
Chininum Ars

 Chininum Ars is the treatment for the disorders of blood formation (haemopoetic system), resulting from chronic illnesses, associated with hypo function of the liver and dysfunction of the bone marrow.  Due to the lack of blood (anaemia), the face is somewhat swollen and pale. Wrinkles appear on the face reflecting senility. The patient feels weak and listless. Chininum Ars is the examplary treatment for such patients. However, one cannot benefit without understanding the basic constitution of Chininum Ars.

Chininum Ars is a compound of China and Arsenic. It is prepared from the bark of Cinchona, which used to be the source of quinine (considered to be the best medicine for malaria). Later on, more medicines were discovered for the treatment of malaria, though quinine has its own unique status.

Chininum Ars is very useful in combating the residual ill effects of malaria. The liver and spleen enlarge; the skin is dry, lacking normal lustre. The skin looks yellow all over. The person frequently gets out of breath and loses his appetite. Such patients do not recover immediately with Chininum Ars, therefore, it should be used over a long period and then it works wonders.

Cold air aggravates the symptoms of Chininum Ars. There is a constant feeling of slight cold in the body. There is chronic diarrhoea in which stools are watery and putrid. Various parts of the body are swollen. The patient does not want to move. Instead, he likes to lie down still. In Chininum Ars, there is throbbing in the muscles which can be felt to the fingertips. The pulse is weak, thready and slow. In Chininum Ars, like Lachesis, the symptoms aggravate after sleep. The body feels restless, more so by the evening. Many patients have a guilty conscious and firmly believe that they cannot be forgiven. The Chininum Ars patient feels guilty over trifle misgivings and becomes suspicious-minded (a victim of fear and superstition). Sometimes such patients may experience odd visual hallucinations.

During fever, a Chininum Ars patient suddenly jumps out of bed with fear. He remains restless, gradually loses hope and becomes sick of life. Noise is unbearable and the memory becomes weak. Such patients, who have lived luxurious and vulgar lives, are more likely to develop the symptoms of Chininum Ars.

In Chininum Ars, due to the weakness of the nerves and lack of blood, the patient feels jerking during sleep. This symptom has been mentioned in reference to many other remedies but is a symptom of Chininum Ars as well. Sometimes, the patient wakes up due to the feeling of pain that spreads through the body like a flash of lightning.  In Chininum Ars, the symptoms resulting from low blood pressure are the same as those in Arnica and Belladonna associated with high blood pressure. The arms, legs, hands and feet become cold, but then the blood pressure rises. This is a specific symptom of Chininum Ars.   

In Chininum Ars, weakness is more pronounced on the right side, such as the right side of the neck and the right arm. When the weakness advances, one may have convulsions. At night there is headache. Nasal cold also causes headache. In general, when the cold is suppressed, the headache gets worse. There is a feeling of being hammered over the head that is usually due to the lack of blood.  This symptom is also salient in Natrum Mur (because Natrum Mur also is one of the best treatments for anaemia). In this, the blood becomes more dilute. In Chininum Ars, the lack of red blood cells cause anaemia, so the swelling noticed in Chininum Ars is soft and pitting in nature. The muscles of the scalp also hurt. The symptoms aggravate in the cold.

In Chininum Ars, there are symptoms related to the eyes as well.  Light irritates the eye and produces warm tears. This symptom is also found in Natrum Mur. As far as the eyes are concerned in Chininum Ars, ulcers are found in not only one but in both eyes. The tendency towards developing ulcers and eczema simultaneously is also present in Chininum Ars, as in Arnica. In Arnica, if there is irritation in one eye it will eventually cause irritation in the other eye as well.  Both eyes hurt at the same time. This happens in Chininum Ars also but the patient sees flashing stars and flames, which are more marked in the left eye than the right. Tears form in the left eye. There is a feeling of pain. There is noise in the ears and voices are heard.
The hearing either becomes unusually sharp or the patient starts becoming deaf. These contradicting symptoms are specific to Chininum Ars.

The nose discharges blood-mixed fluid or offensive smelling pus.

The nose starts decaying from the inside. There is peeling of the lips and the tip of the nose. The face is pale, earth coloured and swollen like yeast. A strange kind of glare appears on the face, typical of anaemia. The inner linings of the mouth cavity may bleed. Streaks appear on the tongue. The colour of the tongue may be black, brown, white or yellow. The gums become swollen and they start receding from the teeth. There is distaste in the mouth; even the best food tastes awful. There is unrelenting thirst, toothache at night and
grinding of the teeth which disturbs the sleep. The throat is dry and sometimes there is a stinking smell from the throat. This is a grave sign because it shows that the sores inside the mouth are far too serious and have become necrotic. If all the symptoms of Chininum Ars are not evident in this kind of patient, Arsenic in high potency should be administered without delay. One symptom of Chininum Ars is that the person feels discomfort on swallowing a drop of water or a morsel of food, even if the throat is not evidently diseased. There is a need for constant hawking to clear the throat.  Sometimes in Chininum Ars, the appetite is completely extinct and one has a bad taste in the mouth, while at other times, there is an intense never-ending appetite to eat. As soon as food is taken, the abdomen becomes full. There is a feeling of burning and acidity and soon after taking food, the patient feels hungry again. He cannot digest fish and eggs but definitely is not allergic to them. In case of allergy to eggs, just one dose of Calcaria Carb in high potency may do the job. It normally works, though not always.  In Chininum Ars, nausea does not let the patient sleep. As soon as the nausea is treated, the person goes to sleep but soon afterwards, he vomits, meaning that the nausea was only temporarily suppressed yet its real cause persisted.

All the abdominal ailments produced after malaria are found in Chininum Ars. The liver and the spleen are enlarged but the rest of the abdomen is shrunken and drawn in. The stools are dry and lumpy due to constipation. In Arsenic patients, some fruits cause diarrhoea.

In Chininum Ars, haemorrhoids or piles are also found, which are markedly swollen and bluish. They also itch. In the urine, the patient passes albumin and sugar. Chininum Ars is useful in the treatment of sexual weakness of men as well as women. Women suffer from an abrasive type of leucorrhoea and the discharge is mixed with blood.  The menses are copious in amount, free, offensive smelling and black or yellowish in colour. They may continue for a long time and then suddenly stop altogether. If the peculiar symptoms of Chininum Ars are also present, then this remedy, by Allah’s grace, cures all the symptoms.

In Chininum Ars, there is a feeling of spasm and paring in the windpipe, along with the sensation of suffocation. Deep breathing is difficult because it causes irritation inside the air passage.Symptoms of Asthmatic cough can also be present.  There is pain at the area of the heart, with feelings of tightness and suffocation, convulsion, swelling, weakness and palpitations. The hands and feet become cold. There is severe cramping of muscles in the calves. There are rheumatic pains in the body and pain in the knees and legs. The patient sleeps peacefully only in the latter part of the night.

It must be kept in mind that all the above symptoms, which are due to the lack of blood, will be treated by Chininum Ars. If these symptoms are present, and the person is not anaemic, the above remedy might work, but only sparingly.