

Cantharis is a very poisonous fly. In the old days, seamen used to give its poison to prostitutes for its aphrodisiac action. In those days, the sea ports used to be the centre of sexual obscenity. Nowadays, the use of Cantharis is prohibited by law. The sting of this fly causes intense burning.

In homoeopathic form, its poison is utilized to relieve a burning sensation. Its blisters are not that big. For the treatment of large blisters, Rhus Tox is better than Cantharis. Intense burning is also a symptom of Rhus Tox. Rhus Tox 1000 given a few times will ameliorate the unusual burning pain of the entire body. In such a condition, Calendula can also be used.

In Cantharis, the patient expresses sudden total indifference to his surroundings, perversion of the mind and loss of consciousness. His mind is occupied with strange and weird thoughts. The symptoms point towards Cannabis Indica as well, but the main distinctive point is that in Cannabis Indica, the patient enjoys his perverted illusions and does not suffer. In Cantharis, the patient is in a state of frenzy due to the cloudiness of the mind. He does not know what he is doing.  He also feels as if he is possessed by a demon and is talking under the influence of the possessing force. These kinds of symptoms also happen in Cannabis Sativa.
While under the effect of the poison, the patient loses his self-identity and feels himself under the influence of a foreign power. If this particular symptom becomes permanent, it is due to some mental problem rather than Cantharis. High potency Cantharis might relieve the sickness. The Cantharis patient is of aggressive nature and likes to torment others. He can become extremely angry. Cantharis in high potency can be useful in treating a sadistic type of person showing aggressive sexual behaviour.In Cantharis, the patient has a fear of water. Mere reflections on the surface of water can throw him into a state of convulsion. He is intensely restless leading to extreme anger. The burning associated with Cantharis is very troublesome. He has fits of anger and ferocity and has the tendency to kill. There is an obscene type of talking by innocent young girls which resembles that of Hyoscyamus. 

Cantharis is also very useful in treating severe stabbing type of pains.  Along the course of the nerves, painful blisters form, more so on the face (Herpes). They may leave deep ugly scars. When on the eyes, the patient may become blind or this may result in the loss of one eye.  It is very important to start the treatment promptly. Commonly, the combination of Arsenic, Ledum and Lachesis is very beneficial. In the absence of restlessness, Arnica, Lachesis and Ledum should be administered at once. If these two formulas do not work satisfactorily, Cantharis should be administered without any delay. In the case of really big blisters, Rhus Tox is found to be very useful. Compared to Rhus Tox, the restlessness of a Cantharis patient is very intense, resembling Arsenic. The colouration of the blisters of Cantharis changes fast and the surrounding skin becomes dark with signs of impending gangrene. In this situation, Cantharis must be given immediately. The skin of the Cantharis patient feels severe burning from simple touch. Cantharis is of great use for treating the hypothermia due to intense cold. Thus, it may once again perk up the fading body defences. In Cantharis, the stomach distends with gas.  There is a burning sensation in the gullet (oesophagus) and the stomach, along with severe thirst.

Merc Cor is chronic of Cantharis. Merc Cor CM rapidly relieves the intense urinary symptoms. Cannabis Sativa in CM also works very well. Natrum Mur 200 or other high potency can also be useful.  Cantharis is a very effective remedy for urinary symptoms associated with passing albumin in the urine. In the absence of albumin, the urine of a Cantharis patient is of a dark red colour.  There are certain special symptoms pertaining to menstruation. The periods are frequent and excessive in amount. The colour of the menstrual blood is darkish. After the delivery of a child, if the placenta is retained (in Secal as well as in Cantharis) then the infection of the uterus may lead to gangrene formation. In case, the infection has not far advanced, the uterus remains chronically inflamed associated with persistent foul discharge. The ovaries feel painful and burning. The heartbeat is weak and irregular. There is pain in the lower part of the back. The symptoms of Cantharis intensify with touch, cold water and on urination.