)
form on the neck and the back, which spread rapidly and deep into the tissues.
There is associated marked swelling around them. Crotalus would be very useful
for the treatment of both these conditions. In such carbuncles Arsenic and
Anthracinum are also effective. When women develop typhoid during pregnancy resulting in
abortion, Crotalus will prevent against the subsequent possible complications. In Crotalus, sometimes, the patient either
sleeps too much or does not sleep at all and both these conditions alternate
with each other. When drowsy, it is difficult for him to get up. Once he is
awake, it is difficult for him to go back to sleep.
One thing is common in Crotalus and other snake venoms that
the patient becomes suspicious
minded. He does not trust anybody and thinks that somebody will poison him. The patient has a
strong desire to drink alcohol.
The best treatment to break the habit of drinking alcohol is
Sulphuric Acid i.e., one drop of Sulphuric Acid dissolved in a glass of water,
given three times a day. Crotalus is ideal remedy for a grossly obese alcoholic
who has a craving for spicy food. The
eyes of a Crotalus patient are yellowish, with the appearance of dark rings around the eyes.
The eyes have burning pain as if somebody has pierced them with a knife.
is a tendency to bleed inside the eye. The vision
becomes hazy. Sometimes, due to extreme weakness, the eyesight may
be totally lost. Light is
unbearable (photophobia).There is bleeding
from the ears. The right ear becomes deaf due to the affliction of the nerves of the ears.
The dysfunction of the ears causes vertigo. There is mild earache, throbbing
sensation and hypersensitivity to loud noise. In Crotalus, the nasal discharge is mixed
with blood. There can be a nosebleed (Epistaxis), the blood being dark and
clotted in the form of woven thread. The lips swell and become numb, the face
also becomes pale and swollen. The dryness of the tongue and the throat makes
speaking and swallowing difficult. The tongue is red, dry and swollen. When
such a patient develops cancer
of the tongue, the condition would warrant the use of Crotalus.
A Crotalus patient cannot tolerate any kind of clothing
around the stomach area. His stomach cannot hold anything and it throws up its contents.
The material thrown up contains bile. The vomiting
may be of pure blood. The stomach feels empty. Either the patient is
constipated or
has diarrhoea.
The diarrhoeal stools are dark in colour, rather thin, but smell offensive and
are mixed with blood. The urine is red or yellowish in colour. The kidneys
become inflamed. There is a pain in the
liver area. The heart feels weak but beats fast.
The pulse is generally very rapid or becomes very weak. Joint
pains are also a symptom of Crotalus. The glands become swollen. The hands and feet also swell and there is
stiffness and pain in the toes. The headache and stomach symptoms get better in
open but the cough becomes more severe. The entire body
shakes, the skin becomes hypersensitive and pale in colour with the tendency towards
boils. The face is pale and listless.
If a girl fails to have periods and her face becomes covered with
acne then Crotalus would be the ideal remedy for this condition. This will
restore her periods and reduce the congestion on her face.
Crotalus is not only an acute remedy in fact it is very
useful in the treatment of chronic illnesses also. When the body becomes weak, the
hands shake and tremors develop
in the middle-aged people, Crotalus would not only be found useful, but its use
becomes unavoidable.
The symptoms of a patient of Crotalus become worse when
lying on the right side. There is a feeling of intense cold in the stomach and
in the abdomen, as if ice has been placed over them. This sensation can be an
early sign of cancer of
the intestines or stomach. Timely use of Crotalus will obviate the formation of
cancer. Such symptoms must well be kept in mind to avoid unnecessary
complications. Crotalus is also used for the treatment of wind in the
stomach and stomach
ulcers. Crotalus can cure the excessive bleeding originating from the cancer
of the uterus. The eyes of such a patient become pale as if she has developed jaundice. This is a typical
sign of Crotalus. The weakness
of the heart is also a sign of Crotalus. This symptom is found in almost all the cases of poisoning due to snakebites. In particular, there is a feeling of the
trembling of the heart during the menstrual period. The hands also shake and
become swollen. The legs become numb and there is a possibility of developing left-sided paralysis of the body (hemiplegia).
The menstrual periods last longer than usual. Severe pain radiates down the legs. There is a feeling of weakness of the stomach.
There is excessive bleeding and a feeling of prolapse of the uterus after the childbirth.
Due to severe stiffness and pain, the patient feels great discomfort over the
legs and keeps moving the legs constantly.