

 Homoeopathic doctors have devised different remedies from cancerous materials, the salient one being Carcinosin. It is produced from the cancer of the lungs. Dr. Brunt experimented on this first and then Dr. Clarke performed further tests on it.

Carcinosin is very useful in treatment of the cancer of the breast. Carcinosin is also beneficial for the treatment of varicose veins on the legs. By using Carcinosin on a patient with cancer of the intestines, the threadworms and other germs thriving on the extracts of the intestine are expelled in the stools. In a potential patient of a cancerous family, the administration of Carcinosin will manifest externally, the suppressed tendency of developing a cancer in the form of enlargement of the glands on the neck or the tonsils, which become very painful. This is a typical sign, though not described in books. I have found this in my own homoeopathic experience. This potentiality of developing cancer is not limited to any country, region
or climate, but applies uniformly to the entire world. People who show such reaction would benefit significantly against the development of cancer. However, also according to Dr. Kent,

Carcinosin decreases the severity of pain, stinging and burning due

to cancer. A patient may live for years without much discomfort.  According to Dr. Kent, it does not cure the cancer, but slows down its growth and spread to a significant extent. I have often found the opinions of Dr. Kent to be true. Maybe his comments on Carcinosin are also correct. I have used it in the treatment of some cancer patients with success. For years, they did not show any signs of recurrence. Thus, for the majority of cancer patients, Dr. Kent is right.

Besides Carcinosin, two other medicines have been prepared from bacteria growing on the cancerous tissues. Unfortunately, they have not been found to be very effective in the treatment of cancer. Micro Coccine has been prepared from Micro Coccus. Dr. Winter has found it useful to control the hypersensitivity of cancer. The other remedy is Oslo Coccine. This has not been found useful in the treatment of cancer, but has been found very useful in treating influenza. Dr. Foubister has written in an article that the administration of Carcinosin does not show up all symptoms of cancer as proving; it only produces changes in the susceptible areas of the body. Maybe, the reactive enlargement of the lymphatic glands might be due to the presence of cancerous elements. More testing and research is required for this.  Dr. Foubister has described how, that after using Carcinosin, the body starts reacting in the form of elevation of the body temperature. 

 According to Dr. Foubister, for people who are susceptible to the development of cancer, the following remedies could be used such as, Tuberculinum, Medorrhinum, Natrum Mur and Sepia. The detailed account of these remedies is found in the relative chapters of this book. Alumina, Arsenic Album, Arsenic Iodide, Pulsatilla, Staphysagria, Phosphorus and Calcaria Phos are also very useful and must be kept in mind regarding the treatment of cancer. Sepia and Staphysagria are deeply related to illnesses secondary to emotional suppression. Cancer may be one of them. Phosphorus and Calcaria Phos are deeply related to the cancer of the bone and they are related to the lungs as well. Lycopodium is related to the cancer of the gall bladder and the pancreas. The usefulness of Lycopodium is in diluting the bile of the liver. Silicea has been found to be very useful in treatment of cancer of the prostate. Besides this, Silicea CM has been extremely useful in the treatment of AIDS. AIDS, like cancer, is considered to be untreatable. In many countries, under my guidance, Silicea CM has been tried on AIDS patients. Many of them have responded surprisingly well. The medicines related to cancer treatment need further research. The cancer patient should be thoroughly evaluated clinically, before starting the homoeopathic treatment. Reassessment must be done after the treatment has been given and the resultant changes noted. Facilities at modern clinical laboratories should be utilised.

All the homoeopathic remedies for cancer should be carefully studied and their specific symptoms remembered. In this way, everyone will be able to benefit, along with humanity at large. The condition is that all successful experiments should be made publicly known to others for the benefit of the world. The alternating use of Carcinosin and Radium Bromide in potency CM can minimize the dangerous effects of radiation.

In view of the nature and severity of cancer, besides Radium Bromide, one or more of the above mentioned remedies can be used. To prevent the cancers of the bone and lungs, and their spread, Phosphorus and Bryonia are very essential. They should be given in potency 30 and if potency 30 does not work any more, the potency should be increased to 200.

Potency: 200 to CM

PS: Should be given once in two weeks. If the surgery has been performed in view of the severity of the cancer, it may be given in potency CM daily for a few days. Restlessness after surgery can respond to Arsenic CM. Only one dose should be given and should not be repeated unless the restlessness becomes severe again. In that condition, it must be repeated.