
Carbolic Acid

At one time Carbolic acid soap was used in hospitals and dispensaries as an antiseptic. It has a very pungent smell. Usage in homoeopathy is quite different. Carbolic Acid in Homoeopathic form is the best treatment for severe allergic reaction to a sting by a bee or a wasp. A dose or two can offer complete cure.

Carbolic Acid acts on the sensory perceptions of the body. Its patient has an unusually sharp sense of smell. The normally imperceptible smell may easily be noticed by the patient of Carbolic Acid.In Carbolic Acid, the pain is severe and sudden in nature. It comes on suddenly and disappears just as fast. Some parts of the body may be numb. Some parts feel as if tied in a rubber band. Carbolic Acid has been found very useful in the treatment of mouth ulcers.

There is neuralgic type of pain in and around the eye. Carbolic

Acid would prove very useful in treating such a pain that has settled inside the eye.One symptom of Carbolic Acid is that there is complete loss of appetite. The abdomen becomes distended with gas. Excessive amount of distension of the abdomen in a localised area is typical of Carbolic Acid because Carbolic Acid causes spasmodic constriction of the intestines at different places. The gas gets loculated between the so formed constriction rings. Carbolic Acid should be wellremembered for treating such sicknesses.

The Carbolic Acid patient has a bad taste in the mouth. There is no sense of thirst, and a loss of appetite. Sometimes, he experiences severe constipation and at other times, severe diarrhoea. The stools smell very offensive. In the case of constipation, even the breath smells foul. What this shows is that the foul gases cannot be expelled naturally. Instead, they become absorbed through the walls of the intestines and reach the lungs via the blood, resulting in bad breath.

Carbolic Acid is very important for treating albumin in the urine.  Some patients excrete so much albumin in the urine that it becomes dark like black ink. Terebinthina too, is very useful in treating this condition. The Carbolic Acid patient frequently gets up at night to pass urine, which may very well be due to enlargement of the prostate gland. Carbolic Acid is very useful in the treatment of infections of kidneys, as well as prostate gland. Carbolic Acid must be kept in mind for any increase in the frequency of passing urine at night. Some physicians advise Carbolic Acid to be used in potency 1X; I however do not have any personal experience of that.Carbolic Acid may be very useful in the treatment of severe backache, especially when it is radiating down to both the buttocks. This is its typical characteristic. Carbolic Acid may be the curative treatment for leucorrhoea developing before puberty. Typically, the periods and leucorrhoeal discharge smell foul.

Carbolic Acid would cure cramps in the feet and legs, as well as generalized bone pains, if the patient has the general disposition of Carbolic Acid. The skin signs of Carbolic Acid are the development of blisters with itching, burning and pain.